Forum:Smash Arena Suggestions

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Forums: Index Smash Arena Smash Arena Suggestions

This forum has the purpose of helping to select what battles will eventually take place in the Smash Arena. If you would like to make a suggestion, please feel free to leave it here. New suggestions are placed at the bottom of the page. Be sure to state your reason you suggested it and put the support, reject, and comments sections underneath it.

Like the idea? Be sure to give it your support. Note that this page is not to be used for the actual voting between fighters; that happens in the Arena itself. Remember, the combatants don't necessarily have to be able to fight each other normally in Smash Bros.


Posting suggestions

  • Only Smash Bros.-related fights are permitted. Fights don't have to be between playable characters, but the combatants must have appeared in at least one Smash Bros. game.
    • Outside very specific circumstances, no fights are allowed between combatants that only appear in a game (or a batch of downloadable content) that has yet to be released.
  • If there are already 10 open suggestions, you should probably reconsider adding a new one. If there are 15, it is highly recommended you do not. There is no limit to the number of open suggestions, but having too many clutters the page and makes it more difficult to keep track of.
  • Check this list to view the fights that have been done. Repeat fights are permitted if they occurred 100 or more rounds ago. As matchups over 100 rounds ago are moved off that particular list, the list is the definitive source on what can't be repeated. Note that repeats close to this cutoff may still be valid if the queue is full enough that the fight's acceptance will allow it to be outside the 100-round zone.
  • Do not post more than one suggestion at a time. Each user may post one suggestion per week (i.e. one every seven days).
  • Sign your suggestions/votes/comments with ~~~~ and a # in front of it (you don't necessarily have to put # in the comments sections, but you do have to sign with ~~~~).
  • Place new suggestions at the bottom of the page.
  • You can retract and remove your own suggestion, but it still counts as your suggestion for that week.
    • If your suggestion is removed because it's invalid or because your week isn't up, it doesn't count as your suggestion for that week. That said, users who constantly post invalid or rapid-fire suggestions may be suspended from suggesting for a few weeks, and may risk probation.
  • Similarly to the above, you cannot edit a suggestion once people have started to vote on it. Editing the description is fine, just don't alter the combatants.

Voting and comments

  • Don't vote on your own suggestion.
  • Post why you support/oppose. Don't just say, "Oh, this is a cool idea". Explain why you like/don't like the fight. This is not required but adds credence to your opinion - remember, suggestions are not accepted or rejected based on a simple vote count.
  • The comments section is to be used for relevant comments only.
  • Do not use this page to argue with other users over their reasons and opinions. You can civilly point out an inconsistency or mistake in their description, but if you say things like, "That's stupid", that could potentially start an argument in the comments, you are breaching this rule.
  • Do not make this page into the Smash Arena itself. This is for deciding what goes there, not voting on the winner.

Acceptance or rejection

  • The SA operator(s) has final say over all the fights. Suggestions and comments are merely a way for the community to influence the fights, and can be used, edited, or ignored at the operator(s)'s discretion.
  • Acceptance of fights is not based simply on votes. The votes are used to judge the community's opinion of the matchup; again it is solely the operator(s)'s decision on what the bouts are.
  • Suggestions are purged every time a new Smash Arena round is posted. It is at this time they are either accepted and placed into the queue, or they are rejected. Not all suggestions are purged at once - only those that are both older than the rest and have higher vote counts. Usually suggestions need at least 5 votes to be decided upon, unless they are very old.
    • In the vein of the above, do not repost a suggestion of yours that has been removed recently, since it's either already lined up or been rejected. See the Queue section for an idea of how long it may take for your suggestion to show up.
  • If a suggestion of yours has been rejected in the past, you may repost it three months (90 days) after its rejection. However, it is unlikely for a rejected suggestion to be accepted in the future, so it is likely more productive to suggest something else.
  • Descriptions are not guaranteed to be included as-is should a suggestion pass.


  • In most cases, the combatants of a match should share similarities but have key differences. However, matchups between total opposites are also interesting. Avoid the middle ground where combatants have little in common but are also not polar opposites.
  • Protagonist vs. antagonist matches (e.g. Mario vs. Bowser) are valid, and many of them succeed in the arena, but are usually pushed aside by the community in favour of matchups that are less "obvious". Matchups born from in-game events (e.g. Subspace Emissary groupings) or matchups that are big in their home universes but not necessarily in Smash Bros. (e.g. legendary Pokémon fights) tend to fall into this as well.
  • While rematches are valid once 100 rounds have passed, do not expect much enthusiasm for them unless the original match was very close or a tie.
  • Regular matches (one-on-one) are favoured far more than three-way fights. If you have an idea for a three-way fight, see if one of the three combatants is really necessary, and try to get it down to two. Fights of more than three participants have to be sock-knocking genius in order to be even considered, so unless you're convinced it will be very popular, turn your efforts to something else.
  • The description can sway peoples' opinions of a matchup. While the most interesting suggestions can be accepted on their own merits, those in the middle can be made or broken by how you present them.


The current queue is as such:

257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265

Hover the cursor over a round number to see its predicted start date. Empty spots are shown in grey.

When the queue becomes full (all the grey spots are filled up), suggestions will be suspended. You may continue to vote on current suggestions, but no more may be proposed. Once the queue drains out to a size of one, suggestions will be re-opened.

The queue is not set in stone; new suggestions may appear before older ones and it may change at any time. The queue attempts to balance out fights so that specific participants or universes aren't used too much in a short time.

The contents of the queue are a secret to maintain mystery and intrigue.

Show Your Support

BayonettaSymbol.svg LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora! KingdomHeartsSymbol.svg

Template:- {{SA Box}} - Smash Arena userbox; originally by Squallinoa 08, modified by Toomai. If you wish, place it on your user page. It will tell you the new fights as they happen.


To make a suggestion the easy way, copy the following code, paste it into the bottom of the editing window, and fill out the relevant parts:

==<participant 1> vs. <participant 2>==

<description of fight, maybe a few reasons you think it would be a good matchup> ~~~~





Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS vs. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Now that Super Smash Bros. 4 is released, which version is more preferred? ZeldaStarfoxfan2164 (talk) is bad for me 00:03, 22 March 2015 (EDT)


  1. Mainly this is likely going to be one sided for the Wii U version but I would certainly like to hear what people have to say for which differences they like better. (Like 3DS had the better Smash Run while Wii U had the shitty Smash Tour) Dots (talk) Mega Man X SNES sprite.png The Goldeneye 15:02, 22 March 2015 (EDT)
  2. per Dots MarioIsTheBest (talk) 16:20, 22 March 2015 (EDT)
  3. I agree (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Smashworker101 (talk) 16:42, 22 March 2015 (EDT)



Dark Pit vs. Pichu

Both of these characters seem to get lots and lots of hate around the community. Which one do you like more... or hate less. MarioIsTheBest (talk) 08:12, 22 March 2015 (EDT)


  1. Why not. But I would personally say that the Pokémon Trainer is by far the worst character to ever be in Smash, even worse than the ones you mentioned. According to OT, Roy is another candidate despite his fanboy fanbase. Dots (talk) Mega Man X SNES sprite.png The Goldeneye 15:02, 22 March 2015 (EDT)




I got the results that Pichu and Dark Pit are the most hated from here: gamefaqs poll with over 500 votes. Roy actually had the least amount of votes out of the 6 contestants. MarioIsTheBest (talk) 16:20, 22 March 2015 (EDT)

Roy vs. Lucina

Two Marth clones who each debuted in a Smash game with falling speed faster than that of Brawl, and each have a weakness that makes them inferior to their base-character. One has inferior combo-ability, and the other lacks tippers. Despite these setbacks, one of them has to win which one do YOU think deserves that victory? MeatBall104 (talk) 10:40, 22 March 2015 (EDT)


  1. Let the attack of the clones begin. ZeldaStarfoxfan2164 (talk) is a never lover boy 11:37, 22 March 2015 (EDT)
  2. Dots (talk) Mega Man X SNES sprite.png The Goldeneye 15:02, 22 March 2015 (EDT)

