Waveshine infinite

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A waveshine infinite is an infinite which uses the waveshine. The only character able to perform the waveshine infinite combo is Fox. The Waveshine Infinite can not be done with Falco, as his Shine has vertical knockback. To do all variations of the infinite, the player must be able to L-Cancel, Waveshine, and Short-Hop.

There are two general types of the Waveshine Infinte. One can infinite an opponent either against a wall, which is generally easier, or on a flat surface, without a wall. Both types of infinite have multiple ways to perform them.

One that is often talked about is the Drillshine infinite. In order to drillshine infinite combo, you use Fox's Dair and l-cancel it into his Shine and wavedash out of it. Then, you repeat. This combo is extremely hard to pull off, and takes a considerable amount of practice.

There is also an infinite combo when you get on the edge, triple jump (so you just hit the edge again, when you just move into it without actually finishing it and firing), fall, shine, jump cancel the shine, and repeat.


The damage sustained from the infinite combo can be 999%, thus the name "infinite combo." Characters like Link, Peach, and Zelda cannot escape this if the Fox player is skilled enough. On the down side, most characters cannot be infinite combo'd. Most characters slide too far (from the Shine) in order to be caught again by the Dair. Some characters are even knocked down from the Shine, and unfortunately, you can't infinite combo a character if he/she is on the ground.

Wall infinites

This combo works on characters that don't fall over from Fox's shine. Against most walls, Fox can string together L-cancelled Dairs into the shine. At this point, Fox can either jump cancel the shine and start another Dair, or waveshine out of it and start another Dair. Both of these variations will work. The repetition of this drill-shine-drill-shine input results in an infinite combo. Note also that the Dair may be short-hopped or full jumped.

Land infinite

Waveshine into another shine and repeat, hitting your opponent each time. Can only be done against characters that only go about as far as Fox's wavedash allows him to.

IJC Shine

This is very similar to the other infinites, except that it discludes Fox's SH(FF)L'd dairs. It is performed by shining, jump-cancelling the shine, and before leaving the ground, shining again (ad infinitum). The IJC Shine is widely recognized as the most difficult non-glitch technique to perform, as it requires frame perfect precision.
It also is possible to SDI during the 4 frames before Fox leaves the ground, as seen in many of SuperDoodleMan's works. Considering that it is possible to double and triple shine on flat land, this may allow Fox to IJC Shine anyone, regardless of stage layout.

Wall Infinite

The wavedash is used only to cancel the lag of the shine, and should be done so that Fox does not move forward. It is also possible to infinite against a wall by waveshining, then dairing an opponent, followed by another shine to repeat the process. This can also be done by jumping out of the shine instead of waveshining. As the dair is easily SDI'd, this is not as popular of a method, as it is much easier to escape. Another much harder method is to jump cancel the shine and shffl an up aerial so that only the first hit connects, then immediately shining. This is not a practical method, as it is very difficult to perform multiple times, and can also be escaped with good DI. However, it is possible to "infinite" someone using this method on Corneria, where normal wall infinites are not possible. The last possible way to wall infinite someone is to repeatedly multishine someone against a wall.

Against characters that fall down upon being hit by the shine, the only possible way to infinite them against a wall is to multishine. When a character that is lying on the floor is hit by the shine, he is pushed along the floor, and stands up when he stops sliding. If the character does not tech the first shine, he can be kept in the animation of sliding on the floor by repeatedly shining him again before he has a chance to get up. This requires consistent multishining, and is thus very difficult to perform.

Stages Wall Infinite is possible on: Princess Peach's Castle, Pokémon Stadium, Onett, Icicle Mountain,Rainbow Cruise, Brinstar Depths, Hyrule Temple, Green Greens, Venom and Fourside.

Wall-less Infinite

The wall-less infinite is performed by shining an opponent, chasing them with a wavedash, and following up with either a dair or another shine. Using the dair, however, is very unsafe, as the opponent can easily escape using Smash DI, which is easy to perform on the dair. Against characters that slide too far to be caught after only a wavedash, a dash is required before the dair. If the Fox player wants to infinite without a dair against characters with low traction, he has to waveshine, run, and perform a jump canceled shine. This is considered difficult. Characters that fall to the shine cannot be infinited without a wall.

It can be performed on any level with a flat surface.