
Revision as of 23:18, February 18, 2014 by Clarinet Hawk (talk | contribs) (Notable?)
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Character info
Brawl main Snake
Other Brawl character ROB
Team info
Crew(s) The Dirty South
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Another Level
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Jaurice AKA "Crazy old Maurice" AKA "The MVD of NC" AKA "That guy who always talks about vans" AKA "Jreece's Pieces" is a prolific member of the North Carolina smash community, known for his constant devotion and appreciation of the NC smashers. His playstyle is characterized by pivot grabs, grenade drops, and ciphering far too much to benefit anyone around him. Notable in his career is his use of diversionary tactics during offline play, in the form of constant head bobs, grunts, and other spasms of movement.

Jaurice is a legend in NC, and it is rumored that he taught Dr. PP everything he knows about melee. Truly the dark horse of the NC tournament scene, the entire room gathers as Jaurice steps up to create his art on the canvas that is Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

While jovial and cheerful as always, Jaurice is known to pop off whenever possible, and is not afraid to show his snake to the world.


The pride and joy of NC, Jaurice is known for a steady, predictable reading level. His reads can be likened to someone pretending to be literate: he can only read the same thing over and over. There are many types of Jaureads to be implemented during play:

-Pivot grabbing multiple times, hoping for shield armor

-Ciphering upwards immediately after leaving the stage, regardless of circumstance

-Killing his partner with Snake's forward smash in doubles, even if his partner is the Apex 2014 champion.

-Forward airs that, while seemingly thrown out at random to spectators, are actually carefully thought out reads.