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Revision as of 10:17, August 18, 2015 by Ganonmew (talk | contribs)
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Little Tip: Pride can be a deadly thing.
Character info
Melee mains Marth, Ganondorf
Brawl mains Meta Knight, Marth
Smash 4 mains Ganondorf, Little Mac
Birth date (age 20)
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Melee: Casual

Brawl: Casual

Smash 4: Semi-Casual

NNID Andyjr112

Hello fellow Smashers. Welcome to my page. I am a decent Smasher relatively new to the competitive scene. If you have any questions or if anything on this page needs to be changed, refer to the talk page. Now for my story.

My Story

I was initially very skeptical about playing the Smash series starting with Brawl for its T Rating. But after reading about some of the SSE on Kirby Wiki, I was pretty excited. When I found out my dad had Brawl on his USB Loader GX in 2011, me and my brother found ourselves instantly having loads of fun. I mained a weak Lucario and always handicapped myself to 170% (I later dropped it in favor of Meta Knight in 2013), and my brother played a Snake fearsome to scrubs like me. In early 2014, my brother showed me the PAC-MAN trailer and I was stoked. In August 2014, Smash 4 became all I really talked about. For Christmas, I got both versions of Smash 4 (my brother also got his own copy of Smash 3DS) and I fell in love like I did in Brawl. After I got Smash 4, I could not stop playing. For my 11th birthday, I got Melee, but because I cannot enter tournaments, it didn't sit with me as well as Brawl or Smash 4. However, it still is a very fun game that I still play to this day, and it has taught me a lot. I still have much to learn about Smash, but I'm slowly learning.


These two high profile figures in the community are hefty influences for me. If you haven't already, check them out:

I also look up to quite a few figures on the wiki, such as Omega Tyrant, Serpent King, Toomai, Nyargleblargle, and even Miles of SmashWiki and 1337 B33FC4K3.

If you want to play Smash 4 with me, look below

3DS Friend Code

0576-3711-3168 (If you want to play, give me your friend code so I can provisionally register you)


Andyjr112 (I am permanently banned, so you have to give me yours too so I can provisionally register you)


In Melee, I main Marth and Ganondorf, and may also use Falco, Captain Falcon, Jigglypuff, and Peach.

In Brawl, I main Meta Knight and Marth, while also leaning on Falco, Snake, Lucario, Charizard, Wolf, Fox, Ganondorf, and Bowser.

In Smash 4, I main Ganondorf and Little Mac, and frequently use Ike, Greninja, Marth, Bowser, ROB, and Luigi.

Competency Chart

Asked Serpent King for the code. These charts list the characters in the order I feel most fluid with and how well I do with them. Smash 4 will be added when I get more experienced with the coding.

SSBM Icon.png Character Competency Chart: Melee SSBM Icon.png

MarthIcon(SSBM).png GanondorfIcon(SSBM).png FalcoIcon(SSBM).png CaptainFalconIcon(SSBM).png


JigglypuffIcon(SSBM).png PeachIcon(SSBM).png MarioIcon(SSBM).png FoxIcon(SSBM).png SheikIcon(SSBM).png DrMarioIcon(SSBM).png SamusIcon(SSBM).png IceClimbersIcon(SSBM).png


MewtwoIcon(SSBM).png LinkIcon(SSBM).png RoyIcon(SSBM).png PikachuIcon(SSBM).png LuigiIcon(SSBM).png YoungLinkIcon(SSBM).png


YoshiIcon(SSBM).png BowserIcon(SSBM).png ZeldaIcon(SSBM).png DonkeyKongIcon(SSBM).png MrGame&WatchIcon(SSBM).png


NessIcon(SSBM).png PichuIcon(SSBM).png KirbyIcon(SSBM).png

SSBB Icon.png Character Competency Chart: Brawl SSBB Icon.png

MetaKnightIcon(SSBB).png MarthIcon(SSBB).png GanondorfIcon(SSBB).png KingDededeIcon(SSBB).png LucarioIcon(SSBB).png SnakeIcon(SSBB).png


KirbyIcon(SSBB).png BowserIcon(SSBB).png ToonLinkIcon(SSBB).png PikachuIcon(SSBB).png FalcoIcon(SSBB).png FoxIcon(SSBB).png WolfIcon(SSBB).png IceClimbersIcon(SSBB).png LuigiIcon(SSBB).png DiddyKongIcon(SSBB).png


WarioIcon(SSBB).png LucasIcon(SSBB).png CaptainFalconIcon(SSBB).png ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSBB).png CharizardIcon(SSBB).png MrGame&WatchIcon(SSBB).png PeachIcon(SSBB).png PitIcon(SSBB).png MarioIcon(SSBB).png DonkeyKongIcon(SSBB).png OlimarIcon(SSBB).png


SquirtleIcon(SSBB).png YoshiIcon(SSBB).png NessIcon(SSBB).png ROBIcon(SSBB).png IkeIcon(SSBB).png LinkIcon(SSBB).png SheikIcon(SSBB).png SonicIcon(SSBB).png


ZeldaIcon(SSBB).png SamusIcon(SSBB).png JigglypuffIcon(SSBB).png IvysaurIcon(SSBB).png