
From SmashWiki, the Super Smash Bros. wiki
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MarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user does too many long jumps, short hops, and bunny hops.
DrMarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user eats apples so he can keep doctors away from him.
LuigiIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a younger brother.
BowserIcon(SSB4-U).png This user does his work rather slowly despite not checking his work when he's done.
PeachIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is kind-hearted.
RosalinaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user prefers Southern California over Northern California.
BowserJrIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can't stand entitled brats.
DonkeyKongIcon(SSB4-U).png This user isn't that strong and big compare to others.
DiddyKongIcon(SSB4-U).png This user dislikes peanuts.
YoshiIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's favorite dinosaur is Yoshi.
WarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user does weird stuff, no question why, he just does.
LinkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's favorite item to use is the Ocarina of Time.
ZeldaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has some personalities about himself that does not want to share.
SheikIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is NINJA!!!!!!! That is all.
GanondorfIcon(SSB4-U).png This user demands you to get the Power! Nintendo Power!!!
YoungLinkIcon(SSBM).png This user doesn't go "mooooo!", he goes "quack!" o‿O
ToonLinkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's eyes are pretty.
SamusIcon(SSB4-U).png This user uses too much of his equipment.
ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks it can be controversial for Hollywood to focuses too much on hot girls.
KirbyIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes kiddy things.
MetaKnightIcon(SSB4-U).png This user doesn't do halloween.
KingDededeIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's favorite animal is the Penguin
FoxIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks that foxes are cute.
FalcoIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wants to be in the air, sometimes, saying ay-ho, like it's dynamite!
WolfIcon(SSBB).png This user uses his play time on his computer time.
PikachuIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks the 90s were the best decade.
JigglypuffIcon(SSB4-U).png This user used to play the Alto Saxaphone in middle school.
PichuIcon(SSBM).png This user apparently has eczema. He hate it since it really hurts during dry seasons.
MewtwoIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has a friend that many people claim that we are brothers but were not.
PokémonTrainerIcon(SSBB).png This user thinks that the Pokémon Trainer is the worst playable character to ever appear in the Smash series, even worse than Pichu and Dark Pit.
SquirtleIcon(SSBB).png This user sometimes refers Squirtle as James SquiBond since it is #007 on the National Pokédex.
IvysaurIcon(SSBB).png This user is fine with eating vegetables.
CharizardIcon(SSB4-U).png This user finds dragons at a very rare sight.
LucarioIcon(SSB4-U).png This user wishes he can have X-ray vision powers.
GreninjaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user can make the unexpected happen.
CaptainFalconIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a man but is probably not the best one.
NessIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is patriotic for the United States.
LucasIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is not gonna take it.
IceClimbersIcon(SSBB).png This user is not interested in relationships as of right now.
MarthIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is crazy for bagels.
RoyIcon(SSB4-U).png This user doesn't like hair cuts.
IkeIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is a nice guy so he has sympathy.
RobinIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is not much of a fan of reading books with extremely tiny letters.
LucinaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks Marth is the most popular character in the entire Smash series and has proof to support this opinion.
CorrinIcon(SSB4-U).png This user's jokes are corny.
MrGame&WatchIcon(SSB4-U).png This user would pretty much use the internet everyday.
PitIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes the good guys and would always crush the bad guys.
DarkPitIcon(SSB4-U).png This user does not really like the idea of evil black clones of protagonists in stories.
PalutenaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has a Christian faith.
OlimarIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks that exploring could give you great experience.
ROBIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks that computers could have a chance to take over the world in the future.
LittleMacIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes to bike.
VillagerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is apparently armed.
ShulkIcon(SSB4-U).png This user actually didn't know who this guy was until his SSB4 reveal.
WiiFitTrainerIcon(SSB4-U).png This user probably doesn't watch what he eats.
DuckHuntIcon(SSB4-U).png This user will always prefer dogs over cats.
SnakeIcon(SSBB).png This user likes to use cardboard boxes for hide-and-seek.
SonicIcon(SSB4-U).png This user likes to speedrun everything.
MegaManIcon(SSB4-U).png This user prefers range over melee combat.
RyuIcon(SSB4-U).png This user thinks Ryu is a good character for any fighting game.
Pac-ManIcon(SSB4-U).png This user is rather not so normal.
CloudIcon(SSB4-U).png This user has a BFS9000.
BayonettaIcon(SSB4-U).png This user would not say "Hello Nurse!" to a waifu.
Super Saiyan StarCraft Artwork.jpg This user is a top tier.
Me and dots flooding recent changes.png This user often floods the recent changes.
Starban.jpg This user likes science fiction stories taking place in space.
Connery.jpg This user's name is Lee, Ethan Lee.
DarthPaine CA.gif This user likes working for two sides that oppose each other at the same time.
Heartman.jpg This user likes funny looking people.
Friendlist.jpg This user trusts and is a friend of Disaster Flare.


AidanzapunkUserboxImage.png This user trusts and is a friend of Aidanzapunk.
GanondorfIcon(SSB4-U).png This user trusts and is a friend of Ganonmew.