DJ Black
DJ Black.jpg
Team info
Crew(s) Fight For Fun
Personal and other info
Real name Øystein
Location Sande, Norway Norway
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other Pro (in Norway)
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DJ Black is a Marth player from Norway. He also uses Fox and Ganondorf in tournaments. DJ Black teams with Tonberry, and is all around known for using Mewtwo AKA Søppel in Norway.

Tournament experience:

DJ Black was at RoS 3 which was the first big event he entered, and got defeated in pools by Lars, Akke and Dou. A few months later he attended the norwegian tournament Smashers' reunion and did a impressive 4. place compared to his RoS 3 acchivement, placing himself below FFF which he wasn't a part of yet, and also did 1. place in Low Tier with Masamune. His next tournament was FT06 (After various little smashfests) and then managed to defeat Kriz (#2 in Norway) in Loser Bracket, placing himself 3. in that tournament. Then he entered FFF] after The uglerapers fell apart after non-active members, since the crew really consisted of top ranked norwegian players, but didn't really work as a crew. SR 2 was the next, and DJ Black only made it out of pools, after losing 2-0 to Armada which had four stocked him in the first fight with Pecah, then two stocked DJ Black's Luigi with Sheik later on. In the bracket he faced off first vs. Calle W and lost 3-0, after first trying Luigi vs. Calle W's Falco, there after Peach on Mute City, lost by 2 stocks vs. Calle W's Falco there as well. The last set-fight took place on Fountain of Dreams, and it was Fox vs DJ Black's Luigi. Another two stock happend. Later on losing to Akke in loser bracket, but 2-1 this time. DJ Blac tried Fox for this set, and won once on Final Destination, yet lost afterwards on Fountain of Dreams. (He also lost the two first matches, on Pokèmon Stadium and once on Final Destination.) THen his recent tournament was SHVAR6, where he did quite better then SR 2, placing himself 9. (Which was the highest of the norwegians, it was a Sweedish tournament.) After winning nearly every fight in the pools, he lost one set to Captain Jadde. Yet won over the remaining players in his pool, and met a Luigi player in the first fight in the bracket, won 2-1. Then he faced Armada again. This time DJ Black played his Marth whilst Armada played Sheik. The set ended in 2-1, and very even matches. DJ Black got named "DJ RoXx" by Ek during that tournament. Later on defeating Nedech and Dual in loser bracket, he met Yuna which became DJ Black's end. He lost 3-0 in that set. Upcoming tournament is RoS 4, and his goal is to make it out of the pools.