Kongo Falls

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Stage Design

This Kongo Jungle is one of three Donkey Kong's level's in Super Smash Bros. Melee. It is a raft that is stopped on the edge of a waterfall. The raging rapids in the background can not affect you in anyway (in this level, anyway). The raft's bottom is a fairly flat surface that has gentle curves that change as you run and jump on it. On either side of the raft is a post that stands tall with two platforms on a post. The post itself is always perpendicular to the raft it's under, so when the raft moves a little, the post can change it's position quite drasticly, changing the angles of the platforms on the posts. There is also a rock that pertrudes from the waterfall's edge that you can stand on. It is fairly low on the level, so landing on it can sometimes be hard. The barrell on the bottom of the level magically floats back and forth, spinning around. If you land in it, you can push a button to get out, being launched the direction the arrow is facing. The arrow can sometimes stop facing to the bottom, then auto launch you if you take too long, effectively KOing you. There are also Klap Traps in this game, as they are in every Donkey Kong game, touching one of them will result in you being sent to your death. Finally, there are logs that occationally roll down the waterfall and stop just before it falls, allowing you a narrow place to stand for a few seconds before it falls to the buttom, and you to, if you are on it.

Artistic Design

This stage is one of the nicest stages to look at. The waterfall, in contrast to the one in Princess Peach's Castle, is extremely close, and is raging. Sure, the waterfall may look fake, but atleast you can tell it's water. In the background, you can see where the waterfall comes from; right out of the jungle. To the left and right of the waterfall's canals are beautiful jungles. You can see the large leaves, tropical tress, jungle vines, and even a pertruding log. On he left of the canal there is a treehouse. As to who lives there, that's always been a mystery except to the level designers. You can't do anything with it, being it in the background, but it definatly gives it a Kongo Jungle feel.

Image by Nintendorks. [1]