Coil Charging (often abbreviated as COIL) is an advanced technique introduced in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
How To Perform
Before performing this technique, make sure the c-stick is set to tilt attacks instead of smash attacks. First, hold the analog stick in a certain direction, then hold the c-stick in the same direction. Then let go of the analog stick while still holding the c-stick. For example, if the technique is done correctly and both sticks are held down and the analog stick is let go, the c-stick will trick the game into think the analog stick is still down. This is useful for characters like Ryu, Ken and Terry, where the first input of a command special or charge motion is available to them at all times, making said inputs easier to perform. Terry especially benefits from this technique by being able to run up to the opponent and perform an invincible Rising Tackle without holding down for 24 frames. The only disadvantage to COIL is that the A button ceases to function while the c-stick is held, making normal attacks unusable.
A variant of this move called Double Tap Coil Charging (DTCOIL) has a slightly different activation method. After holding down on the analog stick, quickly tilt the c-stick twice, making sure only one tilt attack comes out. Two tilt attacks means the activation didn't work. Then continue the technique as normal. If done correctly, the direction will still be charged and the A button will function, circumventing the issue with normal COIL.