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'''Mushroomy Kingdom''' is a stage in [[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]], it is based of of [[World 1-1]] in [[Super Mario Bros.]]. The stage is very deserty, ruins in the backround. The stage scrolls to the left slowly and you'll see familiar [[Mario (series)|Mario]] landmarks like the flagpole at the end of the level, but it keeps on scrolling.
'''Mushroomy Kingdom''' is a stage in [[Super Smash Bros. Brawl]] based off of [[World 1-1]] of [[Super Mario Bros.]] The stage is named this way because it is a scrolling level or roomy. This stage is a 3D replica of the original World 1-1 with enhanced graphics and a deserted look. Ruins can be seen in the background and live is absent apart from the fighters. The stage scrolls to the left slowly and you'll see familiar [[Mario (series)|Mario]] landmarks like the flagpole at the end of the level, but it keeps on scrolling. It appears that blocks will be destructible as well like the original game.  

Once Mushroomy Kingdom is selected it will occasionally go to a different stage instead of 1-1. (See [[Mushroomy Kingdom (Alternate)]]) Players will then fight at the underground level of [[World 1-2]]. You'll have to break many blocks to make it through the stage with it scrolling.

Once Mushroomy Kingdom is selected it will occasionally go to a different stage instead of 1-1. (See [[Mushroomy Kingdom (Alternate)]]) Players will then fight at the underground level of [[World 1-2]]. You'll have to break many blocks to make it through the stage with it scrolling.
It seems likely that this stage will somehow be related in the [[Subspace Emissary]] similar to the [[Battleship Halberd|Halberd]]. In previews of the Subspace Emissary brief shots have been seen of deserted ares such as in the [[SSBB Trailers|official trailer]]. It seems quite odd to create a deserted World 1-1 stage for the sole purpose of making one. Since the stage does scroll, therefore long, it could be the setting for a level in the adventure mode.

[[Image:mushroomy.jpg]]  [[Image:mushroomy2.jpg]]
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