Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

List of victory poses (SSBU)

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The following is a list of victory poses in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, shown in the order of the up, left, and right buttons on the D-pad that can determine them.


  • Up: Makes fire explode from his palm and strikes a pose.
  • Left: Winds up for a punch and steps forward while punching in front of the screen.
  • Right: Does a short spin-jump and lands in a strong-man pose (his "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros.).

Donkey Kong

  • Up: Holds his hands above his head and shakes them.
  • Left: Does a backflip and flexes his arms (his "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros.).
  • Right: Beats his chest angrily.


  • Up: Stabs with his sword, then holds it up, giving off a battle cry.
  • Left: Swipes his sword three times and looks to his right (his "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros., but ends with him facing a different direction).
  • Right: Swipes his sword, then turns his back to the camera and sheaths it. Based off of Link's victory pose in Twilight Princess.


  • Up: Fires multiple shots from her Arm Cannon while kneeling, then strikes a pose. The pose is based on her appearance on the cover of Metroid II: Return of Samus.
  • Left: Lands on the ground and readies her arm cannon.
  • Right: Fires a Super Missile and strikes a pose similar to her official artwork.

Dark Samus

  • Up: Splits from a Dark Echo with an acrobatic cartwheel. They then levitate in a circle around an axis before recombining together. Dark Samus then poses with her free hand on her Arm Cannon, which is pointed upward. The pose resembles Samus' own render in Ultimate and Metroid: Other M.
  • Left: Raises her arm and lowers it in a fist pump pose. Based off of her birth in the secret 100% ending of Metroid Prime
  • Right: Turns toward the camera while glowing with Phazon, then the camera dramatically zooms in, showing two of her eyes. Similar to SA-X's introduction in Metroid Fusion, another clone of Samus.


  • Up: Punches the air twice, spins, and poses while standing on one foot (his "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros., but with an altered ending pose).
  • Left: Does a flutter jump, spins once, and gives the V sign.
  • Right: Angrily, he punches a few times, does a roundhouse kick, and then turns his back on the screen facing right.


Note: Outside of Team Battles, Kirby's victory poses have three separate Kirbys, referencing the Kirby dances from his home series.

  • Up: Cartwheels to the left twice, wiggles, and does a front flip before posing.
  • Left: Moonwalks to the left, twists, slides to the right, and jumps into a pose where he stands on one foot.
  • Right: Jumps twice, shuffles backwards, does a breakdance, and poses while facing away from the camera.


  • Up: Poses with his Blaster, saying "Mission complete!" ("作戦完了!", Mission complete!).
  • Left: Spins his Blaster and puts it in his holster, saying "This is Fox. Returning to base." ("こちらフォックス、これより帰還する。", This is Fox, heading back.).
    • If Falco was present in the match, there's a chance he will instead say "Better luck next time, Falco." ("まだまだだな、ファルコ。", Not just yet, Falco.).
  • Right: Crosses his arms, looks upward, and raises his tail (his "character chosen" animation and taunt in Super Smash Bros.).


  • Up: Ears perk, scratches its right ear.
  • Left: Backflips and spins (its "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros.).
  • Right: Sleeps.


  • Up: Turns around and makes gun motions with his fingers, saying "Bang, bang." Afterwards, he alternates between pointing his fingers and nose to the right and left while winking.
  • Left: Planks twice, much like in his side taunt (as well as his artwork in SSB4).
  • Right: Childishly swings his arms at the air, then gasps while holding his hand out (similar to his "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros. and his dash attack, but with a different ending animation).


  • Up: Skips into the victory screen, then nods slightly, holding a pose similar to his up taunt and official Brawl render.
  • Left: Walks in then looks around with a surprised expression, before rubbing the back of his head while smiling (his "character chosen" animation in Super Smash Bros., albeit much more subtle).
  • Right: Swings his bat once, then strikes a pose similar to his side taunt.

Captain Falcon

  • Up: Performs two jump kicks, then strikes a pose.
  • Left: Charges up a fiery aura, similar to one of his taunts.
  • Right: Does three consecutive roundhouse kicks, then poses.


  • Up: Runs into the scene, loses its balance, then backflips and poses.
  • Left: Jumps twice, twirls, and poses similar to its official SSB4 render.
  • Right: Sleeps and then suddenly wakes up, continuing to drift in and out of consciousness.


  • Up: Twirls with hearts surrounding her, poses, then says "This is fun!"
  • Left: Leans on her umbrella and raises it, while saying "Aw, did I win?"
  • Right: Waves, blows a kiss, and says "Peachy!" Afterwards, she rests her right arm across her waist, and waves with her left hand.


  • Up: Jumps for joy twice while exclaiming "Whoo-hoo!", then poses with her right arm on her hip and her left arm bent, all while giving a teethy smile.
  • Left: Stretches her back towards her right side, then points skyward while exclaiming "Yeah!".
  • Right: Twirls into the scene while exclaiming "Whoo!", then winks with a sideways peace sign.


  • Up: Runs into the scene and slashes his claws twice.
  • Left: Stomps and spreads his arms while roaring.
  • Right: Breathes fire and assumes a pose similar to his render from SSB4.

Ice Climbers

  • Up: Both nod and high five one another.
  • Left: Both jump up and down (their victory pose from Ice Climber).
  • Right: Nana hides behind Popo, only showing her face as Popo shifts from left to right.


  • Up: Crouches, swipes with her hand twice, then stands up.
  • Left: Performs two kicks, then takes a ninja stance.
  • Right: Kicks once, spins on the ground, then poses.


  • Up: Creates fire from her fingertip and waves it around while giggling.
  • Left: Creates magic with her fingertips and waves it around.
  • Right: Summons a Phantom and poses with it.

Dr. Mario

  • Up: Holds out his stethoscope.
  • Left: Throws two Megavitamins, dusts his hands off, then produces the same two pills.
  • Right: Taps his foot and holds his hand to his chin, looking at the camera contemplatively.


  • Up: Jumps in the air three times, saying "Pi-Pi-Pichu!"
  • Left: Jumps around in a circle, saying "Pichu Pichu!"
  • Right: Charges electricity, trips after making itself dizzy, then stands up and winks.


  • Up: Jumps high into the air and poses on the ground.
  • Left: Does rapid kicks and poses, saying "Had enough already?" ("くたばるのはまだ早ぇぜ。", Too early to kick the bucket just yet.).
    • If Fox was present in the match, there's a chance he will say "You're off your game, Fox!" ("腕が落ちたな、フォックス。", Your skills have fallen off, Fox.).
  • Right: Walks up, shrugs, and crosses his arms, saying "Sorry! Gotta jet!" ("付き合ってらんねぇな。", Not worth associating with.).


  • Up: Sheaths his sword, keeping hold of it, and says "I live to fight again." ("今日も生き延びることが出来た。", I was able to survive again today.).
  • Left: Performs a Shield Breaker, then poses with Falchion at his right side, saying "The day is mine!" ("今回は僕の勝ちだね?", This time victory is mine, isn't it?).
  • Right: Jumps in the air swinging his sword twice, then lands in a pose resembling his Counter animation, saying "I cannot afford to lose!" ("僕は負ける訳には行かないんだ。", I can't afford to lose.).


  • Up: Points her sword upward, then poses, saying "Father, I won." ("勝ちましたよ、お父様", I won, Father.).
    • If Ike was present in the match, there is a chance she will instead say "And they call you the Radiant Hero?" ("これが蒼炎の勇者?", This is the Radiant Hero?).
  • Left: Swings her sword, then assumes a pose similar to her official SSB4 render, saying "The future is not written!" ("未来を変えて見せます!", Watch me change the future!).
  • Right: Sheaths her sword, saying "You'll never defeat me!" ("負けるわけにはいきません!", I cannot lose!).
    • If Marth was present in the match, there is a chance she will instead say "This is the Hero-King?" ("これが英雄王の力?", This is the strength of the Hero King?).

Young Link

  • Up: Stabs forward with his sword, then holds it up, giving off a battle cry. This is identical to Link's left-inputted victory pose other than the camera angle.
  • Left: Adjusts his belt and flicks his nose.
  • Right: Sheathes his sword, dusts his hands off, and puts them on his hips while grinning.


  • Up: Briefly levitates in the air before landing on the ground while punching his palm, then reels back and thrusts his hand towards the screen.
  • Left: Turns to his left, flips his cape, and pumps his fist, showing the back of it.
  • Right: Flips his cape, crossing his arms, and laughs.


  • Up: Turns its back to the screen and looks back over its shoulder, scoffing. In Japanese, it says "私はなぜ ここにいるのか…?", which translates to "Why am I here...?"
  • Left: Thrusts its hand forward, radiating dark energy while groaning. In Japanese, it says "私は負けるわけにはいかない!", which translates to "I cannot afford to lose!"
  • Right: Does a single spin then poses, radiating dark energy while laughing. In Japanese, it says "愚かな!", which translates to "Foolish!"


  • Up: Spins the Binding Blade one and a half times and then sheaths it, saying "That was a fierce battle." ("苦しい戦いだった", It was a difficult fight.).
  • Left: Swipes his sword once over his shoulder, then swipes it down and behind him while facing left, saying "Now the true battle begins!" ("真の戦いは、これからだ", The true fight is after this.). Afterwards, the camera zooms in on his face, focusing on his eyes.
  • Right: Flourishes his sword and poses with it by his side, saying "Failure is not an option!" before the camera dramatically zooms in on Roy's face ("守るべきもののために、負けられない!", For those whom I must protect, I will not lose!).


In any victory pose, there is a chance Chrom will say "Our bond is stronger than steel." ("いつでも稽古をつけてやる", We can practice anytime.) if Lucina was present during the match.

  • Up: Performs an upwards slash and a sideways slash, saying "The training paid off!" ("いつでもかかってこい", Come at me anytime.). Based on Awakening Aether.
  • Left: Swipes his sword twice and holds it in a pose similar to his counter, saying "Anything can change!" ("運命を変える!", Change destiny!).
  • Right: Does an upward horizontal slash and then plants his sword in the ground, saying "I will cut a path!" ("俺が道を切り拓く!", I will cut a path!). Based on his victory pose in Fire Emblem Awakening.

Mr. Game & Watch

  • Up: Hops about in choppy poses, tripping halfway, before teetering on one foot. He then proceeds to jump back and forth, landing on his feet, then his head.
  • Left: Rings his bell to his right, then his left. Afterwards, he continues to ring his bell to the right.
  • Right: Juggles 3 balls while in his appearance from Ball.

Meta Knight

  • Up: Flies into the scene and spreads his cape, saying "You've much yet to learn." ("まだまだだな。", You're not yet ready.).
  • Left: Performs three slashes with his sword, says "Come back when you can put up a fight.", then warps away. ("もっと強くなって来い。", Come at me when you're stronger.).
  • Right: Performs two slashes and twirls his sword, saying " my destiny." ("これも宿命だ。", This, too, was destiny.).


  • Up: Strikes the V sign and says "Victory!" ("ピース!", Peace!). Based on the ending of Kid Icarus: Uprising.
  • Left: Slashes his detached blades and says "It's game over for you!" ("撃破ー!", Struck down-!).
  • Right: Slowly spins his bow, then stops in his Brawl pose and says "That was easy!" or "What's up now?!" ("楽勝楽勝", Easy peasy! or "任務完了!", Mission complete!).

Dark Pit

  • Up: Twirls the Dark Pit Staff, then points it outward, while saying "Looks like I'm the last man standing." ("俺はまだ生きているぞ。", I'm still living on right here.).
  • Left: Flies down, sticks his Silver Bow to the ground, then crosses his arms before saying "Can't help but feel sorry for ya." ("貴様らに舞い降りる翼はない。", Wings aren't swooping down at all of you.).
  • Right: Spreads his right hand to the side before pumping his fist out in front of him, saying "Nice try." ("ふん! しゃらくさい。", Hmph! Impudent.).
    • If Pit was present in the match, there is a chance he will instead say "Where's your goddess now?" ("どうだ? 女神のフンめ。", How's that? Piece of goddess crap.).

Zero Suit Samus

  • Up: Uses Flip Jump and then performs a jet-propelled somersault while grunting.
  • Left: Slashes the air twice with her Plasma Whip and says "Be still."
  • Right: Performs a stretch kick and then swings her leg into position to perform a modified passé while grunting.


  • Up: Does donuts with his motorcycle, stops facing the screen saying "Yes." plucks the end of his mustache, and holds up three fingers in the shape of a W.
  • Left: Walks forward, pats his belly, then farts, sniffs his behind, and scratches his head, saying "Ooh!" in surprise.
  • Right: Laughs uncontrollably, falling on the ground and laughing still.


  • Up: Seen in a crouching position from the side, saying "Colonel, mission accomplished." into his codec. ("大佐、任務完了だ。", Colonel, mission accomplished.).
  • Left: Does a spin kick, a side kick, and then finishes in a CQC stance, all while saying "Not even close!" ("まだまだだな。", Not yet.). The pose is a reference to the end of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots when Old Snake fights Liquid Ocelot.
  • Right: Crawls forward a step and rolls into a crouching position, saying into his codec "This is Snake. I'm done here." ("こちらスネーク、これより帰還する。", This is Snake, returning from here.).


  • Up: Forcefully plants his sword into the ground, then crosses his arms. Path of Radiance Ike says, "I submit to no one." ("誰にも、譲る気はない", I cannot yield to anyone.), while Radiant Dawn Ike says, "I must move forward." (俺は前に進む, I move forward.).
  • Left: Slashes his sword twice. Path of Radiance Ike says, "Your skills were...remarkable." ("あんたの戦い、見事だった", Your combat was excellent.), while Radiant Dawn Ike says, "Don't stand in my way." ("どうして俺の前に立った", Why do you stand before me?).
  • Right: Performs Aether while facing the screen. Path of Radiance Ike says, "You'll get no sympathy from me." ("極めれば…誰にも負けはしない", To the end... I will not lose to anyone.), while Radiant Dawn Ike says, "I fight for my friends." ("俺には守るべき物が在る", I have things I must protect.).

Pokémon Trainer

The male Pokémon Trainer can say "You all did great!" ("みんな、よくがんばったな!", Everyone, you did great!), while the female Trainer can say "Everyone did great!" ("みんな、最高だね!", Everyone, you're the best!). They will either say their non-specific line, or a Pokémon-specific line. In Team Battles, if there is more than one player on the winning team, the Pokémon will not be present, but this does not affect the Trainer's lines.


During Squirtle's victory poses, the Pokémon Trainer might say "Good job, Squirtle!" ("よくやったな、ゼニガメ!"), while the female Trainer can say "We did it, Squirtle!" ("やったね、ゼニガメ!").

  • Up: Spits water quickly in three directions, does a backflip, then poses with its arm in the air.
  • Left: Jumps and spins around on its shell in a breakdance move, and then lands and poses.
  • Right: Pokémon Trainer holds Squirtle in his arms, then kneels down and puts it on the ground, and rubs its chin and head.


During Ivysaur's victory poses, both Trainers can say "Way to go, Ivysaur!" In Japanese, the male Trainer says "がんばったな、フシギソウ!", while the female Trainer says "がんばったね、フシギソウ!", both of which translate to "You did great, Ivysaur!"

  • Up: Whips two vines forward, then poses with its vines extended.
  • Left: Runs forward, does a backflip, then strikes a pose.
  • Right: Pokémon Trainer pets Ivysaur, and it jumps on him, but Pokémon Trainer puts it back down and continues to pet it.


During Charizard's victory poses, the Pokémon Trainer might say "You did it, Charizard!" ("やったぞ、リザードン!", You did it, Charizard!), while the female Trainer can say "You're amazing, Charizard!" ("すごいね、リザードン!", Amazing, Charizard!).

  • Up: Uses Flare Blitz downwards to descend from the sky and crash into the ground, bounces out of it and lands on its feet, then strikes a pose.
  • Left: Stomps and rears its head back to roar upward, then strikes a pose.
  • Right: Pokémon Trainer pets its head and neck.

Diddy Kong

  • Up: Spins with his Rocket Barrels then faces the screen, dancing with hands on his head and chin.
  • Left: Shoots the air with his Peanut Popguns, roll towards the camera and shoots near it.
  • Right: Does a small dance, then holds still in a breakdance-like pose, clapping his feet together.


  • Up: With his back toward the screen, he crouches while poking at something on the ground with a large stick. After the camera zooms in, he then turns his head around to face the screen and says "Huh?" while briefly sporting a surprised expression.
  • Left: Forcefully pulls one of the Seven Needles out of the ground, sending it flying off-screen while Lucas looks toward the screen in a battle-ready pose.
  • Right: Bends down on one knee and waves his right arm in from himself while releasing blasts of PSI energy from his index and middle fingers.


  • Up: Runs up and collects the blue Chaos Emerald and then poses with it before saying "Piece of cake!" ("A piece of cake! 楽勝だぜ!", A piece of cake! An easy win!).
  • Left: Sprints off-screen and then sprints back on-screen before giving a thumbs up and saying "That was almost too easy!" ("モタモタしてると置いてくぜ!", Leaving behind to be dawdling!).
  • Right: Performs the pike, a breakdancing move, and then strikes a pose while saying "Let's do that again sometime!" ("Hey guys! また遊んでやるぜ!", Hey guys! I'll play again next time!), which he would also say after a boss is beaten in Sonic Adventure.

King Dedede

  • Up: Laughs and repeatedly slaps his belly while a Waddle Dee walks into the scene. The Waddle Dee doesn't appear in Team Battles.
  • Left: Swings his hammer twice before turning to the camera and posing.
  • Right: Twirls his hammer with a grimace, then activates the Jet Hammer.

Olimar and Alph

  • Up: Plucks a White, Blue, and Purple Pikmin. The White Pikmin and Blue Pikmin bounce off Olimar's head, whereas the Purple Pikmin squashes him onto the ground. Olimar's eyes will comically bulge outward upon being squashed before his expression returns to normal, whereas Alph will comically wince upon being squashed before his expression returns to normal.
  • Left: Performs a toe touching exercise while a Yellow Pikmin rests on the ground and a Red Pikmin looks around, waving its arms, and occasionally jumping.
  • Right: Sways in place while a Red, Yellow, and Blue Pikmin walk around him in a circle.


  • Up: Moves its paws in front of itself, then clasps them together, saying "The aura is with me!" (波導は我にあり!, The aura is with me!).
  • Left: Aura pulsates out of its paws, then does a crane-like stance, saying "Behold the power of aura." (満ちるぞ,この波導!, I am filled with aura!).
  • Right: Moves its paw to its left side and groans while aura radiates off its body.


  • Up: Hovers in the air, spins, and lands, then puts his arms down and brings them up again while turning his head.
  • Left: While advancing forward, R.O.B. rotates his "hands" outward while his arms point out straight. After halting, he spins his arms in alternating directions and rotates his head 360° counterclockwise. Afterwards, he adjusts his arms to face upward, continuously raising and lowering them in a flexing gesture. R.O.B.'s head also rotates 360° clockwise after every 2 times he pumps his arms.
  • Right: Turns his head and flashes the lights in his eyes, then repeatedly claps and lowers his arms.

Toon Link

  • Up: He catches a pig and holds it above his head.
  • Left: Waves the Wind Waker. The pose he makes is based on his appearance on the cover of The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD.
  • Right: He tries to catch a pig but ends up tripping and falling on his bottom.


In any victory pose, there's a chance Wolf will say "Playtime's over, Star Fox!" ("遊びは終わりだ、スターフォックス!", Playtime is over, Star Fox!) if Fox was present during the match.

  • Up: Performs two slashes and a roundhouse kick, saying "You're good, but I'm better." ("貴様を倒すのはこの俺様だ!", I, the great Wolf, will be the one to defeat you!).
  • Left: Claws the air and poses.
  • Right: Raises an arm and turns toward the camera, saying "Weaklings, the lot of you." ("ふんっ、弱者ど", Hmph, such weak ones.).


  • Up: Digs up a fossil and shows it off.
  • Left: Catches a horned dynastid with their net and shows it off.
  • Right: Does a Dance Spin then poses in his/her SSB4 artwork pose.

Mega Man

  • Up: Fires three shots from his Mega Buster from right to left, and finally poses.
  • Left: Teleports on to the screen and imitates the pose from the Japanese title screen of Mega Man (Rockman), also appearing in the Wily Wars (Mega World) version of the game and on the cover of the Legacy Collection.
  • Right: Dashes forward, points his Mega Buster up in the air, and finally poses.

Wii Fit Trainer

  • Up: Does the Arm and Leg Lift.
  • Left: Does the Tree pose and then the Warrior pose.
  • Right: Wipes their forehead with a towel draped around their shoulders and does a thumbs up.
    • Both the female and male Wii Fit Trainers have a selection of sayings picked at random during all of the above victory poses:
Female outfits Male outfits
"The key is to focus on your balance."
"Feel the stretch through your arm and leg."
"Work hard to tone that tummy!"
"Let's work on building a strong upper body."
"That's it, feel the burn!"
"Stretching your spine will help stimulate your body."
"Let's tone up those legs."
"Time to firm up your thighs and back muscles!"
"Good posture begins with a strong base."
"This pose strengthens the back and improves posture."
"Let's step up the intensity!"
"Stabilize your upper body."
"Let's work on your balance."
"Let's work on your coordination."
"Feel the burn in your thighs and glutes!"
"This exercise works your core muscles."
"Don't forget to exhale when exerting yourself."
"Keep at it every day to improve your posture!"
"How about some deep breathing?"
"Let's do some jackknife exercises!"
"Watch your posture. Keep those glutes tucked in!"
"Follow my lead as we do this pose together!"
"Tuck in those glutes!"
"Exercise every day to tone your body!"
"Now that was a great workout!"
"That was a great workout!"
"Work towards strong, firm abs!"
"Your lower body is key for support."
"When exerting yourself, remember to keep breathing."
"Firm up those abs!"
"You're wobbling! Try to keep your balance."
"Now, let's try it together!"
"Let's get fired up!"

Rosalina & Luma

  • Up: Rosalina poses and says "All right!", while Luma jumps and spins behind her.
  • Left: Luma flies in after Rosalina motions with her wand, giggling, while Luma circles her.
  • Right: Luma jumps into Rosalina's arms, and she catches it.

Little Mac

Little Mac wears a Champion belt in all three of his victory poses.
In Team Battles, Doc Louis will not appear, and he will not say anything.

  • Up: Doc Louis bumps Little Mac with his belly before holding up Mac's arm, like a referee would after a boxing match.
  • Left: Does a fakeout punch against Doc Louis, who stumbles, before they both pose with an arm raised while facing towards the camera.
  • Right: Runs and turns his back towards the screen, shuffles his feet, then performs a spinning uppercut while Doc Louis cheers him on.

In all of Little Mac's victory poses, Doc Louis will say one of the following quotes random depending on which pose is selected and which costume is used:

Note: Doc Louis will randomly say "Y'know, that belt looks good on you, son." no matter which costume is used.
Up Left Right
Normal Costumes
"World Circuit's all yours Mac!" "You win, Mac!" "Ahh, winnin' feels good, don't it?"
"(in tandem with the announcer) And the winner is… Little Mac!" "Was that a little too easy for ya, son?" "Way to go, Mac! You're the champ, baby!"
"Ya got what it takes, Mac!" "Nice work, Mac. You got it all figured out." "I think I hear a chocolate bar callin'."
Wireframe Costumes
"You making my eyes water, son." "I could barely keep my eyes on ya, son." "Just like old times, huh?"


  • Up: Performs Double Team to briefly create three afterimages of itself.
  • Left: Does a few hand seals with splashing water, and then a ninja pose.
  • Right: Does a flip, lands in a spinning pose, and crosses its arms.

Mii Brawler

  • Up: Punches many times toward the screen, then poses.
  • Left: Does a punch and kick combo, then poses.
  • Right: Cartwheels into the foreground, does a roundhouse kick, and poses.

Mii Swordfighter

  • Up: Drops from the sky, planting his sword in the ground, spins and poses.
  • Left: Spins while lifting his sword upward, then points it forward.
  • Right: Slashes multiple times, then spins and poses, facing the screen.

Mii Gunner

  • Up: Starts shooting in various directions, and poses.
  • Left: Cartwheels onto the screen, then fires arm cannon.
  • Right: Swings arm cannon around, then fires it while pointing it ahead.


  • Up: Enters from the side of the screen hovering. She then briefly spins her staff in front of herself telekinetically, catches it, and stands with it pointed outwards. During the pose, she says "Too bad for you." ("ちょっと大人げなかったかしら?", I wonder if you grew up a bit?).
    • If Dark Pit was present in the match, there is a chance she will instead say "Poor little Pittoo." ("いつまでも意地っ張りですね~", Forever a nuisance~).
  • Left: Twirls with her staff held out, hovering off the ground. She then raises it in an arc and points it in front of her, saying "No one can hide from the light." ("さ、回収しましょうか?", So, shall we recover?).
    • If Pit is present in the match, there is a chance she will instead say "Oh, so sorry about that, Pit." ("やられちゃいましたね?", Were you hurt?).
  • Right: Laughs while using her staff to briefly perform the Backwards Showgirl (a pole dancing move) before assuming a seated stance while floating. In the Japanese version, she says ("本気出してもいいんですよ。", It's all right to fight seriously.).


  • Up: Chases a vulnerable ghost in 2D form, then poses in 3D form.
  • Left: Appears in ball form, trips, and raises a fist.
  • Right: Lands on the ground while a sign reading "7650" appears, then winks and gives a thumbs up with a pixelated fairy. This pose is based on Pac-Land. The sign does not appear in Team Battles.


  • Up: Crosses arms with weapons in hand, then spins clockwise and swings the Levin Sword. Male Robin says "I'm always three steps ahead." ("常に三手先を考えるんだ.", I always think three steps ahead.). Female Robin says "A good tactician has nothing to fear." ("戦略を練れば、恐るるに足りません., If you have a strategy, there is nothing to fear.).
  • Left: Generates flames with a wave of their hands, then spreads out the free arm. Male Robin says "The key to victory lies within." ("勝利の秘策はここにある, The secret to victory is here.). Female Robin says "Ha! Checkmate." ("私の策にはまりましたね!, According to plan!).
    • If Lucina is present after a match, male Robin sometimes says "Lucina, I hope I didn't hurt you." ("ルキナ、痛くなかったかい?, Lucina, are you hurt?). This is rather glitchy, as it can play even if Lucina does not participate in a match.
  • Right: Faces the screen while back to back with Chrom, before turning around posing with their weapons. Male Robin says "It seems our fates are joined." ("僕たちは互いに絆で結ばれているんだ., We are bonded by mutual ties.). Female Robin says "I've got your back." ("私が、あなたの半身になります., I'll be your other half.).
    • If Lucina is present after a match, female Robin sometimes says "How can you protect Chrom if you can't protect yourself?" ("そんなことじゃ、クロムさんを守れませんよ!, You can't protect Chrom like that!).
    • If Robin's Final Smash has been used during the match, Chrom will sometimes say "My strength is yours!" (お前は俺が守る!, I'll protect you!), the same quote Chrom shouts when a unit pairs up with him in Awakening. Oddly, this clip is unavailable in the Sound Test.


  • Up: Swings the Monado a few times while it is active, then holds it level to his head as it deactivates, saying either "The future is ours to decide." ("みんなの気持ちが伝わってきたよ!", Everyone's feelings have been coming through!) or "I've got a good rhythm going!" ("ほんと、いい流れがつくれているよ!", For real, this makes it a good flow!).
  • Left: Swings the inactive Monado upwards, then places it on his back, saying either "I got through that pretty good!" ("よかった、これで解決ですね。", All good, it's been quite resolved.) or "This is a good result!" ("結構よい仕上がりだね?", It was a splendid completion, huh?).
  • Right: Bows down with the Monado held lengthwise, then it activates, and he changes grip, saying either "I can feel the power!" ("うん、力を感じる。", Hmm, I feel the power.) or "I can change the future." ("未来は…変えられるんだ!", The future… I can change it!).

Bowser Jr. and Koopalings

  • Up: Drives the Clown Car around like a go-kart, then stops and pulls out a hammer (or a wand, if playing as a Koopaling).
  • Left: Jumps out of the Clown Car, hops in celebration a few times, then poses.
  • Right: Gets out of the Clown Car and rubs it with his (her, if Wendy) right hand.

Duck Hunt

  • Up: Runs on screen and turns around to kick a can from Hogan's Alley.
  • Left: The dog jumps into 8-bit grass, then does his signature laugh.
  • Right: Summons a Wild Gunman to shoot to the left, then another one to the right. The Wild Gunmen don't appear in Team Battles.


  • Up: Slings his bag over his shoulder while saying "The journey has just begun." ("旅はまだ…始まったばかりだ", Yet the journey... has just begun.) This is one of his victory quotes from Street Fighter Alpha 3.
  • Left: Winds back and does a pose with his right fist facing the camera; his victory pose from Street Fighter IV. In English, he says "Give it your all!", while in Japanese, he says "必殺のタイミングを計れ!" (Gauge the timing of your special moves!), one of his victory quotes from Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
  • Right: Punches once before doing a victorious uppercut, referencing one of his more recurring win poses, while saying "Your range is one fist short." ("その間合いじゃ、拳半分届かない!", That range doesn't reach half a fist!) This is another one of his victory quotes from Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.


  • Up: Punches twice, does a roundhouse kick, and raises his fist (similar to Ryu), while saying "Challenge me after some practice." In Japanese, he says "いくらでもかかってこい!" (Come at me as much as you like!), his win quote from Street Fighter II.
  • Left: Gives a thumbs-up and says "I did it!" ("やったぜ!", I did it!), his recurring win quote that originally appeared in Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike.
  • Right: Kicks twice and performs a "bring it" gesture, saying "I knew I'd win! Hah!" In Japanese, he says "スパッと勝つと気持ちいいな!" (It feels good to win a spat!), one of his generic win quotes from Street Fighter V.


  • Up: While turning away from the camera, he twirls the Buster Sword, places it on his back and then looks at the screen, saying "ついてないな", which translates to "Better luck next time."
  • Left: Twirls the Buster Sword with one hand and places it on his back, and says "悪く思うな", which translates to "No hard feelings." Based on his victory animation in Final Fantasy VII.
  • Right: Dashes into the screen, slashes the Buster Sword twice, and gets in his battle stance, while saying "お前に俺は倒せない", which translates to "You cannot defeat me."


  • Up: Twirls the Omega Yato in the air and places it on its tip, similar to one of Corrin's taunts. Male Corrin says "That went well!" ("上手くいったね", That went well.), while female Corrin says "That was great." ("上手くいきました", That went well.). Resembles Corrin's animation after a battle in Fire Emblem Fates.
  • Left: Swings the Omega Yato. Male Corrin says "I win!" ("勝負あったね", That's game.), while female Corrin says "Good!" ("勝負ありました", That was game.).
  • Right: Crosses both arms, then morphs into dragon form while emitting a flourish of water, roaring to the skies.


All of Bayonetta's victory quotes are based on taunts from Bayonetta 2 while wielding various weapons; the associated weapon for each is listed in parentheses.

  • Up: Performs the Break Dance move then strikes a pose, saying "Dreadful." (gun-type weapons or Rodin; "退屈だわ", Boring.) or "Don't make me beg." (Takemikazuchi; "遠慮しないで", Don't be shy.). The ending pose is similar to her crouch.
  • Left: Dances and says "Miss me, baby?" (Chernobog; "私はここよ", I'm right here.). The dance is similar to her down taunt, with a slightly different ending pose.
    • In the Japanese version, Bayonetta does not turn her head.
  • Right: Bayonetta steps back and sticks up her guns, pirouettes like a ballerina, then aims her guns to the right with a pose, saying "That all you got?" (Alruna; "全力を見せてよ", Show me your full power.) or "You're making it easy." (Rakshasa; "楽勝ね", Too easy.).


All of Inkling's animations are based on the victory poses when using particular weapons in Splatoon and its sequel. The animations vary between female and male costumes.

  • Up: Sways the Splat Roller from side to side, before striking a pose while resting the Roller's handle against a shoulder. This victory pose combines the victory animations in Splatoon and Splatoon 2 when the Inkling uses a Roller-type weapon.
  • Left: Jumps for joy, spins around, and poses with the Splattershot. Directly based on the victory animation when using a Shooter-type weapon in Splatoon 2. The initial animation is based off the male Inkling's animation with the weapon of the same type in Splatoon.
  • Right: Spins the Slosher on one finger. Directly based on the female Inkling’s victory animation when using a Slosher-type weapon in Splatoon.


  • Up: Somersaults and screeches, then lands with a slash.
  • Left: Flies into the scene, lands, and drifts to a stop.
  • Right: Claws at the ground repeatedly and bites once afterwards. He then turns toward the camera as he grins. The way the camera is angled makes it appear as if Ridley is ravaging a downed opponent, but in Team Battles, it clearly shows that he is scratching at the bare ground.


  • Up: Holds the coiled Vampire Killer in the air before lashing it out against the ground while spinning once. The ending pose appears similar to promotional art for Castlevania Chronicles.
  • Left: Shouts "I vanquish the darkness!" ("闇を打つ!", Strike the darkness!) as he whips the ground around him twice, before holding the Vampire Killer taut.
    • Against characters who use darkness (Ganondorf, Dark Samus, Ridley), but are not neccesarily villain characters (Dark Pit, Bayonetta), Simon may simply say, "The darkness!" ("闇に変わる!", Turn to darkness!).
  • Right: Jumps up to grab a Magic Crystal then whips forward. Simon will then continuously whip and jump as the camera cuts to a side view, referencing a phenomenon when the A and B buttons are held after collecting an orb in the original Castlevania.


  • Up: Jumps and whips the ground before making a pose identical to his official render.
  • Left: Swings the Vampire Killer around himself while saying "You don't belong in this world!" ("ここはお前の住む世界ではない!", This world is not yours to live in!) before striking the ground with it and pulling the chain taut (similar to Simon). This line is taken from the beginning of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
  • Right: Hooks the Vampire Killer to his waist and poses with his back facing the camera, similarly to his idle stance in Symphony of the Night, and makes a parting gesture saying "Farewell!" ("じゃあな", See you.). This is from the cutscene where he rescues Tera in Rondo of Blood.

King K. Rool

  • Up: Flips his cape around before ending in a pose similar to his official artwork.
  • Left: Shifts his eyes left and right before ending with a triumphant pose.
  • Right: Belly flops on screen and rebounds with a backflip, before landing on his feet and slapping his belly with his tongue sticking out.


  • Up: Waves goodbye to a Lloid Trap, then turns toward the camera with a pose similar to her official render.
  • Left: Waves twice and spreads her arms.
  • Right: Dusts herself off, jumps twice, and poses triumphantly.


  • Up: Laughs and raises a Champion belt in the air, then makes a beckoning gesture.
  • Left: Roars as its flame belt ignites, then punches towards the camera with a mocking expression.
  • Right: Swings both its arms left and right, before posing on one knee and roaring.

Piranha Plant

  • Up: Mario runs towards Piranha Plant's pot and jumps over it, only for Piranha Plant to pop out and bite Mario, sending him flying, before smiling.
  • Left: Bites the air around it three times, before smiling.
  • Right: Hangs down from the ceiling and poses.

See Also