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Revision as of 21:11, September 3, 2015 by TitaniumX (talk | contribs)
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Hello, Smash fans! I am TitaniumX and I am happy and proud to be part of this wiki! Even though I have started editing many months ago, I am still a neophyte at this, so feel free to give me some pointers or pages that need more detailed information!

Edit, September 3rd, 2015: Fellow Smash fans, I now believe that I am a veteran editor of this lovely wiki, and thus would like to post a funny set a rules I made up when fighting Level 9 CPU's. It's mostly meant as a joke, but it can still be pretty accurate at times. Without further ado, enjoy!


     1. Any long-ranged attacketh fired from great distances shalt not hiteth thine opponent.
     2. Thine grabs and mighty throws are one's only true and reliable way of inflicting harm on thine computerized adversary.
     3. If thou art foolish enough to strike without heed to thine enemy's state, thou shalt be punished accordingly.
     4. Likewise, if thine foe attempts to bring the brunt of their AI wrath upon thou, rolleth around them and punish thine adversary with the appropriate salvo.
     5. If thou is successful in inflicting enow harm on thine adversary to banisheth them to the underworld, the very same is oft true of thine crafty foe.
     6. Once thou has succeeded in hurling thine soulless enemy off of arena's edge, their recovery is oft tricky yet predictable.
     7. Thou shalt not charge in and wingeth it like a drunken cavalier.
     8. If thou has been launched aroint from the arena, thine ruthless rival shalt attempt to gimp thou.

     9. In thou wishes to approach thine opponent, avoid their salvos and onslaughts by rolling like a tipped barrel.
    10. And with much finality, if thou engages multiple Nasty rivals...Good friggin' luck, ya nut!

...Why was my laws of fighting Level 9 CPU's written by a Medieval man? (Shouldn't have left my laptop at the theater...Sheesh!)

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, and again, this is pretty much meant for laughs, so don't get all huffy when any of this is even slightly incorrect. I am TitaniumX, and I will see you later. Thanks for reading!