Talk:Richter (SSBU)

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Richter does not have any gameplay differences from Simon.

I am very confident that Richter has no differences from Simon and I am willing to prove it. Firstly, Sakurai directly mentions his "strength" is the same, but his look, voice and gestures are different. Secondly, he also demonstrated how Richter and Simon's holy water did identical things to Pit and Dark Pit. Thirdly the Japanese blog entry states that his attacks are the same as Simon's but his taunts are different. The English version is a mistranslation. --Memoryman3 (talk) 11:17, 26 August 2018 (EDT)

We've been over this. Miles (talk) 18:31, 26 August 2018 (EDT)
I don't get why you're so determined regarding this point. It's been said to death, I'm sure, but SmashWiki is not speculative. Until we have explicit confirmation that Richter and Simon are completely identical when it comes to hitboxes and damage, whether that be from official word or us playing the two characters ourselves, there's no point in consistently claiming they have no gameplay differences. Sakurai has said things that have been misinterpreted by the Smash community as a whole several times, and I doubt this particular instance is any different. Hinata2000100 (talk) 03:22, 29 August 2018 (EDT)

The direct literally showed that the two have no differences in gameplay. There’s no cosmetic tells that indicate different properties on the weapons, and the attack that has a clear tell was demonstrated to act identically. Why mention voice and appearance if gameplay differences were present? --Memoryman3 (talk) 19:27, 7 September 2018 (EDT)

I'm not saying we know for sure that there are gameplay differences. What I'm saying is that we don't know for sure that there aren't. Leaving it open-ended until the game releases is preferable to jumping to conclusions based on incomplete information. Miles (talk) 19:44, 7 September 2018 (EDT)
Every single clone in Smash Bros. history has had a non-zero amount of gameplay differences, because that's what makes them clones and not just alt costumes. No matter how similar they are to their original counterpart, they always have something different about them. There's no way Sakurai would suddenly go back on that idea for a single character. I'm positive Simon and Richter have gameplay differences; we just don't know them yet. Hinata2000100 (talk) 19:53, 8 September 2018 (EDT)
Memoryman3, what you are currently doing is assuming. There is no harm with patiently waiting for the actual release of the game, or a playable demo where the public can actually test out the characters. Going by word of mouth or "the direct shows it" is still speculation as we are unable to see his full moveset right off the bat, nor do we even have a way to compare all of Simon and Richter's moves. Be patient and keep it open-ended till people can officially test him. Mexi (talk) 03:51, 9 September 2018 (EDT)