Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Ray of Punishment / Chroma Dust

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Ray of Punishment / Chroma Dust

Mythra using Ray of Punishment and Chroma Dust.
User Mythra
Universe Xenoblade Chronicles

Ray of Punishment (パニッシュメントレイ, Punishment Ray) is Mythra's up special move in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. With another press of the button, it becomes Chroma Dust (レインボーダスト, Rainbow Dust).


When used, Mythra slashes upwards, before leaping into the air and firing off a projectile. If the special move button is pressed (or just held) before the projectile is fired, it will instead turn into a fan of five smaller projectiles.

Instructional quotes

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Move List Mythra (SSBU) Jump with an overhead slash, and then follow up with a blast of light diagonally downward. Scatter the blast by pressing the button again before it fires.


Mythra performing Ray of Punishment in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Ray of Punishment is Mythra's Level 1 Special in Xenoblade Chronicles 2, while Chroma Dust is her Level 2 Special in Torna ~ The Golden Country. In the original game, Mythra made less of a leap into the air for both moves, likely due to the ground-based combat of the Xenoblade Chronicles series. Additionally, unlike in Smash, Ray of Punishment's projectile caused an explosion on impact, damaging nearby enemies.
