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ChozenOne (also known as simply "Chozen") is a Jigglypuff player from Fairfax, VA and the highest ranking member of the crew Team No Respect(What an accomplishment). He is largely considered to be the US's most self proclaimed premiere Jigglypuff player, much less skilled than King and KishPrime. Completely unknown throughout the Smash scene and participating in tournaments mainly only within the Va/Md region, he recently began to gain a false sense of publicity for his articles and advice given in the Jigglypuff section locationed at SmashWorld Forums. He is also the most biased North Atlantic Regional Panelist.

Along with writing really scrubby strategics on Jigglypuff's matchups and moveset potential on SmashBoards (his most well known tread entitled "ChozenOne's Learn to Fux With Amazingness Thread").