Project M

Ike (PM)

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in Project M and Project+
Ike SSBB.jpg
Universe Fire Emblem
Base game appearance Brawl
Moveset inspiration Ike (SSBB)
Ike (SSBB)

Ike is a playable character in the Brawl mod Project M and a character from the Fire Emblem games. As Ike's first (and as of yet only) appearance in the series is as a fighter in Brawl, his general speed has been significantly increased to fit the mechanics of Project M. In particular, Ike has had his combo starting abilities buffed, from his more versatile quick-draw to his low lag back aerial and quick up aerial.


Changes from Brawl to PM

  • Buff Dash speed and jump momentum has increased, making him a faster.
  • Buff Both shield stun and shield damage capabilities have been greatly improved.
  • Buff Foward tilt is now faster.
  • Buff Up tilt is now quicker, and has a sweetspot which does 2% more damage now doing 14% making it a better KO move.
  • Buff Down tilt is much faster and can interrupt much sooner, and can combo into itself at lower percents.
  • Buff Dash attack deals more damage and has a more advantageous angle.
  • Buff Up smash hitboxes do more damage and knockback. Sweetspot does 22% and the other does 19%.
  • Buff Down smash hitboxes send backwards and the first hit does 1% more damage now doing 14% with stronger knockback, the second hit does 1% less damage and is a stronger KO move.
  • Buff The general amount of landing lag Ike experiences has been reduced.
  • Buff Down aerial has slightly faster start-up, does 1% more damage now doing 17%, however knockback is not compensated on the ground, but it's meteor smash capabilities have improved.
  • Buff Back aerial sweetspot does 3% more damage and has stronger knockback, sourspot does 1% more damage now doing 15% with slightly less knockback than the brawl sweetspot.
  • Buff Foward aerial has slightly faster start-up, and a sweetspot that does 3% more damage and more knockback.
  • Buff Neutral aerial is faster and does 5% more damage now doing 14% and has more knockback.
  • Buff A fully charged Eruption now acts much like Roy's Flare Blade: it does 50% damage with OHKO potential, plus a semi-spike trajectory. The attack additionally meteor smashes opponents when connecting with the tip, bolstering its edgeguarding capacities, however uncharged variants do not have compensated knockback from brawl, and Eruption now has an aura effect so it can now hit red pikmin.
  • Buff Quick Draw now charges much faster, and Ike can additionally continue charging the move past it: a fully charged one takes about four seconds, but becomes a very quick flaming dash that covers most stages entirely. While Ike himself does small damage with no knockback to enemies he passes through, hitting with a perfectly-timed attack will cause an extremely powerful attack that always OHKOs. You must now press the special button once you release the quick draw to attack, however does less damage and knockback on ding point. When you use the attack when you glow red, it does much stronger knockback and damage.
  • Buff Ike can now jump or wall jump out of a Quick Draw. He can only jump out of a Quick Draw begun from the ground, but he can wall jump out of it as long as he meets the normal wall jumping requirements, and up to two times. Ike is additionally no longer put into helpless state if he connects with Quick Draw in midair.
  • Buff The gaps in the hitbox of Aether have been filled, allowing Aether to flow and combo better than before. In addition, the amount of horizontal distance Ike can travel with Aether has been increased, improving his recovery.
  • Buff Counter has a slightly higher multiplier, and starts quicker and can be jump-canceled eighteen frames after (and only if) Ike counters an attack.
  • Nerf Foward tilt is weaker, making it less useful for KOing.
  • Nerf Down aerial sourspot is now a flub spot with much less knockback and does 5% less damage now doing 7%
  • Nerf Up aerial does 1% less damage and knockback is not compensated form brawl.
  • Nerf Jab combo deals less damage.
  • Nerf Down tilt does less damage and is no longer a reliable KO move.
  • Nerf Dash attack has slightly less reach.
  • Nerf Quick Draw can no longer be held indefinitely.
  • Nerf The super armor on the startup of Aether has been reduced to a light armor, and Eruption's has been reduced to heavy armor.
  • Change Quick Draw now goes through an opponent by default and Ike will only attack upon a special button press, while holding the attack button will make him auto-attack like in Brawl.
  • Change Eruption and the last hit of Great Aether now have blue flame effects rather than red ones, possessing an aura effect.
  • Change Ike's attacks have sweet spots that vary around his base, hilt, and arm, with the hilt being most effective.



  • Nerf Ike cannot grab the ledge backwards after a certain point during his Up-B
  • Change Ike's Quick Draw OHKO now cannot cause a permanent color tint


  • Buff Ike's Run is slightly slower but the start of his Dash is significantly faster, improving quick pivots and his jump cancel slide
  • Buff Ike's Dash to Run transition is slightly faster
  • Buff Ike's Weight is put back to vBrawl weight (a slight decrease in weight)
  • Buff Ike's tip hitboxes on Up Tilt, Down Tilt, Neutral Air, and Up Air send more horizontally like other tips do rather than more vertically
  • Buff Ike's Neutral/Forward/Back/Up/Down Air body hitboxes adjusted to be smaller in size like his ground attacks to aid in landing the hilt sweetspot
  • Buff Ike's Dash Attack hitbox priority adjusted; tip no longer hits so often over the others
  • Buff Ike's Dash Attack animation adjusted to have the forward movement at more appropriate parts, and also does not raise the sword quite as high. Now capable of Boost Up Smashing and Boost Turn Grabbing
  • Buff Ike's Dash Attack weak hit duration decreased slightly
  • Buff Ike's Up Tilt has slightly less base knockback and more growth, strong hit reaches higher, and weak hit duration reduced
  • Buff Ike's Down Tilt hits slightly faster, and the hilt sweetspot meteors while the rest of the attack sends upward
  • Buff Ike's Forward Air hit duration adjusted, average damage slightly decreased, base knockback decreased, and growth increased significantly emphasizing the sweetspot
  • Buff Ike's Down Air spike on the hilt sweetspot sends slightly outward like other spikes do to be outside meteor trajectory range
  • Buff Ike's Side B is jump cancelable on the 3rd frame of the dash, and uncharged covers less distance
  • Nerf Ike's Up Air early hitboxes slightly decreased in base knockback
  • Nerf Ike's Standing Grab range reduced slightly
  • Nerf Ike's non-fully charged Neutral B hitboxes and graphical effects reduced in size a bit, armor duration adjusted, and super armor changed to knockback-based armor; it can be broken through at KOing %
  • Nerf Ike's Side B wall jump can only be performed twice per airtime
  • Nerf Ike's Up B sword throw and glow animation cleaned up to match each other better, Ike's movement during the jump smoothed out, and aerial Up B decreased in height a bit
  • Nerf Ike's Forward Smash hitboxes begin slightly later in the animation, and base knockback decreased a bit
  • Nerf Ike's Jab 3 base knockback decreased a bit
  • Change Ike's non-tip hitboxes are now slightly more damaging and stronger at the hilt, while being slightly less so on the others
  • Change Ike's Jab 3, Up Tilt, Forward/Up/Down Smash, and Down Air weak hit now follow the tip/middle/hilt system for damage
  • Change Ike's Forward Tilt has slightly less base knockback and more growth, and IASA is slightly later
  • Change Ike's Down Smash base knockback is slightly lower on 1st hit and higher on the 2nd
  • Change Ike's Neutral Air late hit is weaker, sends at a more horizontal angle, and has a slightly shorter hit duration
  • Change Ike's Up Air hitbox priority adjusted to normal tip/middle/hilt spacing
  • Change Ike's Forward Throw animation touched up a bit to look better, and has less base knockback and more growth
  • Change Ike's Back Throw releases slightly faster, slightly decreased in base knockback, and trajectory is a bit higher
  • Change Ike's Up Throw endlag slightly increased, and knockback growth increased
  • Change Ike's Down Throw base knockback slightly decreased, and growth greatly increased
  • Change Ike's Up B hitboxes reworked with new knockback stacking mechanics, and armor duration reduced to be during the time he is crouching before jumping
  • Change Ike's Neutral B graphical effects are now blue


  • Buff New faster neutral air
  • Buff D-tilt sped up
  • Buff Up B covers more horizontal distance


  • Buff Jab3 comes out slightly faster
  • Buff Down Tilt knockback, damage, hitbox placement, and angle adjusted to be a more useful move
  • Buff Down Smash1's knockback growth has been slightly increased and its base knockback has been slightly decreased
  • Buff Down Smash2's knockback growth has been slightly increased
  • Buff Neutral Air is significantly faster and has more base knockback
  • Buff Forward Air base knockback slightly increased
  • Buff Standing Grab box and animation adjusted to be slightly more outward
  • Buff Up B air mobility starts sooner, allowing more overall horizontal distance
  • Buff Up B height slightly adjusted between what 2.5 and 2.1 were
  • Nerf Up Throw's knockback growth reverted to 2.1
  • Nerf Neutral B supercharged hitboxes and armor end sooner
  • Nerf Aerial Side B speed charge gain is slightly less per frame
  • Change Down Tilt comes out slightly earlier and is interruptible sooner


  • Nerf Down Tilt IASAs slightly later


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Up to date as of version 3.01.

Name Damage Description
Neutral attack Punch, Kick, Sword 4%, 3%, 6% (7% sweet, 5% sour) Ike throws out his left fist, kicks forward, and swings Ragnell down.
Forward tilt Power Slash 13% (15% sweet, 11% sour) With his arms together, Ike quickly swings his sword from left to right. Takes a bit to recover from.
Up tilt Vertical Thrust 10% (12% sweet, 8% sour) Ike hops up while keeping Ragnell straight, making it thrust upwards. Decent as a punish to juggle at low percents; useful at higher percentages too.
Down tilt Low Sweep 12% (14% sweet, 10% sour) Ike swings low and trips the opponent. Can be interrupted farily short and knocks the opponent back at middle-percentages.
Dash attack Lunge 12% (14% sweet, 10% sour) Ike takes a step and shifts Ragnell to his other side with a swing.
Forward smash Forward Smash 22% (25% sweet, 18% sour) Ike twirls Ragnell behind him before forcefully sending it down with all his strength.
Up smash Overhead Swing 19% (22% sweet, 16% sour) Ragnell is swung in an arc that covers both his sides and overhead. Sends the opponent upward
Down smash Double Slice 1st hit: 14% (16% sweet, 16% sour
2nd hit: 13% (15% sweet, 11% sour)
Ike bends low before swinging Ragnell by the ground. Press attack again to follow up behind him.
Neutral aerial Air Swipe 10% (11% sweet, 8% sour) A 270-degree slice, starting from above him to his back. Sends opponents at an angle depending on Ragnell's position
Forward aerial Forward Chop 13% (16% sweet, 10% sour) An overhead chop that can send opponents backwards.
Back aerial Back Slash 5% (17% sweet, 12% sour) Ike quickly swings behind him with great reach. Works like most other back aerials.
Up aerial Spinning 11% (15% sweet, 9% sour) Ike slowly twirls Ragnell above his head. Useful for ceiling KOs.
Down aerial Sword Drop 9% (14% sweet, 7% sour) In a similar motion to his f-air, he swings below him. Has spike properties.
Pummel Headbutt 3% Ike forces his head into his victim.
Forward throw Forward kick 6% Ike punts the opponent into the distance. Works best with a follow-up.
Back throw Toss away 6% Ike throws the opponent back before quickly kicking them away.
Up throw Mighty Punch 6% Throwing his sword in the ground, Ike unleashes an uppercut. Has a sharp knockback growth that renders the move useless at mid-percentages.
Down throw Stomp 6% Ike throws the opponent on the ground and jumps on them.
Floor attack (front) 6% Ike spins around with Ragnell, hitting slightly higher behind him and then lower as he goes around.
Floor attack (back) 6% Ike swings his blade behind him before slicing forward.
Floor attack (trip) 5% Ike spins with Ragnell. This time, it is more leveled.
Edge attack (fast) 8% Ike leaps up and spins upward with Ragnell.
Edge attack (slow) 10% Ike slowly climbs up to swing in front of him.
Neutral special Eruption 10%-34%, 50% fully charged Ike holds Ragnell above him before slamming it into the ground. A fully charged special damages himself and instantly kills any opponent in range. Also useful for edgeguarding opponents coming from below with a sweet spot at the tip.
Side special Quick Draw Normal: 9% (12% sweet, 7% sour)(fixed at 12% after ding)
Overcharged: 25% (27% sweet, 23% sour) Flames: 4%
OHKO: 50%
Ike readies a stance to charge at his opponent. The maximum distance can be heard with a ring, but can be overcharged. Overcharging allows for more damage and distance. Any opponent he passes when he turns red takes damage. The player can press B to swing when Ike is charging, or can hold A to function automatically like Brawl; Ike can simply jump out of it as well. Can OHKO if fully charged AND timed properly. Leaves Ike helpless if he falls off.
Up special Aether 8% first hit, 2% flipping (four times), 3% down swing, 6% landing Ike tosses his sword into the air to catch it before flipping back to earth. Any opponents caught at the start will be knocked up.
Down special Counter 1.2 multiplier (1.5 sweet, .5 sour) Ike brings Ragnell close to him. If attacked in the middle of his flash, he counters with his own swing. Ike does not take damage when hit, instead that damage is used to determine how much he does. Sweetspotting this move results in an explosion.
Final Smash Great Aether 64%-78% Ike becomes invincible and swings his sword in front of him and anybody who he hits is sent upward. He then leaps into the air, slashes the character(s) seven times with his sword aflame, kicks them twice, slashes them four more times, and knocks them downward with a powerful finishing blow with a large explosion that sends the trapped opponent(s) and any opponent that happens to be too close upwards.

In competitive play

Notable players

Palette swaps

Ike's palette swaps remain unchanged from Brawl.

Ike's palette swaps in PM


  • Ike will perform a down taunt to a successful Quick Draw OHKO.
  • Eruption's new blue flames technically use the aura effect as opposed to the flame effect. While this is mostly a purely cosmetic change to match Ike's origins more (as only Lucario gains any effect from aura attacks), it does mean Flame stickers, frozen characters, Blast Boxes, and Red Pikmin no longer have influence on the move.

External links