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List of abbreviations

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Here is a list of common shorthand for long Super Smash Bros.-related terms:


Abbreviation Name
Nair Neutral aerial
Fair Forward aerial
Dair Down aerial
Bair Back aerial
Uair Up aerial
Zair Grab aerial
Ftilt Forward tilt
Dtilt Down tilt
Utilt Up tilt
DA Dash attack
Fsmash Forward smash
Dsmash Down smash
Usmash Up smash
Fthrow Forward throw
Dthrow Down throw
Bthrow Back throw
Uthrow Up throw
FS Final Smash

General terms

Abbreviation Name
AI Artificial intelligence
AT Advanced technique or Assist Trophy
BD Bat drop
CSS Character selection screen
CP Computer player or counterpick
CPU Computer player (-user)
DACUS Dash attack canceled up smash
DI Directional influence
DJCFFL Doublejump cancel fast fall L-cancel
FAF First actionable frame
FC Fully charged or Friend Code or Float cancel
FF Fast fall
FFA Free for all
FP Figure Player (amiibo)
IASA Interruptible as soon as
KB Knockback
KO Knockout
OHKO One-hit KO
OoS Out of shield
SD Self-destruct
SDI Smash directional influence
SH Short hop
SHFFL Short hop fast fall L-cancel
SSE Subspace Emissary
WD Wavedash
WoL World of Light

Character-specific terms

Abbreviation Name Character(s)
DABK Down-angled After Burner Kick Bayonetta
FOP Fence of pain Kirby
LCS Limit Cross Slash Cloud
MALLC Monado Art landing lag cancel Shulk
Nanner Banana Peel Diddy Kong
SHL/B Short hop laser/blaster Falco, Fox
SWD Super wavedash Samus
YYG Yoyo glitch Ness
WOP Wall of pain Jigglypuff
CG Chain grab Various


Abbreviation Name
Bayo Bayonetta
Jr. / BJ Bowser Jr.
CF / Cap / C. Falcon Captain Falcon
DDK Diddy Kong
DK Donkey Kong
Doc Dr. Mario
DH / DHD Duck Hunt (-Dog/-Duo)
IC / ICs / Icies Ice Climbers
Jiggly / Puff / Jiggs Jigglypuff
DDD / D3 King Dedede
Mac Little Mac
MK Meta Knight
M2 Mewtwo
GW / GaW / G&W / GnW Mr. Game & Watch
Oli Olimar
Palu Palutena
Pika Pikachu
PP / Plant Piranha Plant
PT Pokémon Trainer
Rosaluma / Rosa Rosalina & Luma
TL / Tink Toon Link
Villy Villager
WFT Wii Fit Trainer
YL / Yink Young Link
ZSS / 0SS / Zamus Zero Suit Samus


Abbreviation Name
BF Battlefield
CS Castle Siege
DH Duck Hunt
DL Dream Land
FD / Final D Final Destination
FoD Fountain of Dreams
NDC / NDC Hall New Donk City Hall
PC PictoChat
PS(1) Pokémon Stadium
PS2 Pokémon Stadium 2
PTAD Port Town Aero Dive
SV Smashville
TaC/TC Town and City
YI Yoshi's Island

Game media terms

Abbreviation Name
DLC Downloadable content
PM Project M (not to be confused with "private message")
SSB4 3DS / SSB3DS Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS
SSB4 Wii U / SSBWiiU Super Smash Bros. for Wii U
SSB4 / Sm4sh Super Smash Bros. 4
SSB64 Super Smash Bros. (for Nintendo 64)
SSBB Super Smash Bros. Brawl
SSBM Super Smash Bros. Melee
SSBU Super Smash Bros. Ultimate