Super Smash Bros.
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl

List of bonuses

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This article is about the point rewards themselves. For the mode that revolves around them, see Bonus (mode).
A selection of bonuses awarded after clearing a battle in Super Smash Bros.'s 1P Game.

Bonus points are the amount of points awarded to a player for accomplishing some feat during a match. Most bonuses award points, though some can instead revoke them. They are kept as a character-individual high score in the 1P Game of Super Smash Bros. and the Classic Mode, Adventure Mode, and All-Star Mode of Super Smash Bros. Melee. They are also awarded after Versus mode matches in Melee (except for when the match is forfeited), and they serve as a determinant of the winner in the Bonus mode.

In the tables below, a multiplication sign after the amount of points indicates that the bonus may be awarded multiple times.

Super Smash Bros.

There are 55 unique bonuses in SSB. Bonuses are only obtained in the 1P Game.

Name Points Given Requirement
Acid Clear 1,500 The opponent was KO'd via the acid in Planet Zebes.
All Variations 15,000 Hit with all tilts, smashes, and aerials.
ARWING Clear 4,000 The opponent was KO'd via an Arwing in Sector Z.
Bros. Calamity 25,000 KO'd Luigi of the Mario Bros. before hitting Mario.
Booby Trap
(JPN: 00 Agent)
12,000 Won the match with a Motion-sensor Bomb.
Bumper Clear 11,000 Won the match using a Bumper.
Cheap Shot
(JPN: Cheap Play)
-99 Used one type of move in over 35% of attacks (not given if Single Move or Special Move is earned).
Comet Mystic 10,000 Finished the match while in the middle of being Star KO'd (does not count while being Screen KO'd).
DK Defender
(JPN: Kong Defender)
10,000 Defeated Giant DK without any allies being KO'd.
DK Perfect 50,000 Defeated Giant DK without any allies taking damage.
Easy Clear 140,000 Cleared the 1P Game on Easy difficulty.
Fighter Stance
(JPN: Appeal)
100 Ended the match in mid-taunt.
Full Power 5,000 Ended the match with 0% damage.
Good Friend
(JPN: Friendship)
8,000 Defeated the Mario Bros. without the player's ally being KO'd.
Hard Clear 280,000 Cleared the 1P Game on Hard difficulty.
(JPN: Butterfly)
18,000 Only used aerial attacks.
Heartthrob 17,000 Collected at least three Heart Containers in one match.
Heavy Damage 28,000 Cleared a stage with over 200% damage.
Item Strike 20,000 Only used items to attack.
Item Throw
(JPN: Item Pitcher)
16,000 Always threw items; never used them in any other way.
Jackpot 3,330 Cleared a stage with a multi-digit percentage with the same digits (for example, 44% or 111%).
Judo Warrior
(JPN: Judo Master)
5,000 Only KO'd opponents using throws.
Kirby Ranks
(JPN: Kirby Flash)
25,000 Defeated the Kirby Team in the order in which they appeared.
Last Second 8,000 Cleared a stage with only one second left.
Lucky 3 9,990 Cleared a stage with 3:33 on the clock.
Mew Catch
(JPN: Mew Get)
15,000 Mew was released from a Poké Ball at any moment during the match. A Clefairy emulating its effect does not count.
Mystic 7,000 Cleared a stage while on a revival platform.
No Damage 15,000 Cleared a stage without taking any damage.
No Damage Clear 400,000 Cleared the entire 1P Game without taking any damage.
No Item 1,000 Never used an item.
No Miss 5,000× Have not yet lost a stocked life in any stage of the 1P Game. This bonus is counted from the first stage onward, and the multiplier rises by one for each stage passed (×2 for the second stage, ×3 for the third stage, and so on). The bonus stops being given once the player is KO'd and uses up a stock, and is not counted again throughout the rest of the game. Being KO'd in Bonus Games does not break the multiplier.
No Miss Clear 70,000 Never lost a life in the entire 1P Game. This bonus can be lost at the end of 1P Game as the "No Miss" bonus stops being given once the player is KO'd and uses up a stock and is not counted again for the rest of the game. This bonus is only earned if the "No Miss" bonus is done eleven times — once for all stages.
Normal Clear 210,000 Cleared the 1P Game on Normal difficulty.
(JPN: Anti-War)
60,000 Cleared a stage without damaging the opponent.
Perfect 30,000 Cleared the Break the Targets or Board the Platforms bonus stages. When clearing Race to the Finish without taking damage, the player receives the "No Damage" bonus instead.
Pokémon Finish 11,000 Cleared a stage through a Poké Ball Pokémon's attack.
Shooter 12,000 Used only projectiles to attack.
Shield Breaker 8,000 Broke an opponent's shield.
Single Move 8,000 Only damaged opponents with one move.
Smash Mania 3,500 Only knocked out opponents using smash attacks.
Smash-less 5,000 Cleared a stage without using smash attacks.
Special Move 5,000 Used only special moves to attack.
Speedster 10,000 Cleared a stage in under thirty seconds.
Speed Demon 80,000 Cleared the 1P Game in under eight minutes.
Speed King 40,000 Cleared the 1P Game in under twenty minutes. (Not given if Speed Demon is earned.)
Star Clear 12,000 Cleared a stage while under the effect of a Starman or Hammer.
Star Finish 10,000 Cleared a stage via a Star KO or Screen KO.
Throw Down
(JPN: Throw Finish)
2,000 Cleared a stage by KOing the opponent with a throw.
Tornado Clear 3,000 The opponent was knocked out via the tornadoes in Hyrule Castle.
Trickster 11,000 Star KO'd and Screen KO'd every member of a team.
True Friend 25,000 Defeated the Mario Bros. without the player's ally taking damage or being KO'd.
Vegetarian 9,000 Ate at least three Maxim Tomatoes in one match.
Very Easy Clear 70,000 Cleared the 1P Game on Very Easy difficulty.
Very Hard Clear 350,000 Cleared the 1P Game on Very Hard difficulty.
Yoshi Rainbow 50,000 Knocked out the Yoshi Team in the order in which they appear.

Super Smash Bros. Melee

A selection of bonuses awarded after clearing a single player battle in Melee.
A few of the Bonuses seen in the "Special Bonus" section of the Data menu.
Bonuses as seen in Melee's results screen.

There are 249 unique bonuses in Melee. Earning every bonus at least once gives the player the Diskun trophy.

Name Points Given Requirement
Bird of Prey 4,000 Only used aerial attacks.
Combo King 2,500 Used many combos (average combo counter being 2.5 or greater).
Juggler 1,500 Struck an enemy several times while keeping them airborne.
Backstabber 2,000 Attacked from behind often (70% of the time).
Sweeper 2,500 Most attacks were low attacks.
Clean Sweep 5,000 Only used low attacks (such as down tilts and down smashes).
Meteor Smash 800× Knocked out a foe using a meteor smash.
Meteor Clear 3,000 Cleared a stage with a meteor smash.
Meteor Master 8,000 Every time an attack with a meteor smash was used, it hit and KO'd an opponent (minimum of 2).
Meteor Survivor 2,000× Successfully recovered from a meteor smash after being hit by one while airborne. Does not necessarily need to be via meteor canceling.
Flying Meteor 4,000× Hit a reeling enemy with a meteor smash.
Exceptional Aim 4,000 Hit with most attacks.
Perfect Aim 10,000 Never missed (at least 8 attacks per minute).
All Ground 6,000 Hit the opponent with all standard ground attacks at least once.
All Aerial 4,000 Hit the opponent with all standard aerial attacks at least once.
All Variations 10,000 Used all attacks during the fight.
All on One 20,000 Used all attacks except final blows on one enemy.
Lethal Weapon 7,000 Hit opponents using a wide variety of attacks. One known way to get the bonus is by using all aerial, smash and special attacks on an enemy, without missing with any of them and without using any other attacks.
Berserker 3,500 Used 60 attacks within one minute (on average).
Smash King 3,000 Used many smash attacks (50% or more of all hits).
Smash Maniac 3,500 Used only smash attacks.
Smash-less 1,500 Used no smash attacks.
Specialist 2,200 Used only special moves.
Dedicated Specialist 3,100 Only used one move, which was a special move.
One-Two Punch 1,800 Hit consecutively with an entire neutral combo.
First Strike 500 Delivered the first attack of the match.
150% Damage 1,000 Survived to over 150% damage in a single stock. Not valid in Team Battles. Earned even if the hit that brought the player to 150% KO'd them.
200% Damage 3,000 Survived to over 200% damage in a single stock. Same stipulations as other X% Damage bonuses.
250% Damage 7,000 Survived to over 250% damage in a single stock. Same stipulations as other X% Damage bonuses.
300% Damage 10,000 Survived to over 300% damage in a single stock. Same stipulations as other X% Damage bonuses.
350% Damage 15,000 Survived to over 350% damage in a single stock. Same stipulations as other X% Damage bonuses.
Heavy Damage 20,000 Survived to over 400% damage in a single stock. Same stipulations as other X% Damage bonuses.
Sniper 2,000 Hit only with projectile attacks.
Brawler 2,000 Only used direct attacks (as opposed to projectiles).
Precise Aim 10,000 All attacks hit immediately after execution (that is, they all hit on the same frame the hitboxes appeared).
Pitcher 6,000 Fought with only grabs and throws.
Butterfingers -500 Most grabs failed.
All Thumbs -1,500 Failed all attempted dash grabs (4 minimum).
Cuddly Bear 2,000 Performed at least 3 grabs, but did not pummel or throw.
Compass Tosser 3,500 Used all four throws on enemies.
Throw Down 2,500 Cleared a stage with a throw.
Pummeler 1,500 Did a lot of damage by pummeling.
Fists of Fury 2,500 When grabbing other characters, always pummeled, never threw.
Close Call 2,000 Threw an enemy just before they escaped from the player's grab.
Opportunist -1,000 Didn't attack for a time of 30 seconds.
Spectator -2,500 Spent a long time on a slanted surface.
Statue 500 Barely moved horizontally at all.
Never Look Back 5,000 Never changed directions.
Stiff Knees 300 Never crouched.
Run, Don't Walk 6,500 Never walked (except for very small distances).
Ambler 2,500 Walked a lot.
No Hurry 1,000 Never dashed. Despite the description stating "Always walked; never ran.", it can be earned alongside the Run, Don't Walk bonus if the player doesn't move at all.
Marathon Man 2,000 Ran a lot.
Eagle 1,500 Spent a lot of time in the air.
Aerialist 2,500 Never jumped from the ground; used only midair jumps.
Acrobat 3,000 Did a midair jump during every air trip.
Cement Shoes 4,000 Never jumped in any way.
Head Banger 800 Hit walls a lot (3 or more times a minute).
Elbow Room 2,000 Bumped into or pushed opponents a lot (overlaps opponents 1/30 or more of the time).
Power Shielder 5,000 Powershielded at least 3 times in one minute. Powershielding projectiles does not count.
Shield Buster 2,500× Broke an opponent's shield.
Shattered Shield -1,000× Got shield broken.
Shield Stupidity -2,000× Broke the player's own shield.
Shield Saver 500 Dropped shield just before it broke (has 3 HP or less remaining).
Skid Master 1,000 Skidded at least 9 feet in one minute.
Rock Climber 800 Hung from edges at least 4 times in one minute.
Edge Hog 2,500× Prevented an enemy from grabbing an edge by grabbing it first.
Cliff Hanger 2,000 Hung off ledges several times before being KO'd.
Life on the Edge 800× After being knocked off, grabbed an edge without using a midair jump.
Poser 2,000 Taunted often (6 or more times in one minute).
Poser Poseur 500× Taunted one second after someone else does.
Poser Power 700× Attacked an opponent with a taunt. As with the Poser KO bonus, only Luigi can earn this.
Pose Breaker 800× Hit a taunting opponent with a weak attack.
Instant Poser 100× Taunted within one second after KOing an opponent.
Control Freak 1,000 Tapped the Control Stick twice as fast as the second-fastest tapper.
Button Masher 700 Pressed buttons twice as fast as the second-fastest presser.
Button Holder 4,000 Held down the A or B button for the entire match.
Rock Steady 3,000 Did not fall down (that is, did not ever get knocked down on the ground).
Pratfaller 1,500 Always landed face up. Not to be confused with Prat Falling.
Face Planter 1,500 Always landed face down.
Twinkle Toes 2,500 Succeeded on every attempt to absorb damage (such as techs, powershielding, etc.).
Floor Diver 1,500 Dropped through soft platforms often (about 12 times a minute).
No R 4 U 300 Didn't press either L or R.
Climactic Clash 1,200× Hit the same enemy with progressively stronger blows (such as hitting with a neutral attack, then a tilt, and then a smash attack or a strong special attack).
Floored 300 Took a lot of damage (over 50%) from floors, such as the Mute City track.
Punching Bag 100 Got knocked back and forth by two enemies (at least 28% damage taken in one combo by opponents on opposite sides).
Stale Moves -2,000 Used the same attack constantly. Defined as 40% or more of one's attacks being the same move, unless less than 16 attacks total were used or a single-move bonus is earned.
Blind Eye 3,000 Was always hit from behind.
Crowd Favorite 2,500 The crowd cheered for the player.
Master of Suspense 2,500 Surprised the crowd a lot (3 or more times a minute).
Lost in Space 2,000 Spent at least 25% of the total match time in the magnifying glass.
Lost Luggage 3,000 Spent time in a magnifying glass on all four sides of the screen.
Half-Minute Man 2,500 Beat the stage within 30 seconds.
Pacifist 3,000 Never attacked, including missed attacks.
Peaceful Warrior 5,000 Never attacked, but didn't lose the match.
Moment of Silence 3,000 Took no damage for one minute. Not given if Impervious is earned.
Impervious 7,000 Never took damage.
Immortal 5,000 Was never knocked off the stage.
Switzerland 12,000 Never attacked (including misses) and never took any damage.
Predator -1,500 Frequently attacked opponents with high damage. Can be earned even in team battles, but players can avoid receiving this bonus by attacking "only" the fighters (including teammates) who have the lowest current damage value. Cannot be earned in a match that only has two players.
Down, But Not Out 2,000 Fell all the way down but got back up the most in the match.
Solar Being 800 Was only ever Star KO'd.
Stalker -1,000 In three-player matches, attacked one specific opponent 80% of the time. In four-player matches, attacked one specific opponent 66% of the time. Not given in a two-player match, but given in team battles, even if there is only one opponent.
Bully -2,000 Only KO'd one specific enemy (3 KOs minimum). Not given in a two-player match, but given in team battles, even if there is only one opponent.
Coward -500 Spent a long time away from opponents.
In the Fray 2,000 Average distance to foe was very small.
Friendly Foe 3,000 Never pushed an opponent.
Center Stage 2,000 Spent most of the time in the middle of the stage.
Merciful Master 3,000 Won without KOing anybody.
Star KO 300× Star KO'd the enemy.
Rocket KO 5,000 Star KO'd all opponents on a team.
Wimpy KO 4,000× KO'd a foe with a weak attack.
Bull's-eye KO 800× KO'd an opponent with a shooting item.
Poser KO 5,000× KO'd an opponent with a taunt. Only Luigi can earn this bonus since he's the only character who has a hazardous taunt.
Cheap KO 500× KO'd an enemy from behind.
Bank-Shot KO 3,000× KO'd an opponent with a reflected item.
Timely KO 3,500× KO'd an enemy with less than five seconds left.
Special KO 800× KO'd a foe by using a special attack.
Hangman's KO 2,000× KO'd an opponent that was hanging from an edge.
KO 64 640× KO'd an opponent with 64% damage.
Bubble-Blast KO 1,200× KO'd an opponent who was in a hoop.
Sacrificial KO 1,500× KO'd both an enemy and themselves with a single attack.
Avenger KO 2,500× KO'd an opponent 5 seconds after the player was KO'd by them.
Double KO 2,000× KO'd two enemies with one attack.
Triple KO 4,000× KO'd three opponents with one attack.
Quadruple KO 8,000× KO'd four opponents with one attack.
Quintuple KO 15,000× KO'd five opponents with one attack.
Dead-Weight KO 4,000× KO'd an opponent by grabbing a Goomba, Koopa Troopa, Paratroopa, ReDead, Octorok, Like Like, Topi or Polar Bear and throwing it at them; while these enemies commonly only appear in Adventure Mode, they can also occasionally spawn from container items in any other game modes. In the case of Koopas, throwing their shells also counts.
Kiss-the-Floor KO 1,000× Launched an opponent onto a damaging floor for a KO.
Assisted KO 1,500× Enemy was KO'd by a stage hazard (such as an Arwing at Corneria or a car at Onett).
Foresight 500× Got Screen KO'd.
First to Fall -1,000 First one to be KO'd after the match began (VS. Mode).
Cliff Diver 500 After grabbing a ledge, let go of it and fell.
Quitter -1,000× Fell off the stage without using a double or triple jump to recover.
Shameful Fall -1,500× At less than 50%, got KO'd by a foe with over 100% damage.
World Traveler 2,000 Got KO'd off all four sides of the screen.
Ground Pounded 500× Got KO'd by landing on a damaging floor.
Environmental Hazard 1,000× Got KO'd by a part of the stage environment.
Angelic 2,000 Ended the match while standing on a revival platform.
Magnified Finish 1,000 Ended the match while in a magnifying glass.
Fighter Stance 500 Ended the match while taunting.
Mystic 2,000 Ended the match while offscreen.
Shooting Star 1,500 Ended match as a star (by being Star KO'd).
Lucky Number Seven 3,000 Finished a stage with :07 left.
Last Second 5,000 Finished a stage with one second left.
Lucky Threes 3,330 Finished a stage with 3:33 left.
Jackpot 1,110 Damage at end was composed of only one digit (such as 44% or 111%).
Full Power 2,000 Ended the match with 0% damage, regardless of having taken damage beforehand or not.
Item-less 1,800 Never used items.
Item Specialist 2,000 Only hit with items.
Item Chucker 3,000 Attacked only by throwing items.
Item Smasher 3,000 Used only smash attacks with battering items.
Capsule KO 800× KO'd an enemy with a Capsule.
Carrier KO 800× KO'd a foe with a container item (other than a Capsule).
Weight Lifter 1,500 Frequently held heavy items.
Item Catcher 1,000× Caught a thrown item.
Reciprocator 2,000× Caught an item that an enemy threw and threw it back.
Item Self-Destruct -1,000 SD'd because of an item.
Triple Items 3,000 Used the same items three or more times in a row (such as three Fire Flowers). Earned even if just one kind of item is set on in a Melee.
Minimalist 1,500 Spent the least time holding items of all players.*
Materialist 100 Spent the most time holding items of all players.*
Item Hog 4,000 Used at least 10 different kinds of items.
Item Collector 4,000 Collected all items that appeared.
Connoisseur 3,000 Got every kind of food that appeared.
Gourmet 2,000 Used only food items (3 or more).
Battering Ram 1,500 Used only battering items (3 or more). Hammers also count. Picking up a container (Crate, Barrel, or Capsule) disables the bonus.
Straight Shooter 1,500 Used only shooting items (3 or more).
Wimp 1,500 Used only recovery items (3 or more).
Shape Shifter 1,500 Used only transformation items (3 or more).
Chuck Wagon 1,500 Used only throwing items (3 or more).
Parasol Finish 1,600 Was parachuting with the Parasol at match's end.
Gardener Finish 2,000 Put a flower on an enemy's head at match's end (timed matches only).
Flower Finish 1,700 Was flowered when the match ended.
Super Scoper 2,000 Did 100% damage or more by firing a Super Scope. Can be earned by using multiple Super Scopes (and is nearly always necessary, as only one isn't enough to do 100% damage without using the Infinite Super Scope Glitch).
Screwed Up 2,000 Held a Screw Attack for 30 seconds or more.
Screw-Attack KO 2,500× Used a thrown Screw Attack to KO an enemy.
Warp Star KO 1,000× KO'd a foe using a Warp Star.
Mycologist 2,500 Got 3 or more Mushrooms.
Mario Maniac 8,000 Used only Mushrooms, Fire Flowers, and Starmen.
Metal KO 800× KO'd a foe while being metal.
Freezie KO 2,000× KO'd an enemy with a Freezie.
Flipper KO 2,000× KO'd enemy with a Flipper.
Mr. Saturn Fan 3,000 Only item used was Mr. Saturn.
Mrs. Saturn 1,500 Held a specific Mr. Saturn for 30 seconds or more.
Saturn Siblings 4,000 Got 3 or more individual Mr. Saturns.
Saturn Ringer 4,000 Caught a Mr. Saturn thrown at the player.
Giant KO 600× KO'd a foe while giant.
Tiny KO 2,500× KO'd a foe while tiny.
Invisible KO 800× KO'd a foe while being invisible.
Bunny-Hood Blast 1,200× KO'd someone while wearing a Bunny Hood.
Vegetarian 1,800 Ate 2 or more Maxim Tomatoes.
Heartthrob 2,800 Got 2 or more Heart Containers.
Invincible Finish 1,200 Ended match while being invincible.
Invincible KO 800× KO'd a foe while being invincible.
Beam Swordsman 800× KO'd a foe by using a Beam Sword.
Home-Run King 600× KO'd a foe using a Home-Run Bat.
Laser Marksman 4,000 Hit with every blast from a Ray Gun.
Flame Thrower 1,600 Got a 10 combo or higher with the Fire Flower.
Hammer Throw 1,500 Successfully dropped a Hammer. To do this, a player holding a Hammer must tumble by an attack and drop it by pressing the Z button on the frame they start falling after the tumble. One of the hardest bonuses to earn in the game.
Headless Hammer 2,500 Grabbed a Hammer and had its head fall off.
Super Spy 800× KO'd someone with a Motion-Sensor Bomb.
Bob-omb's Away -500 Got KO'd by a wandering Bob-omb.
Bob-omb Squad 2,500× Grabbed a Bob-omb just before it exploded (right after the Bob-omb stops wandering around) without being hurt by it.
Pokémon KO 1,000× KO'd a foe with a Poké Ball Pokémon.
Mew Catcher 10,000 Mew appeared from a thrown Poké Ball.
Celebi Catcher 8,000 Celebi appeared from a thrown Poké Ball.
Goomba KO 100× KO'd a Goomba. Stepping on them counts.
Koopa KO 200× KO'd a Koopa. Knocking a Koopa into its shell does not count, nor does throwing a Koopa Shell off the screen; therefore this can only be achieved by a throw or a swallow by Yoshi or Kirby.
Paratroopa KO 300× KO'd a Koopa Paratroopa. Like Koopas, reducing Paratroopas to a shell does not count.
ReDead KO 300× KO'd a ReDead.
Like-Like KO 500× KO'd a Like-Like.
Octorok KO 150× KO'd an Octorok.
Topi KO 200× KO'd a Topi.
Polar Bear KO 800× KO'd a Polar Bear.
Shy Guy KO 20× KO'd a Shy Guy at the Yoshi's Story stage.
First Place 1,000 Finished in first place in a VS. match.
Last Place -1,000 Finished in last place in time match (Versus Mode).
Wire to Wire 2,000 Led in points for the whole match (Versus mode).
Whipping Boy -1,500 Trailed in points for the whole match (Versus mode).
KO Artist 3,000 Had twice the KOs of whoever had the second-most (at least 3) (Versus Mode).
KO Master 1,500 Had the most KOs (Versus Mode).
Offensive Artist 2,000 Did twice the damage of whoever did the second-most (at least 300) (Versus Mode).
Offensive Master 1,000 Did the most damage (Versus Mode).
Frequent Faller -1,000 Had twice the Falls of whoever had the second-most (at least 3) (VS. Mode).
Fall Guy -500 Had the most falls (Versus Mode).
Self-Destructor -2,000 Had twice the self-destructs of whoever had the second-most (at least 3) (Versus Mode).
Master of Disaster -1,000 Had the most self-destructs (Versus Mode).
KOs 500× Counts each KO (Versus Mode).
Falls -500× Counts each fall (Versus Mode).
SDs -500× Counts each self-destruct (Versus Mode).
Target Master 30,000 Smashed all targets in Target Test.
Hobbyist 1,000 Got at least one trophy before the stage ended (Trophies dropped by enemies do not count) (Regular Matches).
Collector 30,000 Snagged all trophies that appeared (Regular Matches).
No-Damage Clear 300,000 Cleared Classic Mode, Adventure Mode, or All-Star Mode without taking any damage.
No-Miss Clear 10,000 Cleared all levels without losing a single life (Regular Matches).
Continuation -20,000 Cleared a Regular Match by continuing.
Speedster 10,000 Cleared all levels quickly. (Not given if Speed Demon is earned.)
Speed Demon 20,000 Cleared all levels very quickly.
Melee Master 100,000 Cleared All-Star mode without using any of the Heart Containers.
Classic Clear 50,000 Cleared Classic Mode.
Adventure Clear 50,000 Cleared Adventure Mode.
All-Star Clear 50,000 Cleared All-Star Mode.
Very-Hard Clear 200,000 Cleared Very Hard mode.
Crazy Hand KO 80,000 Defeated Crazy Hand in Classic mode. Counts even if the player uses the debug menu to autocomplete the stage once he appears.
Luigi KO 20 Defeated Luigi in Adventure mode.
Link Master 30,000 Defeated all five Links in Adventure mode.
Giant Kirby KO 10,000 Defeated Giant Kirby in Adventure mode.
Metal Bros. KO 8,000 KO'd the Metal Bros. in Adventure mode.
Giga Bowser KO 100,000 Defeated Giga Bowser in Adventure mode.

There are also additional bonuses only accessible via Action Replay. They are not required for obtaining the Diskun Trophy.

Name Points Given Requirement
Barrel Blast KO 300× Used a Barrel to KO someone.
Crash & Burn −500 All meteor smashes missed.
Deflector 1,000 N/A
Green Shell Shooter 800× Caused damage twice or more with a Green Shell.
Poolshark 300× Threw one enemy into another.
Red Shell Shooter 400× Caused damage 3 or more times with a Red Shell.
Ricochet Rifler 800× Deflected shot hit an enemy.


  • Because of a programming error in Melee, the Materialist and Minimalist bonuses are reversed: Materialist is actually awarded when a player spent the least amount of time holding items, while Minimalist is awarded when a player spent the greatest amount of time holding items.
  • The Bull's-eye KO bonus can also be earned with a character's own chargeable projectile attack, such as a fully charged Shadow Ball or Charge Shot.
  • Peach can earn the Parasol Finish bonus by using her own parasol; Samus, however, cannot earn the Screw-Attack KO bonus by using her up special to KO opponents.
  • Meteor smash-related bonuses are awarded if the move used contains a meteor smash hitbox anywhere at all, regardless of whether the foe was KO'd or even hit by it. For example, Young Link's down aerial counts whether the opponent was hit by the meteor hitbox or not, and Kirby's down throw counts, as even though the throw itself is not a meteor, the first nine hits are. Spikes don't award such bonuses, as by definition they are not detected as meteor smashes, and items appear to never count.
  • Another way to obtain the Dead-Weight KO bonus is by KOing an opponent with hitboxes that certain throws such as Mario's back throw temporarily place on their victim (thus hitting nearby opponents while being thrown).
  • As Food and Maxim Tomatoes are considered food items and not recovery items in Melee, the only way to get the Wimp bonus is by using three or more Heart Containers as the only items. Therefore, it always overlaps with the Heartthrob bonus.
  • If the player performs a 0-Second Melee, it is possible for one character to be rewarded both the First Place and Last Place bonuses.
  • If Master Hand is used via the Name Entry glitch, he can get the Pacifist bonus even if he attacks. This occurs because the inputs for his attacks are not the same as other characters.
  • As Luigi's taunt meteor smashes opponents and is also the only taunt capable of KOing opponents, Poser KO always overlaps with the Meteor Smash bonus.
  • The "Switzerland" bonus is a reference to the landlocked European country of the same name, which has famously followed a strict policy of total neutrality since 1815.
  • The "Rocket KO" bonus is a reference to the Team Rocket Trio, recurring villains in the Pokémon anime; in many episodes, the trio would be sent flying away into the sky by Pikachu, leaving behind a star when they vanished from sight.
  • In the "Bonus Records" menu, the "Assisted KO" bonus incorrectly states, KO'd a foe with an item, when it is actually awarded when the enemy is KO'd by a stage hazard.

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Solo Bonuses

Super Smash Bros. Brawl has no unique and specific bonuses like those of the previous installments. Instead, the Classic mode's points are only determined by time remaining and damage. However, clearing the mode without losing any lives awards the player bonus points, as well as additional points for whichever difficulty they cleared it on.

Name Points Given Requirement
Cleared On Easy 10,000 Cleared Classic or All-Star mode on Easy difficulty.
Cleared On Normal 40,000 Cleared Classic or All-Star mode on Normal difficulty.
Cleared On Hard 100,000 Cleared Classic or All-Star mode on Hard difficulty.
Cleared On Very Hard 250,000 Cleared Classic or All-Star mode on Very Hard difficulty.
Cleared On Intense 500,000 Cleared Classic or All-Star mode on Intense difficulty.
Cleared With No Damage 300,000 Never took damage in Classic or All-Star mode.
Cleared Without Losing a Life 10,000 Never lost a stocked life in Classic or All-Star mode.
Damage 100× Dealt damage to an opponent; the total damage the player deals is multiplied by 100. If multiple enemies were faced, the total damage dealt to each is added together, before being multiplied by 100.
Perfect! Level 1 1,000 Got every target in Target Smash!! Level 1.
Perfect! Level 2 8,000 Got every target in Target Smash!! Level 2.
Perfect! Level 3 20,000 Got every target in Target Smash!! Level 3.
Perfect! Level 4 50,000 Got every target in Target Smash!! Level 4.
Perfect! Level 5 100,000 Got every target in Target Smash!! Level 5.
Time Remaining 30,000 Cleared a stage in Classic mode with time remaining. The base amount of the bonus is 30,000 and it decreases by 100 for each second passed in the match timer.
Used a Continue -20,000 Lost all stocked lives in Classic or All-Star mode and used a Continue.