Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Dream Land Hustle

Revision as of 16:07, March 26, 2021 by StrawberryChan (talk | contribs)

Dream Land Hustle (はるかぜとともに プププトーナメント, With the Spring Breeze: Pupupu Tournament) is an Event Tourney based around the Kirby series. It will run from 6 a.m. on March 26, 2021 to 6 a.m. on March 29, 2021 (UTC)s. During the event, only items and stages from the Kirby series can be used. Additionally, only Kirby spirits will be awarded as prizes.


This time-limited tourney features stages and items from the Kirby series!
The further you advance, the better the Kirby series spirit you'll win![1]


Available items

Available stages

Dream Land
Fountain of Dreams
Green Greens
Dream Land GB
The Great Cave Offensive

Names in other languages

  This article is missing the subject's name in other languages.
Help improve this page by adding the missing names from a reliable source.
Language Name
  Japanese はるかぜとともに プププトーナメント
  English Dream Land Hustle
  French Pagaille à Dream Land
  German Trubel in Dream Land
  Spanish Caos en Dream Land
  Italian Parapiglia a Dream Land
  Chinese (Simplified) 伴着春风出现的噗噗噗淘汰赛
  Chinese (Traditional) 隨春風到來的噗噗噗淘汰賽
  Korean 봄바람과 함께 푸푸푸 토너먼트
  Dutch Trammelant in Dream Land
  Russian Бой за Страну грез

