User:Toomai/IRC Mafia/Best of Mafia

< User:Toomai‎ | IRC Mafia
Revision as of 20:17, December 15, 2012 by Air Conditioner (talk | contribs) (Will add more later when I find the logs)

4 to 1
Mafia VS. Town
Current Leader: Mafia

(Note: I consider Round 2 to be invalid. The first game is so due to cheating by theweirdomaxim, which he later admitted to, and the second game is due to the mod errors.)

The Conversations

Note: As most of my logs are on the other computer, this will have to do for now. Please be warned that until more Mafia games are put in, there will be lots and lots of "filler" to make the page longer.

Round 3, Game 1

From Action/Speech
Mr_Anon Let me do the math for a sec.
Mr_Anon I change my suspicions to neutral for the meantime.
Mr_Anon 1/16 chance that you are normal cop and correctly investigate the Mafia. 3/16 chance of above and turning up with an innocent person.
Mr_Anon 1/4 chance of being naive and getting innocent.
Mr_Anon 1/4 chance of paranoid and getting guilty
Mr_Anon 1/8 chance of being random and getting guilty
Mr_Anon 1/8 chance of being random and getting innocent
Mr_Anon So you have a 7/16 chance of getting a guilty finding. Now if you get guilty, you have a 1/7 chance of being normal cop and correctly getting it.
Mr_Anon You have a 4/7 chance of being paranoid, in which case you have an additional 1/7 chance of correctly being paranoid.
Chikatank strangles Mr_Anon
From Action/Speech
Toomai *Alright day 2. A Cop is dead. Big surprise there.*
MODE ##sw-game -v Chikatank
Toomai has changed the topic to: "Day 2. Dead Cop! Shocker!"