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Revision as of 19:34, April 29, 2018 by Awesomelink234 (talk | contribs)
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This user has made 4,788 edits.

You have no new messages. (Or do you?)

But first, we have to talk about PARALLEL UNIVERSES.

Shulk SSB4.png
Character info
Smash 64 main Kirby
Melee mains Falco, Marth
Other Melee characters Mewtwo, Luigi
Brawl mains Meta Knight, Marth
Other Brawl character Sonic
Project M mains Mewtwo, Roy
Other Project M character Link
Personal and other info
Birth date (age 22)
Location *not telling* USA
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Somewhat bad, as I am very predictable

Systems owned


Super NES (Not anymore)

N64 (Not anymore)



Wii U


Nintendo Accomplishments

  • I've beaten all the full games of the Super Mario Maker themes, as well as Super Mario Bros. 2.
  • I've collected all stars on both Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy, and also did it with Luigi on the latter, as well.
  • I've reached 999 moons on Super Mario Odyssey.
  • I've beaten the 1998-2011 3D Zelda games (OoT, MM, TWW, TP, SS), and their respective remakes. On all of them except Majora's Mask, I have the full 20 hearts.
  • I've completed Guest Star with every Helper, including the 6 Dream Friends, and completed Sizzling Threat with all of them, too in Kirby Star Allies (No way I'll be doing it on Soul Melter any time soon).
  • I caught everything I could on Pokémon Red's Pokédex without trading, as I don't have a Link Cable (as in, everything except the other 2 starters, the other Hitmon, the other 2 Eeveelutions, the other Fossil, and Pokémon Blue's version exclusives). And yes, I got Mew, using the Mew glitch.
  • I've beaten The Showdown with no stocks lost. (With Jigglypuff...)
  • I've beaten The Subspace Emissary from start to finish in one sitting. (On Easy...) Though I have 100%ed it on Intense.
  • I've beaten Boss Battles on Intense with Fox.
  • I unlocked all characters in both versions of Super Smash Bros. 4 in one sitting on the day they came out.
  • I've collected all Sunken Scrolls on both the original Splatoon and Splatoon 2.
  • I've completed every level with every weapon on Splatoon 2.

Non-Nintendo Accomplishments

  • I've beaten every main series Sonic game that I've had. (So everything except for Heroes, Lost World, and Mania)
  • I've collected all the Chaos Emeralds and beaten the game with everyone on the mobile ports of Sonic 1 and 2, as well as doing it on Sonic 3 and Knuckles.
  • I've collected all emblems in Sonic Adventure 2, and all medals in Sonic Unleashed.
  • I've beaten Through the Fire and Flames on Expert in Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, and Black Widow of La Porte on that difficulty in Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock. (Both with 3 stars each...)


MarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes Italian food.
LuigiIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's favorite color is Green.
BowserIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks that if he were Bowser, he would jump on the axe before Mario did.
PeachIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is kind-hearted.
DrMarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is not very good at Dr. Mario.
RosalinaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wishes he can travel to space on day.
BowserJrIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a little spoiled.
DonkeyKongIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is surprisingly strong.
DiddyKongIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes peanuts.
YoshiIcon(SSB4-U).png This user like dinosaurs.
WarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is not a big fan of garlic.
LinkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves the Zelda series.
ZeldaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes magic.
SheikIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is sneaky.
GanondorfIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can be very angry at times.
YoungLinkIcon(SSBM).png This user has beaten The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time more than once.
ToonLinkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves the wind.
SamusIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thought Samus was a guy at first.
ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks this girl is hot.
KirbyIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes round things.
MetaKnightIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves masks.
KingDededeIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can be selfish at times.
FoxIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wishes he could Waveshine.
FalcoIcon(SSB4-U).png This user prefers airplanes over all modes of transportation.
WolfIcon(SSBB).png This user doesn't like that this chatacter has a Landmaster.
PikachuIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has a fear of electric shocks.
JigglypuffIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes to sleep.
PichuIcon(SSBM).png This user thinks that this chatacter sucks.
MewtwoIcon(SSBM).png This user wishes he could use telepathy.
PokémonTrainerIcon(SSBB).png This user likes Pokémon.
SquirtleIcon(SSBB).png This user likes water.
IvysaurIcon(SSBB).png This user never picks the Grass-type starter.
CharizardIcon(SSB4-U).png This user does not like being hot.
LucarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wishes he could create copies of himself.
GreninjaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user picked Froakie as his starter in Pokémon Y.
CaptainFalconIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is male.
NessIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes saying, "Okay.".
LucasIcon(SSBB).png This user has played the Mother 3 fan translation.
IceClimbersIcon(SSBB).png This user works better with his best friend than by himself.
MarthIcon(SSB4-U).png This user knows some Japanese.
RoyIcon(SSBM).png This user hopes Roy will be back in Super Smash Bros. 5.
IkeIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has a lot of friends.
LucinaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is fine with clones.
RobinIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has played Fire Emblem Awakening.
MrGame&WatchIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes the number "9".
PitIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wishes he could fly.
PalutenaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wishes he had god powers.
DarkPitIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can be evil at times.
OlimarIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has short friends.
ROBIcon(SSB4-U).png This user loves robots.
SnakeIcon(SSBB).png This user thinks that Brawl was rated T because of depictions of real weapons.
SonicIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is very good at Sonic games.
VillagerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has played all main series Animal Crossing games.
MegaManIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes blue things.
LittleMacIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes Punch-Out!!.
WiiFitTrainerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user gets fit.
Pac-ManIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is afraid of ghosts.
ShulkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has played Xenoblade Chronicles.
DuckHuntIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is good at Duck Hunt.
RyuIcon(SSB4-U).png This user enjoys fighting games like Street Fighter.
CloudIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wishes he had hair similar to Cloud's.


CorrinIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has never played Fire Emblem Fates.


BayonettaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes guns.
MiiBrawlerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wants himself in Smash.
MiiGunnerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user hasn't really used gun-wielding characters.
MiiSwordfighterIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes swords.