Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. 4

Critical Hit

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Template:Infobox Final Smash SSB4 Critical Hit (必殺の一撃, Sure-Killing Blow) is Marth's Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Marth, Lucina, and Roy's Final Smash in Super Smash Bros. 4. It involves the character raising their respective sword into the air, where it catches the light and shimmers brightly (this slows down time by a slight amount), before dashing forward with blazing speed to catch any unfortunate opponents with an incredibly high knockback slash. It is by far the strongest Final Smash in Brawl, and its power and damage also make it one of the strongest attacks in all of the games. The animation is similar to that of Marth's critical hit animation from the first Fire Emblem game. It deals 62% damage in Brawl (60% base plus 2% fresh) and deals more than enough knockback to KO any character at 0% under most normal circumstances. The power of this move is hampered somewhat by its larger time frame in which to perform a dodge (the time during which Marth raises his sword), though it is still relatively fast. If it hits, a HP gauge from Fire Emblem is displayed alongside each hit character, which starts at full and quickly drops to zero.

Until the attack animation completely ends, the entire sword carries the move's hitbox, meaning that the attack can also hit anyone directly behind Marth when Marth swings his sword. On the ground, the attack will follow the platform's contours, and the move will end without Marth swinging if he reaches the edge. Missing with this attack on the ground on a walk-off stage, or in the air without any intervening terrain, usually results in a self-destruct, as the dash Marth performs during the move is approximately the same distance as the width of the largest area available in the Stage Builder. However, this can be avoided by pressing an attack button, which will stop the dash and trigger the strike immediately.

Since the move is nothing more than a single hit, launch resistance such as that gained from using Aether can be used to survive, providing good timing. Of course, this will not stop the target from taking the move's full damage.

Despite its ridiculous power, Critical Hit has earned the reputation of being one of the most predictable and avoidable Final Smashes due to its slow startup time and introduction sequence, which gives all other players in range the chance to completely dodge the move by air dodging, sidestepping, or simply moving away.

This attack has such immense knockback that is possible to KO someone else by knocking someone hit by the attack into someone else.

While Marth does not say anything while performing this move, Lucina in Super Smash Bros. 4 shouts "Time to change fate!" (運命を変えます!, I will change destiny!).

Critical Hit trophy in Brawl

Trophy Description

Critical Hit (Brawl)
Marth's Final Smash. He thrusts his sword skyward, then rushes to meet his targeted enemy with furious speed. The blow he strikes is so powerful that his foe is instantly launched off the screen. As in Fire Emblem, a window appears that shows the character's hit points dropping rapidly to zero--but this is just for effect. Smash Bros. does not use a hit-point system.
Critical Hit (Marth)
Marth raises his Exalted Falchion to the sky and then rushes forward to deal an incredibly powerful blow, almost certainly KO'ing anyone and everyone who gets hit! When it's used in the air, he'll fly forward a certain distance. On the ground, however, he'll only dash to the edge of the platform he's standing on.
Critical Hit (Lucina)
In Lucina's Final Smash, she raises her sword high before dashing swiftly forward to deliver a deadly blow to whomever she makes contact with first. Even if their damage is low, this strike is powerful enough to take out foes in a single hit. Just make sure you don't dash off the stage when you use it in midair!
Critical Hit (Roy)
For Roy’s Final Smash, he traps enemies in a circular swing of the blade, brings it up behind him, and then, in a blast of fire, brings the blade down for a powerful finisher! The downward attack is powerful on its own but doesn’t have much range, so make sure you’re close enough to hit your enemies with the full combo and really seal their fate!

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS foldout description

Unleash a full-powered attack to launch foes.


The critical hit is a staple feature of the Fire Emblem game series, which inflicts three times the standard damage if performed, accompanied by a unique attack animation. The animation for this Final Smash was likely inspired by the critical hit animations of the various Lords in the series' past. The gauge that appears represents the Hit Point system used in the series, and it has a graphical style similar to those of Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem.

In Super Smash Bros. 4, the gauge seen in Marth's and Lucina's Final Smashes resembles the HP gauge used in Fire Emblem: Awakening.


  • The health gauge shown has 60 HP units. The Fire Emblem games that starred Marth, Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light and Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, however, feature gauges that could only reach 52 HP at most. Enemies, however, could have up to 60 HP, and in the remakes of these games released after Brawl, normal units can have a maximum HP of 60.
  • Marth's Final Smash is able to outrun the cars on Big Blue. In fact, it is even faster than Sonic wearing a Bunny Hood (who can also outrun the cars on Big Blue). However, the attack's ending lag will probably cause Marth to SD using it.
  • The trophy description states that Brawl doesn't use a hit-point system; while this is mostly true, Stamina mode does give combatants hit points.
  • Critical Hit is one of the only Final Smashes in Smash 4 shared by multiple characters, along with Landmaster, Light Arrow, and Triforce Slash.
    • It is also one of the two Final Smashes to be used by more than two characters; the other being Landmaster.
