User.png This user is just your regular user.
Smasher since 1999.
Character info
Smash 64 main Mario
Melee main Sheik
Brawl mains Zero Suit Samus, Ike
Smash 4 main Sheik
Project M main Sheik
Team info
Crew(s) None, currently.
Personal and other info
Real name David V. Kimball
Location Seattle United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Pro-Am (SSB, SSBM, SSBB, PM)
NNID davidvkimball

Hi! I am the founder of Smash Bros. Legacy and have been playing Super Smash Bros. since it launched in 1999.

I'm most well known for my leadership and initiation of Brawl modifications for Project M including Legacy TE and the Cosmetic Standardization Project.

Wiki Skill

Dispute Handling 70%    
Smash Skill 70%    
Smash Knowledge 70%    
Spelling/Grammar 80%    
Typing Speed 100%  
Wikipresence 10%    
Wikiskill 20%    
Basic Attributes
Flamefizzler This user takes 75% less damage from Flame attacks.
Photographer This user can upload screenshots.
Rasterizer This user can create .png images.
Respectability This user cannot use Troll attacks.
Rock Head This user is immune to Troll attacks.
Scene Team This user can contribute videos.
Other Attributes
Tech Fiend This user describes himself as a technology enthusiast.
Learner This user is open to constructive criticism of his SmashWiki use.
Lag Johner This user has been known to john about input lag and display lag-related issues.
Extrovert This user gains energy from being around lots of people.
Transparent This user uses a single identity for most of his online profiles.

Smasher history

  This section may be out of date, because I don't update it all of the time.

Before I had a Nintendo 64 to call my own, I often played Super Smash Bros. at friends' houses.

One fateful day, my brother and I sold our NES and games to purchase a Nintendo 64. Super Smash Bros. was the fourth game we purchased. It became a favorite and was played often.

Years later, I purchased Super Smash Bros. Melee right along with a Nintendo GameCube. Melee quickly became my most loved video game ever, rivaled only later on (for a brief time) by Brawl.

The hype for Super Smash Bros. Brawl was almost too much for me. At E3 2006, I could barely contain my excitement. Checking the Smash Bros. DOJO!! website was part my daily routine for a long time until March 9th, 2008 when I was able to purchase the game during the midnight release.

Since then, I've participated in various Super Smash Bros. local tournaments, and have taken a particular liking to Project M.

Having had the opportunity to try Super Smash Bros. for Wii U in Best Buy early last summer, I was hyped for that game as well. Purchase the 3DS version at midnight as well as the Wii U version a month later.

The day it was announced I pre-ordered Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and picked it up at the opening midnight release at Best Buy.

Melee is my favorite iteration of Smash.

Control preferences

David uses a purple GameCube controller to play.

I use the GameCube controller.

Is there another way to play?

Fighting style

With Sheik, I tend to play aggressively. With Samus, I tend to play aggressively to a lesser extent. I consider myself an amateur player overall.

Tournament Involvement

While I've never been involved in tournaments on the national level, I've participated in many local Smash Bros 64, Melee, Brawl, and Project M tournaments. I've even organized a few at Northwest University in Kirkland, WA as well as at my home in the greater Seattle area. I've also entered in Northwest Majors (Melee singles and doubles) and Don't Park on the Grass (Melee doubles and Ultimate singles), but I didn't make it out of pools for either occasion.

I also used to stream tournaments in the south Washington area.

Tendency to john

Yes, I confess, I have been known to john. In general I have a hard time dealing with unresponsiveness in *Smash* games. However these johns only come up when playing games Brawl-forward, and often due to:

Display lag is frustrating because I've only used CRT TVs to play games for pretty much my whole life (until recently for non-Smash games), so I'm used to zero display lag. Arbitrary input lag and unfortunate internet lag are frustrating for similar reasons.

Buffering is frustrating because as Ike, I will often unintentionally use his laggy neutral areal attack off of the stage when trying to use his standard jab attack.

Super Smash Bros. and Super Smash Bros. Melee are perfectly responsive and don't possess any arbitrary input lag or buffering. Therefore johning occurs much less often with those games.

Smash Bros. Legacy

Smash Bros. Legacy logo.

I'm founder of Smash Bros. Legacy, a group of content creators and modders who focus on Super Smash Bros. Smash Bros. Legacy is most known for its Project M mods, Super Smash Bros. Legacy XP and Super Smash Bros. Legacy TE, which offer new content in addition to the 3.6 version of Project M. We also post tutorial videos around the competitive scene and create artwork pertaining to Smash as well.

Here are some trailers I've created for both builds.

GIF Contributions

Below is a gallery of GIF images I've created for SmashWiki articles that needed content.

My general procedure is to use a capture card, get video of a particular action in a Super Smash Bros game for a particular article, import the video content into PhotoShop and create a small GIF image out of it to be used on this site. Hope you enjoy!

See all of my contributions here.


User names

Other places you can find me.

Gaming services:

Xbox Live davidvkimball
PSN davidvkimball
Apple Game Center davidvkimball
Wii U davidvkimball
Steam davidvkimball
Raptr davidvkimball
Backloggery davidvkimball
TrueAchievement davidvkimball

Smash Bros. Communities

SmashBoards davidvkimball
Anther's Ladder davidvkimball
All is Brawl davidvkimball
Reddit (r/smashbros) davidvkimball

Other external links

SmashWiki Signature

  davidvkimball 19:20, 15 February 2015 (EST)
