Talk:Mewtwo (SSBU)

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Revision as of 22:08, October 4, 2021 by MereMortem (talk | contribs) (Added discussion about adding SDX/Secret to the historically significant players section.)
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Discussion about Confusion's properties (and other moves)

Please try to keep it civil folks. Tantei (talk) 10:35, 26 June 2018 (EDT)

Normally I'd say that's not a proper use of the talk page, but I should probably make it clear to you: this was not directed at you, but instead the IP before you. Black Vulpine of the Furry Nation. Furries make the internets go! :3 10:38, 26 June 2018 (EDT)
I'm aware, and forgive me, I have limited experience with talk pages. I would just like to confirm if Mewtwo's Confusion actually has more end lag if whiffed is all. Tantei (talk) 10:49, 26 June 2018 (EDT)
Some of the information here was simply wrong ("Forward tilt has [...] quicker start-up and endlag.") or unverified information due to lack of proper testing ("Confusion now allows Mewtwo to act before captured opponents can, allowing for combos."), so i removed it. The same holds for "Confusion has more ending lag if it misses, making it more punishable", which i don't like as a listed nerf/change because it's not a change (as the title suggests) to Smash 4 because its FAF in Smash 4 is F41 on hit and F45 otherwise (which btw is still the same in Ultimate). You can count the frames for example here (00:42 and 02:00). Chrisler (talk) 10:58, 26 June 2018 (EDT)

Does Mewtwo have a scrapped boss form?

Anybody find it weird that Pikachu and Pokémon Trainer’s boss fight is against Mewtwo and then a Master hand? Something feels off, given how Mario, Zelda and Kirby got their own boss it feels off that Pokémon doesn’t, their idea of their unique fight is having a fighter followed by Mazter Hand.

Maybe it was supposed to be Mecha mewto or Mega X, maybe Gamefreak rejected an idea? Shawksta (talk) 18:33, 19 December 2018 (EST)

This is speculation mind you but it feels very weird

Shawksta (talk) 18:35, 19 December 2018 (EST)
I honestly doubt it, since not all characters have special boss fights, and while Pokémon is a big franchise for Nintendo, that doesn't guarantee that it'll get its own boss. SugarCookie420 (talk) 18:36, 19 December 2018 (EST)
Yeah, I don't think so. Rayquaza from Brawl would have made a better boss. But I don't think this discussion is constructive for the article. SeanWheeler (talk) 13:22, 20 December 2018 (EST)

Where are the names of its normal moves coming from?

Are these just made up names or is there actually a source for these? -- 11:54, 27 February 2019 (EST)

If there is no credible source for those move names, I'll be removing them in a few days unless a source is provided. -- 07:34, 7 March 2019 (EST)
They are from the in-game tips. Same goes for other Ultimate character pages. Zyrac sig.png Zyrac(talkcontribs) 09:59, 7 March 2019 (EST)

Adding SDX/Secret to historically significant players

I've been told that the reasons for him not being included are that he doesn't carry much historical relevance due to being early Ult and that 3 months isn't enough for historical relevance. I would argue that there's zero reason that there should be a specific amount of time needed for someone to play a character for it to be relevant, and if there is then 3 months is very much plenty. The new guidelines also state nothing about a specific amount of time playing the character being needed, only to wait 6 months after a character's release to give them the section to add relevant players in the first place. On him not carrying much relevance, I can see it argued, but I would be willing to bet anyone who played the game then would list Secret after Wadi if asked about Mewtwo players. He also has the best results with Mewtwo behind Wadi. I think that would easily make him more historically relevant than most of the current players listed. He also was Area 51 in the first season of Ultimate with solo Mewtwo (he may have entered things as Joker/PT during the period, but nothing really for PGR and all of his PGR wins were with Mewtwo). MereMortem (talk) 22:08, 04 October 2021 (EST)