Two Glunders.

A Glunder is an enemy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl's Subspace Emissary. It appears as a round machine with a central eye, and attacks by emitting lightning. It can roll around the stage and climb up walls. It also has two stronger forms; one is Glice, who releases ice instead of electricity, and Glire, who releases fire. The Glunder first appears in the Skyworld level.

Trophy Description

An enemy that separates into three parts, then blasts enemies with a high-tension current it produces within its body. When it's ready to attack, it will make a "Bzzt!" sound and produce a lightning flash. When this happens, approach with caution. This enemy type is color coded--Glires are red, Glices are blue, and Glunders are yellow. It's a family of destruction!

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