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My full equipment list for Smash Wii U. [Up to date as of December 15th.] I hope this helps.
[Arranged by the "category" option in-game, then by grouping similar items together, and then finally, alphabetically.]
- Brawn Badge [+21, -14]
- Brawn Badge [+10, -5]
- Super Brawn Badge [+33, -22]
- Super Brawn Badge [+31, -20]
- Super Brawn Badge [+31, -20]
- Super Brawn Badge [+33, -17]
- Super Brawn Badge [+42, -24]
- Super Brawn Badge [+39, -25]
- Super Brawn Badge [+39, -23]
- Rare Brawn Badge [+45, -28]
- Air Attacker Brawn Badge [+20, -19]
- Crouch Healer Brawn Badge [+22, -21]
- Double Final Smasher Brawn Badge [+14, -17]
- Hard Braker Brawn Badge [+15, -10]
- Hyper Smasher Brawn Badge [+18, -25]
- Shield Regenerator Brawn Badge [+20, -17]
- Unharmed Attacker Brawn Badge [+19, -23]
- Power Gloves [+22, -12]
- Power Gloves [+17, -11]
- High-Power Gloves [+44, -22]
- High-Power Gloves [+59, -35]
- High-Power Gloves [+31, -15]
- High-Power Gloves [+37, -25]
- High-Power Gloves [+43, -24]
- Bob-omb Gloves [+7, -11]
- Desperate Attacker Gloves [+32, -35]
- Desperate Specialist Gloves [+52, -49]
- Glider Gloves [+9, -23]
- Smash Ball Clinger Gloves [+6, -7]
- Speed Walker Gloves [+33, -29]
- Thistle Jump Gloves [+7, -14]
Welp... Sorry. I don't have any yet.
- Brave Toad [+51, -34]
- All-Around Trade-Off Toad [+48, -41]
- Safe Respawner Toad [24, -35]
Fake Nails:
- Silver Fake Nails [+48, -24]
- Silver Fake Nails (+33, -17]
- Insult to Injury Fake Nails [+13, -24]
- Lingering Edge Fake Nails [+23, -20]
- Unharmed Speedster Fake Nails [+20, -17]
- Vampire Fake Nails [+23, -44]
- Holy Staff [+67, -46]
- Air Attacker Staff [+6, -12]
- Lip's Stick Staff [+33, -23]
- Hasty Edge Staff [+52, -28]
- Risky Respawner Staff [+81, -7] (Holy crap!)
- Safe Respawner Staff [+10, -24]
- Speed Skater Staff [+24, -36]
- Super Drill [+33, -22]
- Super Drill [+43, -23]
- Bob-omb Drill [+10, -11]
- Item Pitcher Drill [+33, -27]
- High-Quality Banana [+59, -33]
- Exquisite Banana [+61, -32]
- Hi-Jump Banana [+24, -32]
- Shield Regenerator Banana [+36, -28]
- Sudden Death Gambler Torch [+24, -21]
Boxing Gloves:
- Lightweight Boxing Gloves [+16, -8]
- Middleweight Boxing Gloves [+39, -26]
- Middleweight Boxing Gloves [+44, -30]
- Crouch Healer Boxing Gloves [+35, -36]
- Desperate Immortal Boxing Gloves [+10, -25]
- Steel Sword [+15, -9]
- Steel Sword [+19, -10]
- Steel Sword [+21, -11]
- Steel Sword [+24, -13]
- Steel Sword [+30, -20]
- Silver Sword [+41, -27]
- Silver Sword [+45, -26]
- Silver Sword [+46, -24]
- Silver Sword [+56, -38]
- Silver Sword [+59, -30]
- Silver Sword [+39, -26]
- Silver Sword [+51, -31]
- Silver Sword [+36, -24]
- Silver Sword [+46, -26]
- Legendary Sword [+81, -46]
- Legendary Sword [+69, -38]
- Legendary Sword [+82, -42] (My baby. <3)
- Auto-Healer Sword [+18, -35]
- Bob-omb Sword [+16, -18]
- Fire Flower Sword [+6, -8]
- Fire Flower Sword [+7, -8]
Magic Stones:
- Enchanted Magic Stone [+29, -15]
- Mystical Magic Stone [+34, -20]
- Mystical Magic Stone [+57, -29]
- Desperate Defender Magic Stone [+7, -15]
- Final Smash Healer Magic Stone [+13, -17]
- Shield Exploder Magic Stone [+6, -21]
- Shield Regenerator Magic Stone [+19, -27]
- Silver Needles [+69, -34]
- Fire Flower Needles [+10, -9]
- Trade-Off Speedster Needles [+19, -24]
Arm Cannons:
- Standard Arm Cannon [+19, -12]
- Standard Arm Cannon [+14, -8]
- Deluxe Arm Cannon [+36, -24]
- Prototype Arm Cannon [+61, -35]
- Ray Gun Arm Cannon [+20, -18]
- Trade-Off Speedster Arm Cannon [+29, -35]
Beam Whip:
- Standard Beam Whip [+19, -10]
- Super Scope Beam Whip [+41, -38]
Sacred Treasures:
- Heroic Sacred Treasures [+10, -6]
- Angelic Sacred Treasures [+54, -35]
- Angelic Sacred Treasures [+58, -30]
- Angelic Sacred Treasures [+59, -31]
- Angelic Sacred Treasures [+59, -33]
- Angelic Sacred Treasures [+57, -37]
- Godly Sacred Treasures [+61, -37]
- Item Shooter Sacred Treasures [+28, -38]
- Lip's Stick Sacred Treasures [+63, -42]
- Ray Gun Sacred Treasures [+23, -18]
- Trade-Off Attacker Sacred Treasures [+41, -33]
- Apprentice's Tome [+18, -10]
- Apprentice's Tome [+29, -18]
- Expert's Tome [+39, -25]
- Expert's Tome [+53, -31]
- Sage's Tome [+68, -41]
- Sage's Tome [+81, -43
- Item Pitcher Tome [+8, -16]
- Nimble Dodge Tome [+11, -23]
- Shield Reflector Tome [+55, -37]
- Super Final Smasher Tome [+25, -24]
- Deluxe Zapper [+41, -20]
- Deluxe Zapper [+42, -25]
- Desperate Defender Zapper [+21, 24]
Lollipops: (the most dangerous of weapons.)
- Yummy Lollipop [+27, -17]
- Delicious Lollipop [+40, -23]
- Caloric Immortal Lollipop [+51, -45]
- Fire Flower Lollipop [+32, -19]
Hammers: (I thought G&W would use these, but alas.)
- 100 lb. Hammer [+24, -15]
- Smash Ball Clinger Hammer [+7, -8]
- Sudden Death Gambler Hammer [+13, -17]
- Deluxe Blaster [+35, -18]
- KO Healer Blaster [+17, 26]
X Attack:
- X Attack [+22, -14]
- X Attack [+10, -5]
- X Attack [+29, 20]
- X Attack [+30, 15]
- Threefold X Attack [+50, -29]
- Sixfold X Attack {+61, -31]
- Sixfold X Attack [+76, -51]
- Caloric Attacker X Attack [+40, -33]
- Speed Walker X Attack [+17,-16]
- Top-Notch Bat [+57, -34]
- Insult to Injury Bat [+28, -34]
- Shield Reflector Bat [+5, -13]
- Unharmed Speed Demon Bat [+25, -26]
Lloids: (shouldn't they be "Gyros"?)
- Good ol' Lloid [+46, -24]
- Good ol' Lloid [+60, -38]
- Countdown Lloid [+19, -21]
- KO Healer Lloid [+37, -36]
- Brave Pikmin [+54, -27]
- Fearless Pikmin [+65, -44]
- Hard Braker Pikmin [+38. -24]
- Nimble Dodger Pikmin [+20, -23]
- Trade-Off Defender Protein [+25, -27]