Momentum canceling

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Momentum Canceling is a very important element of Super Smash Bros. Brawl's competitive play. The concept is that certain attacks and actions will halt or reduce a character's aerial momentum, such as Oil Panic. Combined with the ability to attack and air dodge while tumbling or reeling in Brawl, this makes it possible to use these moves to avoid being KO'd.

Momentum cancelling has two steps:

  1. Once hit, use your fastest aerial attack (air dodge in the case of Ike and Snake) as soon as possible to escape the reeling or tumbling. The next action depends on whether your knockbacked horizontally or vertically and your character.
  2. If knockbacked vertically, you initiate a fastfall (both of these steps can be done at the same time via the c-stick). Or if knockbacked horizontally, use a special move that negates momentum, if your character has one. If not, simply perform a midair jump.

This technique when combined with DI can allow survival up to 200%. Momentum Canceling doesn't help much against attacks with high knockback scaling, such as Luigi's forward smash. Mastering this technique is essential as it helps greatly in competitive matches as well as free-for-alls.

Vertical Momentum Canceling Chart

This is a chart showing the vertical momentum canceling abilities of each character. To momentum cancel when launched vertically, all you have to do is perform one of your aerials and fast-fall. This can simply be done by tapping down on the c-stick as this will simultaneously perform your dair and fast-fall. It should be noted that stall-then-fall attacks DO NOT help at all with vertical momentum canceling. With such characters, you'll have to tap the c-stick (or d-pad if you're using the Wii remote and Nunchuk)in a direction other then down and simultaneously tap the control stick down.

These percentages were found in Training mode by hitting each character from the center of Final Destination with Olimar's dair (blue pikmin). This attack was chosen since it has pure vertical knockback and KOs Mario around 150%. How well a character can vertical momentum cancel is based entirely on the difference between the speed of their normal fall and the speed of their fast-fall. Link, who has the biggest difference, has the most notable benefit from vertical momentum canceling. Wolf, who has the smallest difference, gains the least notable benefit from vertical momentum canceling. This chart does not factor in DI because the ranking of each character would not change if DI was factored in. Characters are ranked on their total vertical endurance. Even though there are a few special moves that can stop vertical momentum, all characters survive longer through the basic method, including Mr.Game & Watch.

Rank Character Non-Momentum Canceled Momentum-Canceled
1. King Dedede 176% 195%
2. Snake 172% 188%
3. Donkey Kong 171% 185%
4. Link 161% 185%
5. Captain Falcon 165% 182%
6. Bowser 168% 179%
7. Ganondorf 164% 179%
8. Ike 163% 178%
9. Charizard 161% 171%
10. Wario 159% 170%
11. Yoshi 159%, 168%
12. R.O.B. 157% 165%
13. Samus 156% 164%
14. Ivysaur 154% 164%
15. Wolf 159% 161%
16. Lucario 152% 160%
17. Mario 151% 160%
18. Pit 150% 160%
19. Sonic 150% 159%
20. Diddy Kong 147% 158%
21. Luigi 150% 157%
22. Ness 148% 157%
23. Lucas 147% 157%
24. Toon Link 146% 157%
25. Marth 146% 157%
26. Falco 142% 155%
27. Pikachu 138% 154%
28. Ice Climbers 144% 151%
29. Fox 134% 150%
30. Sheik 137% 149%
31. Peach 141% 147%
32. Olimar 139% 147%
33. Zero Suit Samus 138% 147%
34. Zelda 138% 145%
35. Kirby 134% 144%
36. Meta Knight 135% 143%
37. Squirtle 128% 141%
38. Mr. Game & Watch 131% 137%
39. Jigglypuff 123% 128%

Horizontal Momentum Canceling Chart

This is a chart showing the horizontal momentum canceling abilities of every character. Horizontal momentum canceling is notably more complicated then vertical momentum canceling. The basic method for horizontal momentum canceling is to perform your fastest aerial followed by a midair jump. This method allows all characters to survive at least 1% longer. How good a character is at the basic form of horizontal momentum canceling is based on two factors, how fast their fastest aerial is and the physics of their midair jump (air speed isn't a major factor, evident by Wario's poor horizontal momentum canceling). Unlike with vertical momentum canceling, there are multiple special moves that aid with horizontal momentum canceling. Note that Ike and Snake have their best results using an air dodge instead of their fastest aerial. Coincidentally, these two gain the biggest bonus from the basic method. Also note that Lucario's fair provides his most notable benefit from basic momentum canceling but his dair provides a bigger benefit when momentum canceling and DIing.

These percentages were found in Training Mode by hitting each character from the center of Final Destination with Wolf's forward smash (only the second hitbox). This attack was chosen because it KOs Mario around 150% and produces horizontal knockback. The third box shows which percentages each character is KOd at without DI or momentum canceling, the first percentage being without any controller output at all and the second percentage being with the control stick tilted towards the stage. The fourth box shows their KO percentage with the basic method of momentum canceling. The fifth box shows their KO percentage with momentum canceling via special move. The sixth box shows their KO percentage with DI, no momentum canceling. The seventh box shows KO percentages with DI and the basic method of momentum canceling. The eigth box shows KO percentage with DI and momentum canceling via special move. DI is factored in this chart since character rank does change once you factor in DI. Note that if a character does not have a special move to momentum cancel with, their KO percentage will be the same in these boxes as their KO percentage was in basic momentum canceling boxes.Characters are ranked by their total horizontal endurance.

* = Indicates that the character does not make it back to the stage, therefore falling below the bottom blast line and getting
** = Indicates that the character's special move provides no additional benefit without DI.
Rank Character/Attack/SpecialMove No MC/ No DI Basic MC/ No DI Special MC/ No DI DI/ No MC DI/ Basic MC DI/ Special MC
1. Donkey Kong /bair / Spinning Kong 155%/163% 176% 204% 189% 199% 234%
2. Bowser / fair / none 157%/165% 174% 174% 192% 204% 204%
3. Yoshi / uair / Egg Roll 149%/157% 169% 181%* 181% 197% 204%*
4. King Dedede / bair / Super Dedede Jump 152%/159% 165% 172%* 184% 194% 204%
5. Ike / AD / Quick Draw 147%/153% 167% 167%** 178% 189% 203%
6. Snake / AD / none 153%/159% 174% 174% 184% 201% 201%
7. Ganondorf / uair / Flame Choke 149%/155% 165% 168%* 181% 192% 197%*
8. Samus / uair / none 151%/159% 167% 167% 182% 195% 195%
9. Charizard / uair / none 151%/157% 165% 165% 182% 195% 195%
10. Captain Falcon / uair / none 145%/152% 164% 164% 178% 189% 189%
11. Lucario / fair / dair 144%/152% 164% 164% 177% 188% 188%
12. Wario / fair / none 148%/160% 163% 163% 184% 188% 188%
13. Link / bair / none 146%/152% 162% 162% 177% 186% 186%
14. R.O.B. / fair / Arm Rotor 149%/155% 156% 157% 179% 180% 184%
15. Mr. Game & Watch / nair / Oil Panic 124%/132% 140% 157% 152% 161% 184%
16. Sonic / fair / Spin Dash 139%/145% 156% 156%** 169% 179% 183%
17. Diddy Kong / bair / Monkey Flip 137%/144% 153% 160% 167% 171% 182%
18. Ivysaur / bair / none 143%/151% 155% 155% 175% 182% 182%
19. Wolf / bair / none 142%/151% 164% 164% 178% 179% 179%
20. Ness / nair / none 139%/147% 154% 154% 170% 179% 179%
21. Lucas / nair / none 138%/147% 153% 153% 170% 179% 179%
22. Pit / fair / none 139%/146% 152% 152% 169% 179% 179%
23. Mario / uair / none 142%/150% 160% 160% 173% 177% 177%
24. Ice Climbers / uair / Squall Hammer 137%/144% 151% 156%** 166% 174% 177%
25. Marth / fair / none 134%/141% 152% 152% 163% 176% 176%
26. Luigi / fair / none 142%/149% 158% 158% 171% 174% 174%
27. Peach / uair / none 137%/144% 152% 152% 166% 173% 173%
28. Toon Link / bair / none 138%/145% 155% 155% 168% 172% 172%
29. Zelda / bair / none 133%/140% 148% 148% 161% 170% 170%
30. Zero Suit Samus / uair / Flip Jump 128%/136% 145% 147% 158% 167% 169%
31. Olimar / uair / none 131%/137% 144% 144% 158% 167% 167%
32. Falco / uair / none 128%/135% 143% 143% 159% 166% 166%
33. Pikachu / uair / Skull Bash 127%/135% 143% 149% 156% 157% 165%
34. Meta Knight / uair / Drill Rush 126%/133% 141% 160% 154% 156% 164%
35. Shiek / fair/ none 129%/137% 143% 143% 163% 162% 163%
36. Kirby / uair / none 127%/134% 139% 139% 155% 161% 161%
37. Fox / uair / none 123%/132% 138% 138% 158% 158% 158%
38. Jigglypuff/ bair / Pound 120%/127% 131% 131%** 146% 150% 155%
39. Squirtle / uair / none 123%/131% 141% 141% 153% 154% 154%

Special Moves

This is a detail description on each of the special moves that aid with momentum canceling.

  • Spinning Kong: Overall the second best momentum canceling move in the game, it completely negates all horizontal momentum upon the 1st frame of activation. This, combined with DK's fast bair and his great weight, allows him to greatly out survive every other character in the game when knockbacked horizontally, including Bowser. It does not stop vertical momentum however, which is why it is second to Oil Panic. It also leaves DK vulnerable upon return due to its landing lag, but DK will always make it back to the stage while on a neutral stage due to its great horizontal distance.
  • Monkey Flip: Diddy Kong's special moderately negates horizontal momentum. Overall, it can be considered one of the best momentum canceling specials since it doesn't put Diddy Kong in a helpless state and it negates a decent amount of horizontal momentum. This allows Diddy Kong to take horizontal hits quite well.
  • Egg Roll: Overall this has the third best momentum canceling abilities among special moves. It negates a large amount of horizontal momentum and it allows Yoshi to survive a potentially fatal blow if its first few frames are activated. It is also the only special move other than Oil Panic that can negate vertical momentum as well. However, it has huge drawbacks that make it rather impractical. While the move almost completely negates horizontal momentum, Yoshi gains no horizontal distance while performing it, it takes a while for Yoshi to end it, and Yoshi becomes helpless upon completion. Yoshi will never make it back to the stage while on a neutral stage even with his great air speed. As for vertical momentum canceling, Yoshi can survive longer through the basic method. Overall, this move only has its uses in stages with no cliffs or stages where the blast line is close to the edge.
  • Flame Choke: An move that can negate horizontal momentum slightly. In neutral stages, Ganondorf will never make it back to the stage using this move on a non-DI horizontal hit. He can make back on a DI hit in some stages (he won't make it back in Final Destination). Overall, this move isn't very useful for momentum canceling since it only provides a minimal benefit and Ganondorf is very likely to not make it back to the stage. Even if he can make it back, he will be helpless and is essentially a sitting duck for edgeguarders due to his large size and slow air speed.
  • Flip Jump: Like Diddy Kong's Monkey Flip, this move can negate horizontal momentum without putting Zero Suit Samus in a helpless state. However, it negates less momentum than Diddy Kong's and only provides a very slight benefit over the basic method. But it is practical as it only provides benefit as it won't put Zero Suit Samus in harms way or impede her recovery.
  • Squall Hammer: This move can slightly negate horizontal momentum. The Ice Climbers can make it back to the stage when together, but a solo Climber will not. This move does put them in a helpless state and leaves them vulnerable upon return.
  • Arm Rotor: This move negates horizontal momentum very slightly and only has a very minimal benefit. However, it doesn't move R.O.B. far or put him in a helpless state, so it only provides benefit.
  • Drill Rush: When combined with the fastest aerial in the game (Meta Knight's uair), this move negates a substantial amount of horizontal momentum on non DI hits (only DK's provides a better benefit). However, this move is significantly less effective on DI hits (while using this maneuver, MK only survives 4% more on DI hits). Also, this move puts MK in a helpless state which leaves him vulnerable, especially due to his very slow air speed, further limiting its effectiveness.
  • Super Dedede Jump: This move can surprisingly negate horizontal momentum quite well, despite its mostly vertical movement. On non-DI hits, Dedede will not make it back to the stage on neutral stages. He can make it back on DI hits, though it may require canceling the move at the precise time to grab the edge. Due to its fast movement, Dedede isn't as vulnerable as other characters upon performing this, especially if the opponent is taunting because they believe they gotten a KO. However, performing this move is still risky as using it on a non-DI hit will prove fatal or using it on a what would of been a nonlethal blow could end up with fatal results.
  • Skull Bash: This move moderately negates horizontal momentum with the added benefit of not leaving Pikachu helpless. However, this move has a large amount of ending lag so using on a nonlethal blow could leave Pikachu close the stage and vulnerable to a reactive opponent. This move is still safer than most momentum canceling moves though.
  • Quick Attack: This move negates horizontal momentum exactly as well as Skull Bash but is inferior for this task as it leaves Pikachu helpless. It is interesting to note that Pikachu is the only character with two special moves that provide a bigger benefit to momentum canceling than the basic method.
  • Pound: This move is one of three moves that provides no benefit on non-DI hits but aid on DI hits. Its effect is minimal, but it doesn't leave Jigglypuff helpless so it only provides benefit.
  • Quick Draw: This move is one of three moves that provides no benefit on non-DI hits but aid on DI hits. Unlike the other two, it negates a large amount of horizontal momentum on DI hits. Also unlike the other two, it leaves Ike helpless and very vulnerable. While it supplies a large benefit on DI hits, this maneuver is very risky and difficult to pull off. If used on a non-DI hit, the results will be fatal. Also, Ike has to use an air dodge for maximum benefit, which requires different timing and faster reflexes than aerial attacks to use successfully (this is due to air dodges being able and needing to be used sooner in knockback than aerials).
  • Spin Charge: This move is one of three moves that provides no benefit on non-DI hits but aid on DI hits. Its effect is minimal on DI hits like Pound. Unlike Pound, this move will bring Sonic back to the stage so it has some risk. But it doesn't leave Sonic helpless and its fast so its overall risk is minimal.
  • Oil Panic: The best momentum canceling move in the game, it even has its own special name, being called "Bucket Braking". This move completely negates all momentum starting on frame 1, both horizontal and vertical. As long as Mr. Game & Watch can get the bucket out, he will completely stop, preventing a would-be fatal blow. This move also has no risk as it doesn't leave Game & Watch helpless or move him at all, preventing him from being attacked while using Oil Panic. Overall, this is a technique that is essential for Game & Watch players to learn. It should be noted that using Oil Panic while the bucket is full will not aid with momentum canceling at all.
