Mario's sex kick in Brawl

A sex kick is the generally accepted term for an aerial attack that remains extended for a few moments after the initial thrust. Usually a kick, they consist of the thrust (kicking motion) and the extension (leg remaining out).

Almost always a neutral aerial, though sometimes a bair, the signature aspect of a sex kick is that they are stronger during the initial thrust and weaker afterwards (exception Dr. Mario). In Brawl, the initial hit can connect for only the first frame of the attack. While some sex kicks only have one hitbox for the thrust, others have a series which grow progressively weaker. Other typical attributes of a sex kick include low startup time and landing lag.

Although the term classically refers to only neutral aerials, smashers often extend its usage to other aerial attacks with similar properties, such as Fox's back aerial in Melee.

The term "sex kick" is credited to Matt Deezie, though it's unknown exactly why it was so named.

List of Sex Kicks

Super Smash Bros.

Almost every character has one sex kick: their neutral aerial. The two exceptions are Donkey Kong, whose sex kick is his back aerial, and Fox, whose neutral and bair are both sex kicks (the only character with two).

Super Smash Bros. Melee

Super Smash Bros Brawl
