User:Ultimate Toad/SSBU Missing stages

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While I believe having a wide variety of characters is one of the most important aspects of Smash, I also believe stages are just as inportant, and in my opinion even more so. As you know there are only 15 stages from past Smash games that did not return in Ultimate. Whether these stages are gone for good or will return as future DLC is unknown, so I made a list showing all of the missing stages while making a brief summary about the likelyhood of the stages returning as DLC, and also a short section for why I want or don't want those stages back.

Note: Because Flat Zone 1 and Flat Zone 2 are practically merged into Flat Zone X those 2 stages are excluded from this list. Mushroomy Kingdom 1-2 and B&W Dream Land GB will also be excluded due to being alternate stage layouts.

Super Smash Bros. 64

Planet Zebes

Planet Zebes
Game Super Smash Bros. 64
Possible? Change Neutral

Resons for inclusion

Buff This is one of 2 stages from 64 to not return in Ultimate

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf The stage mechanic is identical to Brinstar and so might not make it in due to redundancy.

My opinion

This stage looks cool (mostly the background) and I prefer it over Brinstar, it was one of my favorites in 64. I would like to see this stage back even though it's similar to Brinstar, mainly due to aesthetics.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Buff Yes

Sector Z

Sector Z
Game Super Smash Bros. 64
Possible? Change Neutral

Reasons for inclusion

Buff Same as Planet Zebes

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Once again, same: Too similar to Corneria.

My opinion

Not much to say besides the background being cool. IfI were to choose between this and Corneria, I would've rather had this stage since Corneria was already in Brawl and for 3DS. The one problem I have with this stage is that it's too big. If it were the same size as Corneria then it would be better. Either way I like this stage a lot so...

  • Do I want this stage back?: Buff Yes

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Icicle Mountain

Icicle Mountain
Game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Possible? Nerf No

Reasons for inclusion

Buff This is the only Ice Climber stage to not return in Ultimate.

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Then again there are only 2 IC stages, and the other one is much better.

Nerf Generally an unpopular stage.

Nerf Verticle auto-scroll stages are gone from Ultimate

My opinion

This is one of those stages that I like in silly casual matches where I exploit the AI and play survival tests. But still this stahe is really annoying and not a good stage to fight on since the scrolling speed is unpredictable, and in general the layout makes it difficult to score a KO.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Nerf No.

Mushroom Kingdom

Mushroom Kingdom
Mushroom Kingdom I Melee.png
Game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Possible? Change Neutral (leaning towards likely

Reasons for inclusion

Buff Despite being similar to 64's Mushroom Kingdom, this stage has a different layout and mechanic: breakable blocks containing items

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Even though it has the differences mentioned above, it's still almost identical and still might be redundant.

My opinion

Eh, I like this stage, but 64's is better in both layout and mechanics. The blocks make it difficult to KO due to how they are placed and generally there's nothing that interesting in this version compared to 64: 64 had funtioning pipes, POW blocks, and Piranha Plant hazards. Melee? Well you have blocks, some blocks, and more blocks... But what is fun is when the AI suddenly does nothing (as I wrote in the AI flaws page in Melee) then I also do nothing until they start moving again.

  • Do I want this stage back?:Change Neutral

Mute City

Mute City
Game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Possible? Buff Yes

Reasons for inclusion

Buff Despite being similar to Port Town Aero Drive, this stage still looks much different and would still be unique

Buff This is the only F-Zero stage That is not in Ultimate

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Too similar to Port Town Aero Drive

My opinion

I like this stage better than Port Town. Well once again it's all mostly aesthetic. One difference is the cars have set knockback unlike in Port Town.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Buff Yes

Poke Floats

Poké Floats
Game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Possible? Buff Yes

Reasons for inclusion

Buff KIRBY ONLY! ITEMS VERY HIGH! POKE FLOATS!This stage is surprisingally a popular pick for Melee stages

Buff This is the only Pokemon stage missing from Ultimate

Buff There's nothing redundant about this stage. The fact that Pokémon Stadium and it's clone made it in I don't see why not

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Doesn't really represent the Pokemon universe as well anymore. {{nerf|Stage morph would probably mesh very poorly with this stage (similar to Orbital Gate Assault, Woolly World, etc)

My opinion

I nicknamed this stage "Self-Destruction Floats". I loved this stage in Melee and am kinda disappointed it didn't return. What kinda bugs me is the reasons people give for why this stage didn't return.

  • Squirtle: This is a weak argument. If Squirtle being playable is the reason this stage is deconfirmed, then 75m, Port Town and Duck Hunt shouldn't have made it in either.
  • Stage morph: This is an even weaker argument. Basically they say because it's an auto-scroll there is no static platform to start on when the stage transforms. So... what about Rainbow Cruise? Stage morph seems to totally not work perfectly fine there so there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY we can't just use the Squirtle float...

Well anyway this stage is a good auto-scroll unlike Icicle Mountain: it's still playable and possible to fight on. Once again the AI also makes this stage fun because they are awful at it. (I seriously can't believe this crazy stage was once legal...)

  • Do I want this stage back?: Buff Yes

Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Rumble Falls

Rumble Falls
Rumble Falls Brawl.png
Game Super Smash Bros. Melee
Possible? Nerf No

Reasons for inclusion

Buff It uhh... looks nice?

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Verticle auto-scroll stages are gone from Ultimate

Nerf Unpopular stage


My opinion

I absolutely DESPISE this stage. At least Icicle Mountain was fun to some extent (but still really annoying) but this stage is basically Icicle Mountain with all the fun stuff taken out and replaced with infuriating stuff: the layout is much more complex and crowded, at least there's a warning for when the stage will speed up but the layout again makes it hard to platform, the OHKO spikes are self-explanatory, oh did I mention the OHKO spikes? Well you can clearly this is my least favorite stage in the series.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Nerf ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!


Game Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Possible? Change Neutral

Reasons for inclusion

Buff Transformations are different from Pictochat 2

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Unfortunately it's still not much different from 2

My opinion

This stage is alright. Well there's not much I csn say about this stage... it doesn't matter if this stage returns or not.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Change Neutral

Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS

Rainbow Road

Rainbow Road
SSB4 Rainbow Road.jpg
Game Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Possible? Buff Yes

Reasons for inclusion

Buff There's nothing redundant about this stage at all

Buff Rainbow Road is an iconic track in Mario Kart

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf If we get a Rainbow Road stage it'll most likely be Mario Kart 8's version, even though that version kinda sucks.

My opinion

Alright this is by far the stage I'm most disappointed to see left out in Ultimate, this stage would've looked so nice with the new graphics and there's nothing redundant about this stage, yet they decide to again just bring back Mario Circuit and it's Brawl clone. I've been wanting a Rainbow Road stage since Brawl but the 3DS version is the only game to have one. If this doesn't return I'd still want to see any Rainbow Road stage from any game, my picks would be the original Mario Kart 64's or Double Dash's.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Buff Yes


SSB4 Pac-Maze.jpg
Game Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
Possible? Buff Yes

Reasons for inclusion

Buff This stage is what represents Pac-man the most.

Buff This was a popular stage

Reasons for exclusion

Can't think of any right now

My opinion

Pac-Maze is a popular stage that should've made it in. Like I said, this is what represents Pac-man the best as a stage: It's recognizable and iconic, Pac-Land doesn't really do its job for that. While I think Pac-Land is overhated (Though I myself never really liked it much), it seems odd that they bring back a widely hated stage rather than a very popular stage. I like this stage so I hope it comes back.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Buff Yes

Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

Jungle Hijinxs

Jungle Hijinxs


Game Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Possible? Nerf No

Reasons for inclusion

Buff We don't have a DKC Returns stage.

Buff Fighting in the background is a neat mechanic

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Downside: the background being a fighting section would actually be a problem in stage morph

My opinion

Eh, as someone who never really liked Donkey Kong Country, this stage has a neat mechanic that was never used on any stage. Honestly I hardly played this stage much to say much about it. For once, I admit that stage morph would be a problem in a stage, and that stage is this one. If the morph occurs while players are in the background, then it would cause obvious oddities.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Change Neutral


Pyrosphere press image.jpg
Game Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Possible? Nerf No

Reasons for inclusion

Buff This is one of two Metroid series stages that are missing

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf Ridley

My opinion

I never really liked this stage much, but having a boss fight for you is a unique mechanic. The problem with this stage is Ridley is now playable. Even though I never played a Metroid game, I know that the Ridley in this stage is not the "real" one, and I already mentioned that Squirtle is a weak argument for Poke Floats not returning, but this is different. The Ridley looks too similar to the real one and would look odd seeing 2 Ridleys.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Nerf No

Woolly World

Wooly World
Game Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Possible? Buff Yes

Reasons for inclusion

Buff This is the only Yoshi series stage missing

Reasons for exclusion

None I can think of.

My opinion

Yoshi's woolly world was a good game, although I will admit I don't really like the idea of Yoshi being overly cutesy and kiddish these days. This stage never really appealed to me, but it aesthetically looks nice.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Change Neutral

Orbital Gate Assault

Orbital Gate Assault
SSB4 - Great Fox.jpg
Game Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Possible? Change Neutral

Reasons for inclusion

Buff It is one of 2 missing Star Fox stages.

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf But there are only 5 stages from this universe in the series so it doesn't say much.

My opinion

Space has always interested me, and this stage has an amazing background. Unfortunately, fighting on this stage is really annoying so I never really played it much outside of omega form.

  • Do I want this stage back?: Change Neutral


SSB4 - Miiverse.jpg
Game Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
Possible? Nerf No

Reasons for inclusion

Can't think of any right now.

Reasons for exclusion

Nerf R.I.P Miiverse. 2012-2017

My opinion

I still miss Miiverse. I remember playing this stage and seeing my drawings pop up, and other funny posts, like localize Mother 3 protests, a bearded Jigglypuff, and bad ones like overused memes and curse words. Unfortunately, now that Miiverse is gone I see no point in playing this stage anymore, if it were then I would like this stage back, but...

  • Do I want this stage back?: Nerf No


So yeah there's not that many stages that are missing. Some are good, some are bad, and some are silly, fun, and nonsensical. Everyone has their opinions on stage, like one might despise one stage, but the other might love said stage. So that leaves one question: if I were the developer and want to do fan service, which stages would I bring back?

Answer: All of them execpt Rumble Falls.

So what stages do you want back? Feel free to add any important things I missed.