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'''Mushroomy Kingdom''' is a stage in [[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]], it is based of of [[World 1-1]] in [[Super Mario Bros.]]. The stage is very deserty, ruins in the backround. The stage scrolls to the left slowly and you'll see familiar [[Mario (series)|Mario]] landmarks like the flagpole at the end of the level, but it keeps on scrolling.
|location=[[Mushroom Kingdom]]
|name=Mushroomy Kingdom
|universe=[[Mario (universe)|Mario]]
|hometo=[[Mario (SSBB)|Mario]], [[Princess Peach (SSBB)|Peach]], [[Bowser (SSBB)|Bowser]]
'''Mushroomy Kingdom''' is a stage in ''[[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]]'' that is actually comprised of two stages, based on the actual first two levels of the game ''[[Super Mario Bros.]]'' -- from time to time, World 1-2, an underground level, will load, instead of World 1-1. The stages are given a more realistic look, with the stage based on World 1-1 actually being made to look worn down, dusty, even ancient and ruin-like, and the World 1-2 stage having a cave-like background, and even torches lighting the area. The stage will also scroll, but nothing is said on what will happen when the end of the level is reached.

==External Links==
*[ Stage confirmation]

Once Mushroomy Kingdom is selected it will occasionally go to a different stage instead of 1-1. (See [[Mushroomy Kingdom (Alternate)]] Players will then fight at the underground level of [[World 1-2]]. You'll have to break many blocks to make it through the stage with it scrolling.
{{Mario Brawl}}

[[Category:Stages (SSBB)]]
[[Image:mushroomy.jpg]]  [[Image:mushroomy2.jpg]]
[[Category:Mario universe]]
[[Category:SSBB stages]][[Category: stages]]