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I play the Super Smash Bros. (series) since Super Smash Bros 64.''
I'm a fan of Smash since Super Smash Bros 64.''
My favorite game Outside of Smash
*Final Fantasy 7
*The Witcher 3
*Persona 4
*Uncharted 2
*Batman Arkham Asylum
*Final Fantasy Tactics
*Final Fantasy X
*Final Fantasy IX
*Diablo II
*Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
*Fire Emblem: Awakening
*Super Mario 64
*Super Mario Galaxy
*The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
*Pokémon Gold & Silver
*Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
*Kingdom Hearts II
*Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
===Competency Charts===
===Competency Charts===
Line 115: Line 156:

:{{symbol|ssb|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSB|16px}} [ ''Target Stage'': Super Smash Bros.] {{y}}
:{{symbol|ssb|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSB|16px}} [ ''Metal Stage'': Super Smash Bros.] {{y}}
:{{symbol|ssb|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSB|16px}} [ ''How to Play'': Super Smash Bros.]
:{{symbol|ssb|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSB|16px}} [ ''Practice Mode'': Super Smash Bros.]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Character Select'':Super Mario Bros. 2]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Character Select'':Super Mario Bros. 2]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Dire, Dire Docks'': Super Mario 64]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Dire, Dire Docks'': Super Mario 64]
Line 132: Line 170:
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Battle Theme'': Super Mario RPG]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Battle Theme'': Super Mario RPG]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Boss Battle : Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Boss Battle : Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSBB|16px}} [ ''Gritzy Desert'': Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time] {{y}}
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Master Battle'': Paper Mario]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Master Battle'': Paper Mario]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Boss Battle Theme'': Paper Mario]
:{{symbol|mario|16px}} [ ''Boss Battle Theme'': Paper Mario]
Line 152: Line 189:
:{{symbol|dk|16px}} [ ''Life in the Mines'': Donkey Kong Country]
:{{symbol|dk|16px}} [ ''Life in the Mines'': Donkey Kong Country]
:{{symbol|dk|16px}} [ ''Aquatic Ambience'': Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze]
:{{symbol|dk|16px}} [ ''Aquatic Ambience'': Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze]
:{{symbol|wario|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSB4-u|16px}} [ ''Ashley's Song (JP) Ver.2'': WarioWare: Touched!] {{y}}
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Overworld Theme'': Zelda II: The Adventure of Link]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Overworld Theme'': Zelda II: The Adventure of Link]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Hyrule Field Main Theme'': The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past] {{y}}
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Hyrule Field Main Theme'': The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past] {{y}}
Line 160: Line 196:
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Hyrule Castle Courtyard'': The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Hyrule Castle Courtyard'': The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Clock Town'': The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Clock Town'': The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSBB|16px}} [ ''Molgera Battle'': The Legend  of Zelda: Wind Waker] {{y}}
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Outset Island'': The Legend  of Zelda: Wind Waker]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Outset Island'': The Legend  of Zelda: Wind Waker]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Lake Hylia'': The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Lake Hylia'': The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess]
Line 171: Line 206:
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Under Siege'': Hyrule Warriors]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Under Siege'': Hyrule Warriors]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Solidus Cave'': Hyrule Warriors]
:{{symbol|zelda|16px}} [ ''Solidus Cave'': Hyrule Warriors]
:{{symbol|sf|16px}} {{GameIcon|SSB64|16px}} [ ''Sector Z'': Star Fox 64] {{y}}
:{{symbol|sf|16px}} [ ''Thorntail Hollow Day'': Starfox Adventures]
:{{symbol|sf|16px}} [ ''Thorntail Hollow Day'': Starfox Adventures]
:{{symbol|sf|16px}} [ ''Credits'': Star Fox Assault]
:{{symbol|sf|16px}} [ ''Credits'': Star Fox Assault]

Revision as of 21:45, May 11, 2019

Welcome I'm a fan of Smash since Super Smash Bros 64.

My favorite game Outside of Smash

  • Final Fantasy 7
  • The Witcher 3
  • Persona 4
  • Uncharted 2
  • Batman Arkham Asylum
  • Final Fantasy Tactics
  • Final Fantasy X
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Diablo II
  • Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
  • Fire Emblem: Awakening
  • Super Mario 64
  • Super Mario Galaxy
  • The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
  • Pokémon Gold & Silver
  • Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
  • Kingdom Hearts II
  • Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night
  • Overwatch

Competency Charts

IntenseDifficulty.png KirbyIcon(SSB).png
VeryHardDifficulty.png PikachuIcon(SSB).png FoxIcon(SSB).png
HardDifficulty.png MarioIcon(SSB).png SamusIcon(SSB).pngLinkIcon(SSB).png CaptainFalconIcon(SSB).png
NormalDifficulty.png JigglypuffIcon(SSB).png NessIcon(SSB).pngLuigiIcon(SSB).png
EasyDifficulty.png YoshiIcon(SSB).png DonkeyKongIcon(SSB).png
IntenseDifficulty.png SheikIcon(SSBM).png MarthIcon(SSBM).pngFoxIcon(SSBM).png
VeryHardDifficulty.png ZeldaIcon(SSBM).png FalcoIcon(SSBM).pngDrMarioIcon(SSBM).pngYoungLinkIcon(SSBM).png CaptainFalconIcon(SSBM).png PeachIcon(SSBM).png
HardDifficulty.png MarioIcon(SSBM).png RoyIcon(SSBM).pngSamusIcon(SSBM).png PikachuIcon(SSBM).png JigglypuffIcon(SSBM).png GanondorfIcon(SSBM).png IceClimbersIcon(SSBM).png LuigiIcon(SSBM).png
NormalDifficulty.png MewtwoIcon(SSBM).png LinkIcon(SSBM).pngMrGame&WatchIcon(SSBM).png BowserIcon(SSBM).png PichuIcon(SSBM).png
EasyDifficulty.png NessIcon(SSBM).png YoshiIcon(SSBM).pngKirbyIcon(SSBM).png DonkeyKongIcon(SSBM).png
IntenseDifficulty.png MarthIcon(SSBB).png ToonLinkIcon(SSBB).pngZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSBB).png SheikIcon(SSBB).png
VeryHardDifficulty.png MetaKnightIcon(SSBB).png SamusIcon(SSBB).pngFalcoIcon(SSBB).png ZeldaIcon(SSBB).pngPeachIcon(SSBB).png SnakeIcon(SSBB).pngPitIcon(SSBB).png
HardDifficulty.png MarioIcon(SSBB).png DiddyKongIcon(SSBB).png FoxIcon(SSBB).png WarioIcon(SSBB).png LinkIcon(SSBB).png CaptainFalconIcon(SSBB).png IceClimbersIcon(SSBB).png IvysaurIcon(SSBB).png LucasIcon(SSBB).png
NormalDifficulty.png PikachuIcon(SSBB).png IkeIcon(SSBB).png LuigiIcon(SSBB).png ROBIcon(SSBB).png LucarioIcon(SSBB).png NessIcon(SSBB).png CharizardIcon(SSBB).png SonicIcon(SSBB).png WolfIcon(SSBB).png
EasyDifficulty.png GanondorfIcon(SSBB).png JigglypuffIcon(SSBB).pngKirbyIcon(SSBB).png BowserIcon(SSBB).png KingDededeIcon(SSBB).png YoshiIcon(SSBB).png DonkeyKongIcon(SSBB).png SquirtleIcon(SSBB).png MrGame&WatchIcon(SSBB).png OlimarIcon(SSBB).png
IntenseDifficulty.png SheikIcon(SSB4-3).png NessIcon(SSB4-3).png MarthIcon(SSB4-3).png ZeroSuitSamusIcon(SSB4-3).png CloudIcon(SSB4-3).png ZeldaIcon(SSB4-3).png FoxIcon(SSB4-3).png
VeryHardDifficulty.png LucasIcon(SSB4-3).png ToonLinkIcon(SSB4-3).png MarioIcon(SSB4-3).png DiddyKongIcon(SSB4-3).png DarkPitIcon(SSB4-3).png PitIcon(SSB4-3).png RoyIcon(SSB4-3).png LucinaIcon(SSB4-3).png Pac-ManIcon(SSB4-3).png DrMarioIcon(SSB4-3).png
HardDifficulty.png CaptainFalconIcon(SSB4-3).png LinkIcon(SSB4-3).pngKingDededeIcon(SSB4-3).png GanondorfIcon(SSB4-3).png MetaKnightIcon(SSB4-3).png MewtwoIcon(SSB4-3).png PeachIcon(SSB4-3).png FalcoIcon(SSB4-3).png ROBIcon(SSB4-3).png LuigiIcon(SSB4-3).pngYoshiIcon(SSB4-3).png BowserIcon(SSB4-3).pngPalutenaIcon(SSB4-3).png
NormalDifficulty.png CorrinIcon(SSB4-3).png KirbyIcon(SSB4-3).png IkeIcon(SSB4-3).png JigglypuffIcon(SSB4-3).png SonicIcon(SSB4-3).png ShulkIcon(SSB4-3).png RobinIcon(SSB4-3).png CharizardIcon(SSB4-3).pngRosalinaIcon(SSB4-3).png SamusIcon(SSB4-3).png
EasyDifficulty.png PikachuIcon(SSB4-3).png GreninjaIcon(SSB4-3).png DonkeyKongIcon(SSB4-3).png WarioIcon(SSB4-3).png BayonettaIcon(SSB4-3).png RyuIcon(SSB4-3).png LucarioIcon(SSB4-3).png VillagerIcon(SSB4-3).png WiiFitTrainerIcon(SSB4-3).png MrGame&WatchIcon(SSB4-3).png MegaManIcon(SSB4-3).png DuckHuntIcon(SSB4-3).png OlimarIcon(SSB4-3).png
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg MiiBrawlerIcon(SSB4-3).png MiiSwordfighterIcon(SSB4-3).pngMiiGunnerIcon(SSB4-3).png


Mario (universe) Paper Mario
Mario (universe) Daisy Yes
Mario (universe) Geno
Yoshi (universe) Kamek
Donkey Kong (universe) King K. Rool Yes
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Vaati
F-Zero (universe) Black Shadow
Star Fox (universe) Krystal No
Fire Emblem (universe) Celica
Pokémon (universe) Sceptile
Sonic the Hedgehog (universe) Tails
Metal Gear (universe) Raiden
Street Fighter (universe) Sagat
Final Fantasy (universe) Terra
Castlevania (universe) Simon Belmont Yes
Castlevania (universe) Alucard No
Castlevania (universe) Ritcher Belmont Yes
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Kazuya Mishima
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Banjo & Kazooie
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Bomberman No
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Sora
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Isaac No
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Yu Narukami No
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Ren Amamiya Yes
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Crash Bandicoot



Mario (universe) Shooting Star Summit (Paper Mario)
Mario (universe) Peach's Birthday Cake (Mario Party)
Mario (universe) New Donk City (Super Mario Odyssey) Yes
Donkey Kong (universe) Pirate Panic (Donkey Kong Country 2)
Donkey Kong (universe) Timber Island (Diddy Kong Racing)
Wario (universe) The Peaceful Village (Wario Land 3)
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Lost Woods (The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past)
Metroid (universe) Gunship (Metroid II: Return of Samus)
Street Fighter (universe) ThornTail Hollow (Star Fox Adventures)
Fire Emblem (universe) My Castle (Fire Emblem Fates)
Pokémon (universe) Bell Tower (Pokémon Gold and Silver Versions)
Pokémon (universe) Ship Abandoned Ship (Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire)
Sonic the Hedgehog (universe) Hero Garden (Sonic Adventure 2)
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Tetris Stage
Castlevania (universe) Dracula's Castle (Castlevania Series) Yes
Metal Gear (universe) Rokovoj Bereg (Metal Gear Solid 3)
Final Fantasy (universe) Chaos Shrine (Final Fantasy)
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Macalania Woods (Final Fantasy X)
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Traverse Town (Kingdom Hearts)


Mario (universe) Character Select:Super Mario Bros. 2
Mario (universe) Dire, Dire Docks: Super Mario 64
Mario (universe) Koopa's Road: Super Mario 64
Mario (universe) Sky & Sea: Super Mario Sunshine
Mario (universe) Bianco Hills: Super Mario Sunshine
Mario (universe) Purple Coins Theme: Super Mario Galaxy
Mario (universe) Battlerock Galaxy: Super Mario Galaxy
Mario (universe) Space Junk Galaxy: Super Mario Galaxy
Mario (universe) Staff Credits: Super Mario Galaxy 2
Mario (universe) Jump Up, Super Star!: Super Mario Odyssey Yes
Mario (universe) Overworld Theme: Super Mario Land
Mario (universe) Battle Theme: Super Mario RPG
Mario (universe) Boss Battle : Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
Mario (universe) Master Battle: Paper Mario
Mario (universe) Boss Battle Theme: Paper Mario
Mario (universe) Event Battle: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Mario (universe) Main Theme: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
Mario (universe) Space Land: Mario Party 2
Mario (universe) Toad's Midway Madness: Mario Party 4
Mario (universe) Rainbow Road: Mario Kart 64
Mario (universe) Sky Garden: Mario Kart: Super Circuit
Mario (universe) Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Theme: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario (universe) Wario Colosseum: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
Mario (universe) DK Pass: Mario Kart DS
Mario (universe) Delfino Square: Mario Kart DS
Mario (universe) Maple Treeway: Mario Kart Wii
Mario (universe) Dolphin Shoals: Mario Kart Kart 8
Mario (universe) Menu Theme: Mario Power Tennis
Mario (universe) Title theme: Mario Pinball Land
Mario (universe) Castle/Fortress: Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island Music
Donkey Kong (universe) Life in the Mines: Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong (universe) Aquatic Ambience: Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Overworld Theme: Zelda II: The Adventure of Link
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Hyrule Field Main Theme: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Yes
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Lost Wood: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Hyrule Castle: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Light World Dungeon: The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Hyrule Castle Courtyard: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Clock Town: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Outset Island: The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Lake Hylia: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Opening Theme: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Minish Woods: The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Linebeck's Theme: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Lorule Castle: The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Main Theme: The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Skyloft (Hyrule Warriors): Hyrule Warriors
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Under Siege: Hyrule Warriors
The Legend of Zelda (universe) Solidus Cave: Hyrule Warriors
Street Fighter (universe) Thorntail Hollow Day: Starfox Adventures
Street Fighter (universe) Credits: Star Fox Assault
Kid Icarus (universe) Main Theme: Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus (universe) Solo Menu: Kid Icarus Uprising
Metroid (universe) Tunnel Theme: Metroid II: Return of Samus
Metroid (universe) Super Metroid Main Theme: Super Metroid
Metroid (universe) Main Title Theme: Metroid Prime
Kirby (universe) Castle Lololo: Kirby's Dreamland Yes
Kirby (universe) Trees in the Depths of the Earth: Kirby Super Star
Kirby (universe) City Trial: Kirby Air Ride Yes
Kirby (universe) Dyna Blade Intro: Kirby Air Ride
Fire Emblem (universe) Under this Flag!: Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem
Fire Emblem (universe) Lionheart Eldigan: Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War
Fire Emblem (universe) Winning Road: Fire Emblem
Fire Emblem (universe) Decisive Attack: Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
Fire Emblem (universe) Bearer of Hope: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem (universe) Echoes of Daybreak: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem (universe) Hymn of the Righteous: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
Fire Emblem (universe) Don't Speak Her Name!: Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem (universe) Destiny (Ablaze): Fire Emblem: Awakening Yes
Fire Emblem (universe) The Light Shines Beyond (Howl): Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem (universe) Dark Song: Fire Emblem: Fates
Fire Emblem (universe) March to Deliverance: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Yes
Fire Emblem (universe) Twilight of the Gods: Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
EarthBound (universe) All That I Needed Was You: Earthbound Beginnings
EarthBound (universe) Hippie Battle Theme: Earthbound
EarthBound (universe) Piggy Guys: Mother 3
Pokémon (universe) Lavender Town: Pokémon Red & Blue
Pokémon (universe) Gym Leader Battle: Pokémon Red & Blue
Pokémon (universe) Vs. Champion Theme: Pokémon Red & Blue
Pokémon (universe) Battle! Legendary Pokémon: Pokémon FireRed & LeafGreen
Pokémon (universe) Vs. Champion Theme: Pokémon Gold & Silver
Pokémon (universe) Team Rocket Battle theme: Pokémon Gold & Silver
Pokémon (universe) Rival Battle!: Pokémon Gold & Silver
Pokémon (universe) Rival Battle!: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire
Pokémon (universe) Vs. Elite Four: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire
Pokémon (universe) Battle! Gym Leader: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire
Pokémon (universe) Vs. Champion Steven: Pokémon Ruby & Sapphire Yes
Pokémon (universe) Battle! Gym Leader: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl
Pokémon (universe) Battle! Trainer: Pokémon Diamond & Pearl
Pokémon (universe) Vs. Rival: Pokémon Black & White
Pokémon (universe) Team Plasma Theme: Pokémon Black and White
Pokémon (universe) Vs. Gym Leader: Pokémon Black and White
Pokémon (universe) Vs. Champion Theme: Pokémon Black and White 2
Pokémon (universe) Battle! Gym Leader: Pokémon Y & X
Pokémon (universe) Battle! Elite Four: Pokémon Sun & Moon Yes
Pokémon (universe) Battle! Island Kahuna: Pokémon Sun & Moon Yes
Pokémon (universe) Cipher Admin Battle: Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Pokémon (universe) Last Battle Theme: Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Pokémon (universe) Miror B. Battle: Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness
Pokémon (universe) Normal Battle: Pokémon Colloseum
Pokémon (universe) Battle! VS. Cipher Admin: Pokémon Colloseum
Pokémon (universe) Friendly Battle: Pokémon Colloseum
Xenoblade Chronicles (universe) Imperial Capital Alcamoth: Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles (universe) Tragic Decision: Xenoblade Chronicles
Sonic the Hedgehog (universe) Minor bosses: Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic the Hedgehog (universe) Super Smash Bros. Brawl Sonic Boom: Sonic CD Yes
Sonic the Hedgehog (universe) Mystic Ruin: Sonic Adventure
Sonic the Hedgehog (universe) Chao Garden: Sonic Adventure 2
Metal Gear (universe) Snake Eater (Vocal): Metal Gear Solid 3
Metal Gear (universe) Main Theme: Metal Gear Solid 4
Street Fighter (universe) Guile's Theme: Street Fighter II Yes
Street Fighter (universe) Balrog's Theme: Street Fighter II Yes
Street Fighter (universe) Jazzy NYC Underground: Street Fighter III: New Generation
Final Fantasy (universe) Chaos Shrine: Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy (universe) Battle Scene 1: Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy (universe) Battle Theme A: Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy (universe) Boss Battle Theme: Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy (universe) Crystal Tower: Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy (universe) Battle With The Four Fiends: Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy (universe) Boss Battle Theme: Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy (universe) The Red Wings: Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy (universe) Mysterious Girl Battle Theme: Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
Final Fantasy (universe) Battle with Gilgamesh (Clash on the Big Bridge): Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy (universe) Dancing Mad: Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy (universe) Jenova Theme: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy (universe) Birth of a God: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy (universe) Aerith's Theme: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy (universe) Bombing Mission: Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy (universe) The Landing: Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy (universe) Don't be Afraid: Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy (universe) Battle 2: Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy (universe) Hunter's Chance: Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy (universe) Sword of Fury: Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy (universe) Hurry: Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy (universe) Desicive Battle (Yu Yevon Battle Theme): Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy (universe) A Fleeting Dream: Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy (universe) Fight To The Death: Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy (universe) The Barheim Passage: Final Fantasy XII
Final Fantasy (universe) Boss Battle Theme: Final Fantasy XIII
Final Fantasy (universe) Caius's Theme: Final Fantasy XIII-2
Final Fantasy (universe) Battle on the Bridge: Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy (universe) Under the Stars: Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy (universe) Decisive Battle: Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy (universe) Main Theme: Final Fantasy Tactics A2
Bayonetta (universe) Fly Me To The Moon: Bayonetta
Castlevania (universe) Vampire Killer: Castlevania Yes
Castlevania (universe) Bloody Tears: Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Yes
Castlevania (universe) Beginning: Castlevania III
Castlevania (universe) Bloodlines: Castlevania Rondo Of Blood Yes
Castlevania (universe) Dracula's Castle: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Yes
Castlevania (universe) Lost Painting: Castlevania: Symphony of the Night Yes
Castlevania (universe) Chapel Hidden In Smoke: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
Castlevania (universe) An Empty Tome: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Yes
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Michelle Theme: Tekken 2
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Eternal Paradise: Tekken Tag Tournament 2
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg DUOMO DI SIRIO: Tekken 7
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Confrontation: Soul Calibur II
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Wings of Despair: Soul Calibur III
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Master of Shadow: Persona 3 No
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Reach Out to the Truth: Persona 4 Yes
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Time to Make History: Persona 4 Golden Yes
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Last Surprise: Persona 5 Yes
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg The Whims of Fate: Persona 5 No
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Rivers in the Desert: Persona 5 Yes
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Maze of Life: Persona Q No
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Light the Fire Up in the Night (P4): Persona Q No
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Knight of Fire: Xenogears
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Ouverture (Orchestral): Dragon Quest (Series)
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Hikari (Orchestra): Kingdom Hearts
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Sanctuary: Kingdom Hearts II
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Sinister Shadows: Kingdom Hearts II
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Tension Rising: Kingdom Hearts II
SpecialStagesSymbol.svg Roxas Theme: Kingdom Hearts II