Super Smash Bros. Brawl

List of stickers (Kid Icarus series)

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The following contains the list of stickers for the Kid Icarus series in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

Name Game Effect Characters
Eggplant Wizard Kid Icarus AttackSpecialsIndirect+015Specials: Indirect Attack +11 All charactersRandomHead.png
Pit Kid Icarus AttackWeapon+004Weapon (type) Attack +26 PitPit (SSBB)
Pit Kid Icarus: Of Myths and Monsters SpecialLaunchPowerStickerIconLaunchPower.png +16 PitPit (SSBB)
Reaper & Reapette Kid Icarus DefenseFlame+004Flame Resistance +12 PitPit (SSBB)
