User:TheNuttyOne/Smash 5 Prediction!

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Well, we know the entire roster for Smash 4, so predictions for that are pointless- and it's never too early, right? :P

You can make edits to your prediction until the first Smash 5 character is confirmed (which may be a very long time, obviously). This should help pass the time though!

You can mostly use anything- a table, an image, or even just a dotted list. If you choose to use an image, make it a clear image so that it's easy to tell which character is which, and also include the names of each character somewhere on the roster.

Make a header with your username when you add your prediction, and... well, have fun! :P


  1. There can be no more than 80 characters on your roster.
    • If you wish to bring back transformations, they only count as one character.
  2. Characters must be featured mainly in video games. This does not mean video games based off of TV or movies, rather TV or movies based off of video games. (So Ash Ketchum would be acceptable, but Mickey Mouse would not.)
  3. No more than 10 veterans may be cut.
    • Mewtwo, Ice Climbers, Lucas, Wolf, Roy, etc. do not count against this.
  4. Be creative and have fun!

Scoring System

  • Correct Newcomer Prediction - 10 points. A correct newcomer prediction is when a newcomer on your prediction roster is confirmed to be in the game. Pretty straightforward.
  • Correct Veteran Prediction - 5 points. Like the above, but with veterans. Since it's pretty easy to predict this (I'm pretty sure Mario will return), it doesn't have as high a score as a correct newcomer prediction.
  • Semi-Correct Prediction - 3 points. This is when you predict a transformation character or a team character, but only one of them appear. (i.e. you predict Zelda/Sheik, but only Sheik is confirmed). You get the three points for each character (meaning if you predict Pokemon Trainer with Greninja, Chespin, and Braixen and they all appear separately, you get 9 points.) However, there is no penalty if only part of the character is confirmed (only Greninja appears, not Chespin and Braixen), you just only get 3 points. If you predict a team character and only one of them appears with the other as a costume (like Popo with Nana as a costume instead of Popo & Nana as the Ice Climbers), you do not get 6 points, only 3. This same rule applies to if you predict two characters separately but they are confirmed as transformations or a team, even if you only guessed one of the characters.
  • Incorrect Prediction - Minus 5 points. This is when a character on your roster is confirmed to not be in the game. Like how Chrom was highly speculated in Smash 4 but was confirmed to not be playable in the Lucina/Robin reveal trailer. Or how Ashley was confirmed to be an Assist Trophy. Those characters would have gotten you 5 points removed.
  • Missing Prediction - Minus 3 points. This is when a character is confirmed that wasn't on your roster (like how no one could've guessed Wii Fit Trainer (yet oddly everyone predicted Duck Hunt)). Since Sakurai often picks characters no one expected (Ice Climbers, R.O.B., WFT), it's reasonable for this to be slightly less of a deduction than the incorrect prediction.

When SSB5 is released and all of the characters are confirmed, everyone's score will be added up and the winner will win... um, something. I'll decide that later. And if I win... well, I can't really give myself a prize, so that just means everyone loses I guess. Sigh.

moved to User talk:Nutta Butta/Smash 5 Prediction!

Roster Predictions

Nutta's Prediction

SSB5 Prediction Roster.png Welp, here we go! Now for some explanations because I'm bored.

  • I did not add any Mario characters because, despite being the biggest and the mascot Nintendo series, they are way over-represented, with seven characters.
    • The DK, Yoshi, and Wario universes did not get any extra representatives because they are only barely separate from the Mario universe.
  • I brought back the Ice Climbers because Sakurai cut them just because of them breaking the 3DS version. Since he likes his random characters, he'd probably bring them back once he's able to.
  • I added Inkling because I think Splatoon! will be a pretty popular game, and its characters are really cool. I actually have an ink system worked out for him, but I won't go into to much detail.
  • Yuga joins the Zelda series, mostly to even it out with the Mario and Pokemon games a little.
  • Krystal is added due to the fact that, alongside random characters, Sakurai also likes adding requested characters. Like King Dedede in Brawl and Mega Man in Smash 4. Also, she's a nice unique face for the Star Fox series, and would use her staff.
  • I added Ridley too, because of the same reason as Krystal (and because I really wanted the roster to be even). I've seen images of him in Brawl at the same size as Bowser and Charizard, and it wasn't entirely ridiculous. Although I still doubt he'll get in, he would make an okay addition.
  • Balloon Fighter joins as a new retro and random representative (heh heh, alliteration)
  • Dillon because he was highly-requested and for an eShop representative.
  • Waddle Dee because I think Sakurai will favor the Kirby series a little, since he favored the Kid Icarus in Smash 4.
  • Chorus Kids for a second random character (we had both WFT and Duck Hunt, right?)
  • Mewtwo returns for Pokemon- however, he's likely going to be replaced by a Gen VII newcomer once I have an idea of who they are. Maybe even Gen VIII.
  • Mallo is another eShop representative. And possibly a random character. In my opinion, he deserves it, but I'm sure someone disagrees.
  • Dr. Mario, Dark Pit, and Lucina return. Try as I might I couldn't come up with a fourth clone (which is why I added Ridley). I considered Jolteon, Blood Falcon, and Dark Link, but none of them seemed like they would make the cut. But, I think Sakurai will keep clones in. Personally, I like them.
  • Bomberman joins as a new third-party representative. He seemed like he fit the best, although he only beat out Maxwell and Professor Layton because he was the only one with 3D artwork (and I'm a stickler about things matching).

So there you go. Feel free to add your own now. :)