SSBU Icon.png

Tournament:Domics' Atomic Arena

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Domics' Atomic Arena
Domics' Atomic Arena.png
Dates June 19th-21st, 2020
Attendance 5,605
Pot size(s) $4,000
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate winners TBD

Domics' Atomic Arena is an ongoing Super Smash Bros. Ultimate online tournament held by YouTube animator Domics. The tournament will feature player bounties and redemption brackets as well as a "Creator Clash" featuring several other well-known YouTube animators. Most notably, the tournament had a summit-like voting process that will ban 5 characters from the tournament.

Character bans

The following characters were banned:

The following were voted onto the compendium but ultimately were not banned:


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate singles

(5,605 entrants)
Top 16 Bracket
Top 8 Bracket

Place Name Character(s) Earnings
17th Canada JW GreninjaHeadSSBU.png
17th USA TheMightyDialga BayonettaHeadSSBU.png
17th USA FruitLoops KingDededeHeadSSBU.png
17th USA Lui$ PalutenaHeadSSBU.png
17th USA Steve- Man Who Smashes GanondorfHeadSSBU.png
17th USA Sytonix KenHeadSSBU.png
17th USA Middy Pac-ManHeadSSBU.png
17th Mexico JP NessHeadSSBU.pngPalutenaHeadSSBU.png
25th USA Skew Banjo&KazooieHeadSSBU.png
25th USA ZeroTwoNone ZeldaHeadSSBU.png
25th USA Fermata RobinHeadSSBU.png
25th USA Kosmic IsabelleHeadSSBU.png
25th USA MRW IncineroarHeadSSBU.png
25th USA phoen1x PalutenaHeadSSBU.png
25th USA Hareta ROBHeadSSBU.png
25th USA MariyoTree IsabelleHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Christian PeachHeadSSBU.pngPalutenaHeadSSBU.pngLinkHeadSSBU.pngDarkPitHeadSSBU.pngRandomHeadSSB4-U.png
33rd USA DylanNoPancakes Pac-ManHeadSSBU.png
33rd Canada Hanado IkeHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Falkion BayonettaHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA JustTheIce ZeldaHeadSSBU.png
33rd Canada Grape SnakeHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Thespider ToonLinkHeadSSBU.pngCloudHeadSSBU.pngMarioHeadSSBU.png
33rd Canada Train DarkSamusHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Hungrybox JigglypuffHeadSSBU.png
33rd Canada Polar PokemonTrainerHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Sogoodpop WiiFitTrainerHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Stretch LucinaHeadSSBU.pngNessHeadSSBU.pngDonkeyKongHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Dr Dirty Dave RichterHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Prince Ralts ChromHeadSSBU.pngZeldaHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA Zador MegaManHeadSSBU.png
33rd USA DarkAngel ToonLinkHeadSSBU.png
49th USA Clout god KenHeadSSBU.png
49th Canada Landon LuigiHeadSSBU.png
49th USA Mind LuigiHeadSSBU.png
49th USA NoSmo SnakeHeadSSBU.png
49th USA Slade MarioHeadSSBU.pngCaptainFalconHeadSSBU.pngLucinaHeadSSBU.png
49th USA kylzim ZeroSuitSamusHeadSSBU.png
49th USA StarZ CloudHeadSSBU.png
49th Canada Septimus CloudHeadSSBU.png
49th Canada Shea TerryHeadSSBU.png
49th USA GREATacos IkeHeadSSBU.png
49th USA Miike3o1 VillagerHeadSSBU.png
49th Canada Blacktwins13 CloudHeadSSBU.pngMarioHeadSSBU.pngPichuHeadSSBU.png
49th USA Kikouyous3 FalcoHeadSSBU.png
49th USA PK Blitz NessHeadSSBU.png
49th USA Soggy CaptainFalconHeadSSBU.png
49th USA RIN LinkHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Asalt IkeHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Dezer SnakeHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Magic Trumpet Man LittleMacHeadSSBU.png
65th USA TerraBoy BowserJrHeadSSBU.png
65th Pneumatic JigglypuffHeadSSBU.png
65th USA atraino3 LinkHeadSSBU.png
65th Pokecheese ROBHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Crimson Arzuros InklingHeadSSBU.png
65th Canada djcooler50 ROBHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Atticus WolfHeadSSBU.pngPokemonTrainerHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Crontonum KenHeadSSBU.pngGanondorfHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Septile BowserHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Chaoszard PokemonTrainerHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Usami Akihiko ZeldaHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Ventuswill NessHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Judge DuckHuntHeadSSBU.png
65th DPeazy KirbyHeadSSBU.png
65th Canada Colslaw WarioHeadSSBU.pngMarthHeadSSBU.pngWolfHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Zlooz ShulkHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Linku LinkHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Mustang GanondorfHeadSSBU.png
65th USA _SEBA_ RoyHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Smabros LinkHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Rushmilk VillagerHeadSSBU.png
65th USA MegahogX MegaManHeadSSBU.png
65th Canada Nimble SnakeHeadSSBU.pngJokerHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Asian Weeb RoyHeadSSBU.png
65th USA red berpo JokerHeadSSBU.png
65th USA DefectoAce KirbyHeadSSBU.png
65th USA MattBro GanondorfHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Symphony KingDededeHeadSSBU.png
65th USA Thomas446 InklingHeadSSBU.png

External links