Super Smash Bros. 4

List of Director's Room Miiverse posts

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Revision as of 03:03, October 25, 2014 by Dragon NJMB (talk | contribs) (→‎October 2014: In the end, the video was not revealed in the Nintendo Direct)
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Starting from E3 2013, Masahiro Sakurai began posting one new screenshot from Super Smash Bros. 4 every weekday in the Miiverse community known as the Director's Room, as well as on the official website for the games. Known as the "pic of the day" series, it was initially just a posting of a screenshot with no information or comment about it provided, but after the start of July he also began adding comments, that were a remark about the screenshot or information about what the screenshot was portraying. In the beginning, the pic of the day series mostly consisted of random screenshots with Sakurai giving no real information about the game, with few being updates of actual information, and barely any of them being something significant. As the series went on however, the proportion of them being updates with actual information gradually increased, and since the start of 2014, nearly all of them have been some sort of informative update, with each week having multiple significant updates. This page is an archive of these posts.


In order to highlight important posts from the list, each entry is given a background colour that denotes that something new or otherwise important has been revealed. Should multiple reveals be part of one post, the one higher on this list will take precedence.

Type Color
Newcomer Red
Veteran Orange
Stage Green
Assist character Blue
Item Yellow
Move Magenta
Other Cyan
No reveal White

Previous months

August 2014

Date Image Comment Notes Link
August 01, 2014
Target Blast 1.jpg
What's up with this bomb? This looks like the stadium for the Home-run Contest, but there's no bat. Once you touch the bomb, it begins to count down. Give it enough damage and launch it at the right time…then once the bomb's countdown hits zero…!! Sakurai explains a new solo mode seen briefly during the E3 2014 trailer.
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Target Blast 2.jpg
...It goes BOOOOOM! Not only will the blast destroy targets, but it'll also cause a chain reaction by using shattered walls and bomb blocks--all of which contributes to you getting a high score!! This is a new activity that combines the concepts of Target Smash and the Home-run Contest--it's called Target Blast! Your final score is the total you rack up over two rounds. Of course, your Target Blast scores contribute to your Global Smash Power, too.
August 04, 2014
SSB4 - Prince Sable.jpg
Pic of the day. In this Smash Bros. installment, this little guy is also making an appearance! I…don't know his name, but he's the Prince of the Sablé Kingdom. He's from the Game Boy game Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru (translated as The Frog For Whom the Bell Tolls), which was only released in Japan. Sakurai reveals a new Assist Trophy.
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SSB4 - Prince Sable Trophy.jpg
Here's the trophy of the Sablé Prince. He transforms into a snake or a frog, and unloads multiple attacks on any opponent he catches. Keep attacking your foes when they're trapped in his dust cloud.
August 05, 2014
SSB4 - Daybreak Parts.jpg
Pic of the day. Look at these three radiant pieces... Yup, you guessed it! It's another combinable item like the Dragoon-the Daybreak. Sakurai reveals Daybreak from Kid Icarus: Uprising as a new item.
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This is what it looks like when all three parts are combined together. How powerful will its beam blast be? FYI, you can fire shooting items while moving backward and forward. Change direction by flicking the Control Stick or Circle Pad toward the back of the fighter.
August 06, 2014
SSB4 - Xerneas Victini.jpg
Pic of the day. Victini and Xerneas are both support Pokémon. Victini's Victory Star boosts the attack of whoever throws the Poké Ball, and also prevents flinching. Xerneas's Geomancy increases the launch power of all fighters, but exceptionally raises it for whoever had the Poké Ball. Sakurai explains the functions of Victini and Xerneas.
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August 07, 2014
SSB4 - Dr. Wily Trophy Gallery.jpg
Pic of the day. Here's the trophy gallery for the 3DS version. You can rotate the trophies by drawing circles on the bottom screen. Super Smash Bros. Brawl had tons of trophies, but rumor has it that the 3DS version alone may have more than Brawl. Looks like the Dr. Wily that we made from scratch for the 3DS version is on his knees in disbelief. Sakurai shows what the trophy gallery looks like in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS, and explains a new feature: the trophy shop.
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SSB4 - Trophy Shop.jpg
Here's something new--the trophy shop. If you're having a hard time getting certain trophies, why not just buy them? They sometimes go on sale, too.
August 08, 2014
SSB3DS Game Boy stage.jpg
Pic of the day. "♪Ba-ding!♪" Reveals a new stage featuring the Game Boy system. The stage would later be confirmed as a stage based on Kirby's Dream Land.
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If you turn on the 3D effect, it really looks like there's a Game Boy inside the screen.
August 11, 2014
Pic of the day. "Hello! I'm Samus, the intergalactic bounty hunter!" "And I am Meta Knight, joining the battle!!" Reveals two new pieces of clothing for the Mii Fighter that depict Samus's and Meta Knight's headwear.
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August 12, 2014
Special Flag Function.jpg
Pic of the day. If you manage to raise this Special Flag for long enough, an additional KO count will be added to your score in a time match, or you'll get an extra stock for a stock match. When this appears on the stage, the fight for the flag becomes a fierce battle of tactics, which makes things pretty interesting. Explains the function of the Special Flag.
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August 13, 2014
SSB4 - Metaknight Reveal.jpg
Pic of the day. "Looks like there was an impostor in the earlier posts, so I introduced him to my sword!" ...I'll leave it up to your imagination if he really said that or not. The veteran hero, Meta Knight, returns to battle!! We didn't forget the Battleship Halberd either!! Sakurai reveals Meta Knight.
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SSB4 - Shuttle Loop.jpg
Meta Knight's Up Special Move, Shuttle Loop, changed quite a bit in this game. The glide is gone, and the attack slashes opponents twice while spinning in a large loop. This has turned into a highly technical and effective move.
August 14, 2014
Mega Man Custom Specials PotD.jpg
Pic of the day. Here's Beat! And Plant Barrier!! These are some of Mega Man's custom special moves. You might also be able to use some signature boss-like moves from the Mega Man series, too. Reveals two new custom special moves for Mega Man.
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August 15, 2014
SSB4 Power Organizer.jpg
Pic of the day. Here's the place you equip powers for Smash Run. Pack a good mix of them like a lunch box, and off you go! You can change how your powers are set up by touching their icons and dragging them. Explains how powers are set up for Smash Run.
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If you hit the X Button, it will randomly fill up the remaining weight allowance with powers. You can keep changing the line-up as many times as you please. The level of a power is proportional to its strength, number of uses, and weight. Organizing them might be easier if you label your favorite powers with a ★.
August 18, 2014
SSB4 - Nightmare.jpg
Pic of the day. Nightmare Wizard appears as an Assist Trophy! He will engulf the stage in darkness, and fighters will need to brawl blindly for a while. Look out for the effect before it goes dark, and play it to your advantage. Blinding and reversal effects even make the computer players mess up. Reveals a new Assist Trophy, and that screen-altering effects will also affect CPU character performance.
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August 19, 2014
Samus Zero Shorts.jpg
Pic of the day. Looking at the number of days we have left for development, it would be an impossible task to create this… That's what I told my staff. But thanks to the determination of her female designer, these Zero Suit outfits got completed in time. From the ending of Metroid: Zero Mission, here's Samus in shorts! Reveals a new costume for Zero Suit Samus based on her outfit from the ending of Metroid: Zero Mission. Additionally, confirms Brinstar to be returning in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, as well as that all alternate costumes appear in both versions.
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SSB4 Samus Zero Shorts 3DS.jpg
Here's a look at the 3DS version. You can use the same outfit variations in both the 3DS and Wii U versions.
August 20, 2014
SSB4 - Treasure.jpg
Pic of the day. The treasure chests that appear in Smash Run are very important. Not only do they give you stat boosts, but they also give you custom parts (the bag on the right) and Smash Run powers (the bag on the left). You should pick these up and use them in the next battle!! Confirms that Mimicuties disguise themselves as regular Treasure Chests.
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SSB4 - Mimicutie.jpg
…However, watch out for Mimicuties disguised as treasure chests. Run away! RUN AWAY!!
August 21, 2014
SSB4 - Ghirahim.jpg
Pic of the day. "No, I'll just beat you within an inch of your life!" Demon Lord Ghirahim makes an appearance in Smash Bros!! He's an Assist Trophy, so he could conceivably back up Link, too. Confirms Ghirahim as an Assist Trophy.
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August 22, 2014
SSB3DS Sounds Menu 1.jpg
Pic of the day. The 3DS version has an excellent Sounds collection! The design looks nice for a sound test screen, doesn't it? The font color for the "Remix" text on remixed songs comes in pink or white. The pink ones are songs arranged for this version of Super Smash Bros., while the white ones are remixes made in earlier Smash Bros. games. This means there are reoccuring songs from past releases. Reveals the sound test for the 3DS version and its functionality. The official website was also updated with the first selection of music samples.
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Choose your songs and play with features on the bottom screen. You can listen to character voices, too. One of the new highlights for this feature is the "Play in Sleep Mode" option in the upper right. If you turn this on, you can listen to the tracks with your headphones even when your Nintendo 3DS is closed. The L and R Buttons will let you skip tracks. This means you can use it as a portable music player. Enjoy listening to the tracks you love by putting all songs in loop, shuffle, or selecting your favorite tracks!!
In Smash Run, the background music plays randomly from the songs you select from the track list. This means you can customize your own song lineup!! Usually each stage has two tracks-which makes for a lot of songs on its own-but as a bonus, we've added more songs for you to enjoy in Smash Run and in the Sounds area.
By the way, here's another music announcement!! You can now listen to some of the tracks on the official website. We're planning to add more tracks a little at a time, so stay tuned.
August 25, 2014
SSB4 - Classic Mode.jpg
Pic of the day. In Classic mode, you challenge multiple stages en route to a climactic final battle. The more gold you put onto the Fiend's Scale, the harder the battles will be. In return, your rewards will get better and more abundant. The best way to earn gold fast is to win Classic battles on higher intensity. Reveals this iteration's Classic Mode, and Sakurai hints at an additional feature during the fight with Master Hand that will occur based on the difficulty setting.
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SSB4 - Classic Mode Map.jpg
In Classic mode, you can choose your next challenge on the route map. Looks like Master Hand is waiting at the end, but perhaps something might change if you raise the intensity…
August 26, 2014
SSB4 - Spectator Mode.jpg
Pic of the day. Spectator Mode is available even on the compact 3DS version!! In this mode, you can watch players all around the world fight and make bets with in-game gold. Wager wisely by checking out the player names, rules, win rates, odds, fighters, and stage!! Reveals the appearance of the Spectator Mode for the 3DS version of Smash, along with the appearance of the currency used for betting. Also reveals that Final Destination forms of stages are called "Ω forms".
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Being able to cheer someone on is what really makes spectating matches fun. This time, 1st and 2nd place will get prizes in four-player matches, and spectators can bet the gold they win on Bonus Chances.
August 27, 2014
Challenges PotD.jpg
Pic of the day. A panel in the Challenges area will unlock everytime you clear a challenge. When you unlock a panel, you'll see hints for unlocking panels directly adjacent to it on all sides. And this time, each panel will unlock pictures related to the challenge. This is tougher than it looks, you know? The challenges in the 3DS version are a little on the easy side, but the Wii U version challenges might be a bit trickier. Confirms the Challenges Mode to be returning in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U versions.
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August 28, 2014
SSB4 Mii Brawler Customization.jpg
Pic of the day. Customize your characters in the Custom section. It sounded better to customize "characters" instead of "fighters," so that's what we went with. There are various ways to customize, but make sure you remember to set up the powers you're bringing with you before playing a round of Smash Run.
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August 29, 2014
Multi-Man Smash Miis.jpg
Pic of the day. The mysterious fighting teams that appear in the Smash Bros. series come in many shapes and sizes, but this time even we don't know what all of them will look like! It's said that they copy faces from Mii characters saved on your system and attack in a large throng…!! But wait, they all have big smiles on their faces. Looks like they're having a good time, so show no mercy and launch them all away!! Formally confirms Mii Fighters as the Multi-Man mode enemies. Served as pic of the day until the Nintendo Direct later that day.
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August 29, 2014
Shulk reveal.jpg
Pic of the day. From Xenoblade Chronicles, Shulk joins the battle!! He's not the type of character that would usually appear in the Smash Bros. series, but we worked really hard to make it happen. We're very happy with how he turned out. This stage is Gaur Plain. Confirms Shulk as a newcomer, after footage of his playability had been leaked. Also reveals his variable Monado Arts, and the Gaur Plain stage.
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Shulk reveal Monado.jpg
Shulk's sword, the Monado, slashes enemies with a beam when activated, so it can strike from long range. What really makes this weapon unique is that when the Monado Arts are activated, it can change Shulk's features and abilities! Emerge victorious in battle by changing your abilities strategically!!
Shulk reveal Monado Arts.jpg
[List of Monado Arts]
翔 (Jump): higher jumps, lower defense.
疾 (Speed): faster movement, weaker attacks.
盾 (Shield): higher defense, slower movement.
斬 (Buster): stronger attacks, weaker launch ability.
撃 (Smash): Stronger launch ability, weaker attacks, lower defense against launching.

September 2014

Date Image Comment Notes Link
September 1, 2014
Riki Assist Trophy SSB4.jpg
Pic of the day. The legendary hero Riki appears as an Assist Trophy and in Shulk's Final Smash!! As an Assist Trophy, he uses many arts like Happy Happy, Freezinate, and Yoink! He sounds a bit like Tingle…but don't worry, Tingle will make an appearance too.

By the way, a cursor will appear above Assist Trophies and Pokémon to indicate which fighter is its ally. Now you can tell right off the bat who it belongs to!!

Confirms Riki as an assist trophy. Also explains a new feature for Assist Trophies in general.
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September 2, 2014
3DS All-Star Mode Description.jpg
Pic of the day. This time, you can challenge every fighter in All-Star Mode from the moment you turn on the game!! This is a survival battle with limited recovery items and no option to continue. However, this mode will be incomplete until you've unlocked every fighter... Until then, you can only play against characters that are already available. This is a picture of the bottom-screen menu, with a padlock indicating that the mode is still incomplete. Reveals that All-Star Mode is available from the start and gains more characters as they are unlocked. Also shows that characters are faced based on chronological order of their individual debut, rather than faced in order of series debut as they were in Brawl.
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3DS All-Star Mode PotD.jpg
In these battles, multiple opponents appear in one stage, and you clear the battle by defeating a number of them. The rest area that appears between battles displays the next opponents and the year the characters made their first appearances, and it also holds recovery items and an occasional reward. The characters you fight against appear pretty much in chronological order. Behold, the history of Nintendo games!!
September 3, 2014
SSB4 Samus colors 1.jpg
Pic of the day. Until now, you were only able to choose from four, or sometimes five or six colors for each character. This time, though, all characters have eight colors to choose from! The first four color schemes for Samus are based off her Varia Suit, Fusion Suit, Gravity Suit from Super Metroid, and the Dark Suit. Confirms all characters will have eight colors available to them, and reveals the remaining ones for Samus and Villager.
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SSB4 Samus colors 2.jpg
…And here she is in the color schemes of the Gravity Suit from Metroid Prime, Green Samus (a regular in the Smash series), the Light Suit, and Dark Samus. A total of eight colors.
SSB4 Villager colors 2.jpg
You can choose between four male and four female Villagers to play with. The designs for their faces and clothes are different. And here are the four Villagers we haven't shown you yet.
September 4, 2014
SSB4 Smash Run Run.jpg
Pic of the day. Here's one of the final battles in Smash Run, called "Run!" As you'd expect, it involves you dashing toward the finish line. In general, the fighters who are fast by default, equipped with speed-boosting equipment, and powered-up with speed boosts over the course of that Smash Run will have the advantage. However, speed isn't the only factor that will determine who will be victorious... Confirms the name of the previously seen "Danger Zones".
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SSB4 Smash Run Run 2.jpg
Those red things in the picture are called danger zones, and if you touch one, you'll get penalized by respawning farther back in the stage!! The danger zones disappear after someone else touches them, so fighters following those in the lead will have an advantage. You can still find speed boosts throughout the stage, so it'll be a heated battle 'till the end!!
SSB4 Smash Run Climb.jpg
Here's another final battle called "Climb!" Obviously, those that can jump or fly higher will have the advantage, but they also have to avoid the danger zones!! It gets pretty challenging if you've boosted your speed too much, as well. Everyone really gets into this when playing multiplayer.
September 5, 2014
SSB4 Menu.jpg
Pic of the day. So what is this Games & More option in the menu? I assume that some people may use this mode the most. Shows details about the "Games and More" section. Also confirms the return of Training Mode and the Vault.
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This is what you see after you click on Games & More. There are many modes to choose from. There's the Options button, too.
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Futhermore, this is what the screen looks like after you click on Solo. In the Stadium, you can find the Home-Run Contest, various Multi-Man Smash challenges, and Target Blast!
September 8, 2014
SSB4 Trophy Vault.jpg
Pic of the day. This is what the view looks like within the Vault. YourTrophies collection will start off with one randomly selected trophy. In your Album, you can view pictures you've taken of fighters posing. Photos taken with the 3D Depth Slider on will take photos in stereoscopic 3D, and photos will be in 2D when they're taken with that feature turned off. Confirms the return of the album, as well as giving additional details on the trophies and screenshots.
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September 9, 2014
Classic Mode Roulette.jpg
Pic of the day. In Classic mode, a roller spins before every stage to determine your reward. Rewards in red are for customization, green ones are trophies, and yellow means precious gold. Of course, if you raise the intensity, the abundance of these rewards will increase quite a bit, too. You can be rewarded in every stage, so in that way this mode might be a little more generous compared to previous games in the series. Confirms how rewards for Classic Mode will work. Also shows off a few trophies. Also reveals that Mii Fighters can be fought in Classic Mode similar to the Fighting Polygon Team in Smash 64.
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And here's the results screen. It shows what you gained in each stage, but you won't be rewarded until you clear it all. If you mess up in the middle, you can lose some of them too. The fighter icons are special attacks, and icons like the shield are equipment. The icons that say Mii on them are hats and clothes for Mii characters. Icons that show characters on a stand are trophies, of course, and the coins are gold you earned.
September 10, 2014
Japanese Demo POtD.jpg
Pic of the day. Users in Japan, you can now download the demo for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS! You can pick among 5 fighters with which to play. The stage is Battlefield, and the rules are fixed. There will be a few items and assist trophies available too. You can battle via local wireless, so have fun battling with your friends. For users outside of Japan, stay tuned for more news about the demo for Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. Screen shot is from Japanese version.
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Tips POtD.jpg
The only mode available on the demo version is Smash, but I also left open a feature called Tips. Just remember to tap that button. You'll figure the rest out once you do.
September 11, 2014
SSB4 Olimar and Alph.jpg
Pic of the day. The hero from Pikmin 3, Alph joins the battle!! He has pretty much the same set skills as Olimar since he's basically just his variation. He can't use Rock Pikmin either. Confirms Alph as an alternate costume for Olimar.
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They are different characters, so they each get their own title treatment on the character-selection screen. See? It says Alph.
September 12, 2014
SSB4 World Status.jpg
Pic of the day. This is the World Status you can see in Spectator mode. The game isn't released yet so the map looks pretty plain now, but I wonder what it'll look like once it's out? Also, this is where you can see all sorts of stats being tallied up. In Group play and Spectator mode, you can see characters you haven't unlocked yet, so watch out if you don't want to be spoiled.
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Even if you don't want to be spoiled, it might be wise to select the Online option at least once before you start the game. Your Global Smash Power won't appear until the first time you connect to the internet. Not only that, but there could potentially be a patch available that can resolve potential issues, like the one being released now for the Japanese version of the game. For the package version, updates can be pre-downloaded to your system even before you purchase the game, so make sure you look out for them.
September 15, 2014
SSB3DS Conquest.jpg
Pic of the day. Now that the game is out in Japan, the Conquest mode will be available in online multiplayer in the Japanese version. This is what the title screen will look like for the overseas version. In this mode, the game aggregates global wins among specific teams during a limited time and determines the victor. If you choose a participating fighter from the With Anyone option, you'll automatically participate in Conquest. We'll be running Conquest in beta for a while.
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Also, Conquest data where players seem to be losing on purpose will be removed from the calculations. And lastly, there's no point in working on this mode too much on your own, so don't overdo it…
September 16, 2014
Pic of the day. These two are a haunting pair. You can only attack Gastly using items, but the Ghost has a perfect guard and reflects your attacks. When you see a Ghost, make sure you use your grab. If you're playing with Diddy Kong, his Monkey Flip should work, too.
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September 16, 2014
Announcement: Originally, the pic of the day was only supposed to continue for about two months, but I've ended up posting pictures until even today. The 3DS version has already been released in Japan, so I would like to talk about how future posts will be handled.

First, I will not talk about hidden features until the game is released overseas. On the other hand, I definitely will talk about them after the game is released abroad.

In addition, I am planning to continue making posts at least until the Wii U version is released. I haven't decided if I'll go by the Japanese version release or the release of versions abroad, but the point is that I'll continue posting for a little bit longer.

Pic of the day won't focus on introducing new information anymore in the near future, but I hope to entertain you with interesting and funny photos like I originally intended to. Thanks.
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September 17, 2014
SSB4 StreetSmash.jpg
Pic of the day. Here's a glimpse of StreetSmash. Make sure to set this up once you get the game. The more fighters you play against at once, the more loot you can earn.
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September 18, 2014
SSB4 Fighter Records.jpeg
Pic of the day. We've improved the Fighter Records window to make it easier to browse through. I'm assuming you'll be building up your records fast once you start playing the game.
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September 19, 2014
SSB4-U Castle Siege.jpg
Pic of the day. Well, I'd better post some pictures from the Wii U version once in a while, right? We've brought back the Castle Siege stage from Fire Emblem! Confirms Castle Siege as a returning stage.
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Most of the games in the Fire Emblem series have a different unique setting and have fields without much height, so it was hard to narrow down what venues to focus on. Castle Siege and Colosseum are two stages that aren't exclusive to specific games in the franchise.
September 22, 2014
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Pic of the day. Here are the results for Conquest mode for players in Japan that are playing the Japanese 3DS version. Their next challenge is to battle each other with fighters they've trained up and fighters made of metal!!
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September 23, 2014
Master Core PotD.jpg
Pic of the day. Master Hand's glove rips open, and a mysterious substance we're calling the swarm, er, swarms out. The amount of this substance determines the shape of your final opponent, and you will have to launch it away in small clusters at a time. The higher your intensity, the denser the substance will be. Gives details on the hardest boss in Classic Mode.
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September 24, 2014
PictoChat 2 Pac-Man.jpg
Pic of the day. PAC-MAN makes an appearance on the PictoChat 2 stage. We've included this as an element from Pac-Pix, which was released in 2005. It was quite revolutionary. This is the first pic of the day to discuss the PictoChat 2 stage.
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There are a lot of new elements in the PictoChat 2 stage. In this screenshot, it looks like there is depth to the stage…or like there isn't. The illusory nature of the drawing is meant to challenge your perspective.
September 25, 2014
SSB4-3DS Mii Hats.jpg
Pic of the day. We've prepared many hats for Mii Fighters...but a lot of them are humorously designed, so it might be hard to coordinate them with flair. You could, of course, choose to not wear the hats at all... It makes me wonder--how is everyone planning to dress up their Mii Fighters? Well, one thing is for sure: the ninja headband worn by the Mii in front should look good with anything.
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September 26, 2014
Pic of the day. Here's a stage exclusive to the Wii U version: Gamer. Don't let Mom find you while you're duking it out!! Confirms Gamer as a new stage.
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If Mom does spot you, she'll scold you and blow you away!! ...I've never seen a fighting action game as chaotic as this one.
September 29, 2014
SSB4 Music Change 3DS.jpg
Pic of the day. For the 3DS version, you can select alternate tracks for stages by holding down the R Button while you select the stage--the brown drop shadow that frames the stage image when you hold down the R Button indicates the alternate track is active. For the Living Room stage, the alternate track is the vocal version of the default track. Songs with vocals aren't the best match for battles, but the song was too good to leave out, so this is how we chose to include it.
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Also, For the Boxing Ring, if you select the stage while holding down the L Button, you can play on the Smash Bros. version of the stage. If you hold down the Y Button, you can choose to play on the Punch Out! version. These variations are usually selected at random, but this method lets you select them manually.
September 30, 2014
Pic of the day. In the 3DS version, your fighter gets outlined by your team color. So, how does this work in the Wii U version? Check out this screenshot. In this picture, the outlines may seem faint, but the color intensity is consistent. This means that the farther away and smaller your fighter appears on the screen, the clearer the colors will look. Confirms that in both versions, characters will no longer be forced into their red, blue, or green palette swaps for team battles thanks to outlining.
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October 2014

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October 1, 2014
SSB4 Orbital Gate 1.jpg
Pic of the day. This is the Orbital Gate stage. This is a Wii U version-exclusive stage reenacting Team Star Fox's defense of the Orbital Gate from an Aparoid missile attack. Provides the name of the previously revealed Star Fox: Assault stage and further details of its layout and setup.
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Missiles are launched towards the Orbital Gate! The force field shields the machinery for a while, and the missiles eventually get shot down by team Star Fox. Overall, this stage feels like a ride. It's pretty hectic, so hold on tight!
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The Arwings are passing through the gate! And the fighters hop on for a free ride!!
October 2, 2014
SSBU Sheriff.jpg
Pic of the day. This assist trophy is Sheriff. Sheriff was an arcade game released in 1979. In this game, the players aim by choosing one of eight directions to shoot using a second joystick separate from the one that controls movement. It was quite a revolutionary game for its time. For shooting games overseas, it's common to see games that utilize the left stick to move around and the right to determine the direction to shoot, so we can say the origin of modern shooting games was this game--which is pretty remarkable. This is the first official mention of the Sheriff Assist Trophy.
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October 3, 2014
Pic of the day. Finally, Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS is being released overseas. Congratulations!! With the game released globally, from here on out I'll be posting about some of the hidden elements in the game. However, for now they'll only trickle down a little bit at a time. I'll be done with posting new pics by the end of the year, so I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the ride. Announces worldwide release of Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS.
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October 6, 2014
Pic of the day. Conquest mode is now open to overseas players. This is when things finally get serious. We've increased the frequency for updates, too. The Global Smash Power rankings will get interesting with more players involved. Connect online, and keep updating your status. This screenshot is the result from the last Conquest challenge. (image is from the Japanese version) Announces Conquest mode is available in the West.
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October 7, 2014
Pic of the day. For the first time ever in the Super Smash Bros. series, you can play with a collection of real-life trophies in the form of amiibo. Simply touch them on this part of the GamePad. This particular screen is dedicated to activating amiibo, but you can also tap your amiibo on the GamePad at the character-selection screen to let that character join the battle. Gives details about amiibo and how they will work.
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Once you do, the trophy of your amiibo character transforms into a Figure Player (FP)!! FPs fight and develop on their own.
October 7, 2014
Release dates for the Wii U version have been announced! Along with the first amiibo lineup, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will be released on November 21st in the Americas. In Europe, amiibo will be released on November 28th, while Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will launch on December 5th. In Oceania, amiibo will be released on November 29th, and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will launch on December 6th. For more details, check out the official website at
Announces the release date for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
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October 8, 2014
Pic of the day. The Flying Men that appear in the Magicant stage will ally with the first fighter that touches them. Watch out for their flying cross-chop attacks! They also accumulate damage, and a grave gets erected every time a Flying Man falls in battle. And of course, only up to five Flying Men can appear at a time. First look in the Pics of the Day of Ness. Also first mention of Magicant as a stage.
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October 9, 2014
Pic of the day. Here's the Trophy Shop for the Wii U version. It operates identically to the 3DS version, but it sure has a different feel, doesn't it? First look at the Trophy Shop in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
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October 10, 2014
Pic of the day. Unfortunately, I've been too busy working on developing the Wii U version that I haven't had a chance to play Home-Run Contest with my Global Smash Power turned on. So fighters, with the game now released worldwide, how are you faring with your home-run distance and Global Smash Power? I wonder if Ganondorf gives you some advantage. First textual mention of Ganondorf's playability.
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October 13, 2014
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Pic of the day. Here's Bass, a trophy for the Wii U version!! When I first saw this, I was really surprised by the quality of this trophy and Treble's presence. Even though this will only appear as a trophy, this was made from the ground up. Designers really are amazing. Confirms four new trophies from the Mega Man series for the Wii U version.
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Zero's here too!! There are also trophies of Roll and Proto Man.
October 14, 2014
Pic of the day. Now here's a challenge… Find Stalfos!! (Difficulty Level 3) This is a close-up of a specific area in the Trophy Hoard, but the search will be more challenging if you zoom out. You can change the alignment of these trophies by holding down a direction on the +Control Pad while you're entering Trophy Hoard.
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October 15, 2014
Pic of the day. Now, what mode is this…?! Teases as-of-yet unknown mode for the Wii U version. Of note is that the Japanese version of the post has the buttons uncensored, and translate to "Master Side" and "Crazy Side." In addition, unused announcer files have been found in the 3DS Version saying "Master Order" and "Crazy Order."
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October 16, 2014
Pic of the day. Tips will display in three columns in the Wii U version. There's more content, which includes descriptions of the original games. This game seems to never run out of easter eggs, even if you play it normally. Knowing that this will get translated into multiple languages, I shouldn't go overboard with the contents, though.... First look at tips in the Wii U version.
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October 17, 2014
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Pic of the day. Zael from The Last Story grabs some Superspicy Curry from Master Hand. "No…! You mustn't let that curry lure you in…!!" In the Wii U version, you can take photos of dream collaborations and funny situations with your trophies in the Photo Studio. Confirms a trophy of Zael from The Last Story and the presence of Photo Studio, which appears to be functionally identical to Diorama mode in Brawl.
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October 20, 2014
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Pic of the day. Here's the settings menu for Rules. Comical pictures appear on the left when you go through the options, so I'll briefly introduce them. Shows the Rules menu for the Wii U version and confirms that all rule options will be available without unlocking. The Damage Display picture confirms Temple as a returning stage, and the Rules picture implies the return of Coin Battle.
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Going clockwise from the top-left corner, here are the pictures that appear for Rules, Time Limit, Custom Fighters, Stage Choice, Damage Ratio, and Handicap.
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In the Wii U version, you can customize additional rules from the beginning of the game. Here are the pictures displayed for Stock Time Limit, Team Attack, Pause Function, SD Penalty, Damage Display, and Score Display. You can almost hear Fox's cry in the picture displayed for SD Penalty settings.
October 21, 2014
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Pic of the day. The trophies from the Xenoblade series can be found mostly in the Wii U version. Here's Melia looking the other way. Confirms several Xenoblade trophies for the Wii U version that are not present in the 3DS version.
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October 22, 2014
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Pic of the day. Here's what's happening behind the scenes in one of the secret fighter's shooting moves. The object being held is called an NES Zapper. This is an accessory which was released for the NES outside of Japan. Now, this image is edited, but it's a scene from the secret fighter's reveal video. Teases the video reveal of Duck Hunt for the movies in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.
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October 23, 2014
Pic of the day. The giant screen in the Boxing Ring stage for Wii U reenacts the multiscreen effect seen in the arcade version of Punch-Out!! Looks like their aliases are displayed on the screen too.
By the way, today, October 23rd at 3 PM PST (October 23rd 11 PM UK time, October 24th 9 AM Sydney Time, we are streaming "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 50-Fact Extravaganza" (“Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 50 Must-See Things”). You can watch the stream from the links below when it starts.

For Americas:
For Europe:
For Oceania:

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October 23, 2014
"Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 50-Fact Extravaganza" (“Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 50 Must-See Things”) is out now!! If you missed it, watch it from the links below. Has the 50-Fact Extravaganza embedded in the post.
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October 24, 2014
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Pic of the day. At long last, the Wii U version supports eight-player multiplayer!! It gets pretty hectic watching eight people duke it out at once. For more details, check out "Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 50-Fact Extravaganza" (“Super Smash Bros. for Wii U: 50 Must-See Things”).
For Americas:
For Europe:
For Oceania:
Shows off 8-Player Smash and Big Battlefield. As with the previous post, the 50-Fact Extravaganza is embedded in the post.
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And here's a stage prepared for a large number of fighters, Big Battlefield!! Fighters can spread out, so it should be easier battling on a stage like this.