Team:El Chocolate Diablo

El Chocolate Diablo is the name of the widely assumed best doubles team in SSBM. The team is comprised of Ken Hoang - considered the best player in the world and also the best Marth, and Isai Alvarado - considered the best Captain Falcon user, the best SSB player (Pikachu), and the 7th best Melee player in the country, in addition to being the most skilled player in the NorCal region (see NorCal Power Rankings).

  • Ken usually uses Marth or Fox.
  • Isai often plays Sheik and Fox in doubles matches instead of Captain Falcon.
  • This team has won nearly every major doubles tournament they have entered, with the exception of a matchup against Azen Zagenite and Chillindude828. However, the next time the two teams faced off, El Chocolate Diablo regained their title.