Up special move

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Up B is a special attack performed by pressing the B button while holding the control stick upwards. Up B attacks are usually third jumps used to recover from off-stage; the Up B will mostly put the character into helpless mode. The only exceptions are Yoshi and Jigglypuff, neither of whose Up B attacks acts as a jump.

List of Up B Moves

  • Bowser - Whirling Fortress: Bowser retracts into his shell and quickly spins horizontally. Has fairly high damage and knockback, and quite a bit of horizontal distance.
  • Captain Falcon - Falcon Dive: Captain Falcon is given a quick boost upwards and forwards, and anything within his target area is pulled to him, given a blast of firey energy, and launched away. If it connects, it sends Falcon backwards, but also removes the helplessness state, allowing him to perform the move again. This move acts as a grab, so it can hit enemies that are shielding. Note that the range at which the enemy is latched on to Captain Falcon is much greater in SSB than in SSBM.
  • Donkey Kong - Spinning Kong: Donkey Kong extends both of his arms out, hands balled into fists, and spins quickly horizontally. Like Bowser's Whirling Fortress, this attack has very good horizontal recovery, decent damage and knockback, and bad vertical recovery distance. It is worth noting that the most damaging and highest priority hitboxes are in D.K.'s fists, making his legs vulnerable to projectiles while he is recovering.
  • Falco Lombardi - Fire Bird: Falco stops in midair with flames gathering around him, then erupts like a rocket, flying quickly in one direction. This direction is chosen by moving the joystick in any direction durring the point where flames are gathering. While flying through the air, the Fire Bird deals decent damage and knockback to any who are caught in the trajectory.
  • Fox McCloud - Fire Fox: Behaves similarly to Falco's Fire Bird, except for a few small changes: The Firefox deals slight damage to any enemy who comes into contact with Fox while he is still gathering flames, and the distance travelled is significantly longer.
  • Ganondorf - Dark Dive: Behaves almost identically to the Falcon Dive, except it charges the enemy full of dark electricity rather than fire, and deals much higher damage and knockback (it is also considerably slower).
  • Ice Climbers - Belay: This attack sends one of the Ice Climbers far into the air, with a cord attached to the other one, which pulls it up afterwards. This attack has the highest vertical recovery range of any Up B move, but it can only be performed if both Ice Climbers are together. If they are separated or one is dead, this move cannot be performed.
  • Ike - Aether: Ike throws his sword in the air, then jumps up, catches it, and falls back to Earth.
  • Jigglypuff - Sing: Pink waves and musical notes radiate out from Jigglypuff. Any non-airborne enemy caught within these waves will be put to sleep for a short period of time. Like a grab, wiggling the joystick can cause the character to escape the sleep more quickly, but higher damage forces the opponent into sleep for longer. Most of the time, if the character is hit by the start of the attack and the player wiggles their joystick rapidly, the sleep will wear off before Jigglypuff has even finsihed her Sing attack. Hitting the character or nudging them off the edge will cause them to wake up. This is not a triple jump, does not at all aid in recovery, and does not put Jigglypuff into a state of helplessness.
  • Kirby - Final Cutter: Kirby extends a blade and launches straight up into the air, then proceeds to fall at a very fast speed (this attack does not cause helplessness. If Kirby uses it in midair and does not land on a platform or edge, he will unavoidably fall to his death). While moving up and down, Kirby can catch enemies with the extended blade. When Kirby hits the ground, it shoots a wave forward along the ground, also dealing damage.
  • Link - Spin Attack: Link extends his sword horizontally and spins, shooting slashing energy slightly beyond the length of the blade. Midair it gains vertical distance and a fair amount of horizontal distance. Any enemy caught deep inside the spin will be hit several times. Enemies caught at the outside of the spin will be hit with a fairly sizeable knockback.
  • Luigi - Super Jump Punch: Luigi's Super Jump Punch differs from Mario's and Dr. Mario's in that it does not send Luigi forward at all (making it much worse for horizontal recovery). Additionally, if the enemy is far inside the hitbox, rather than racking up multiple coins, it performs a "Fire Punch", with a heavy damage sound (like a fully charged Homerun Bat or Jigglypuff's Rest attack), dealing a much higher percent and knockback. The hit at the outside of the hitbox only deals 1% and makes one coin, and has no knockback at all.
  • Mario - Super Jump Punch: Sends Mario upwards and slightly forwards. Any enemy hit while performing this attack will be pulled upwards with Mario, and coins will fly out. If they are very close when it is used, this can hit several times for multiple coins and a higher % damage. If they are at the edge of the hitbox, it will only hit for 1 or 2 percent (and coins).
  • Marth - Dolphin Slash: Marth flies quickly upwards, blade extended vertically. Provides decent vertical recovery, but very little horizontal recovery. A "Reverse Dolphin Slash" can be performed by starting the attack and quickly moving the joystick backwards. This will cause Marth to turn around just before jumping upwards, and if it hits an enemy close to him as he starts the move, it provides much higher damage and knockback due to the hitbox and sweetspot layout of his sword.
  • Mewtwo - Teleport: Mewtwo vanishes and appears a fair distance away in any direction. Does not cause any damage.
  • Mr. Game and Watch - Fire: GaW launches quickly upwards, propelled by a temporary team of Game and Watches with a fireman's trampoline. High vertical distance but minimal horizontal distance. Can be useful for very quickly hitting an enemy far above GaW.
  • Ness - PK Thunder: Shoots a bolt out of Ness's head. This bolt has a round head and a long, whispy tail, and is composed of electricity. While it is in the air, the bolt can be controlled by moving the joystick (Ness will remain stationary, or fall if he is in midair). Running the head into an opponent will cause damage. Slight damage can also be caused by hitting an opponent with the tail of the attack, and this will not cause the attack to disappear. If the PK Thunder is steered into Ness himself, it launches him in the opposite direction from the one he was hit at. While being launched, Ness is invulnerable for a large period of time and can cause significant damage and knockback to anyone hit by his body. Even if this attack is not used to launch Ness, it will cause helplessness when used in midair.
  • Pichu - Agility: Pichu performs a quick teleport-like action in any direction. Inputting another direction durring this first teleport allows Pichu to immediately perform a second teleport upon finishing the first. Any enemy caught at the mid or end point of these teleports will be dealt slight damage. Pichu will also be dealt 1% damage per teleport. If the joystick is released durring the second teleport, it will get slightly more distance.
  • Pokémon Trainer - Varies. As Pokémon Trainer does not actively engage in battle himself, instead relying on his three Pokémon, there are three different moves that can be considered his Up B attack:
  • Princess Peach - Parasol: Peach pulls out an umbrella and opens it, greatly reducing her fall speed and increasing her horizontal recovery range. As she is pulling it out, she is given a slight vertical boost. The parasol stays extended, reducing fall speed until Peach either hits the ground or presses down on the controller. Pressing down will cause Peach to go into helplessness and fastfall, but uniquely, pressing up in this state will resume the Parasol attack. Additionally, the top of the Parasol deals slight damage and upwards knockback, allowing skilled players to juggle several hits of this, especially against low % and fastfalling characters.
  • Princess Zelda - Farore's Wind: Zelda flashes for a second, then invisibly teleports a long distance in one of the 8 main directions. This move has a long recovery range, but is very limited in its options as to direction, making it possible to overshoot stages or platforms, or get caught under stage lips, like in Battlefield.
  • Sheik - Vanish: Sheik performs a slight jump, then dissapears with a puff of flame. Any enemy caught in that flame will be dealt damage and shot straight upwards. Sheik will then reappear a short distance in any direction from where he dissapeared, but will have a much longer than usual lagtime upon hitting the ground.
  • Roy - Blazer: Similar to Marth's Dolphin Slash, except it sets the enemy character on fire. There is no equivilent to the Reverse Dolphin Slash due to the hitbox and sweetspot layout of Roy's blade being different than Marth's.
  • Samus Aran - Screw Attack: Samus quickly rolls up into a ball and launches upwards, spinning. Any enemy caught at any point within the attack will be pulled up to the top and hit multiple times for a low percent. This move is notable only in that it has a fairly high priority and low start-up time. Samus's air dodge actually can acchieve more distance, especially since her midair grapple can be used immediately after air dodging.
  • Solid Snake - Cypher - Grabs his flying reconnaissance camera and flies upward. Details not yet known.
  • Yoshi - Egg Throw: Yoshi launches an egg upwards in an arc, which can be angled along a variety of trajectories, hitting anywhere from far horizontally in front of Yoshi to slightly behind and above Yoshi. The egg explodes upon contact or after moving along for a set air-time. Yoshi's Up B is fairly unique in that it is not a triple jump, does not noticeably aid in recovery, and does not put Yoshi into a state of helplessness.