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Marth is considered to be emblematic of swordfighters; his playstyle heavily revolves around spacing and utilizing his unique [[tipper]] mechanic. He has his remaining present attributes; He is in the middleground of [[weight|lightweight and middleweight]], boasting high overall mobility, notably sporting the fastest [[walk|walking speed]] in the game (tied with his Echo Fighter, {{SSBU|Lucina}}), a fast [[dash|dashing speed]], average [[air speed]], above average [[air acceleration]], moderate [[falling speed]], and low [[gravity]].
Marth is considered to be emblematic of swordfighters; his playstyle revolves around spacing - utilizing his unique [[tipper]] mechanic to deal high damage and knockback at a distance from his opponent. He has his remaining present attributes; He is in the middleground of [[weight|lightweight and middleweight]], boasting high overall mobility, notably sporting the fastest [[walk|walking speed]] in the game (tied with his Echo Fighter, {{SSBU|Lucina}}), a fast [[dash|dashing speed]], average [[air speed]], above average [[air acceleration]], moderate [[falling speed]], and low [[gravity]].

Marth's playstyle revolves around effective [[spacing]], as in all of his other playable appearances, due to his aforementioned tipper mechanic; his sword attacks do the most damage and knockback near the tip of the sword. His frame data is overall above-average, with many attacks having low startup and wide range all-around, allowing him to space efficiently. Because of this, Marth aims to fight a step away from danger, without leaving himself too open to punishment.
Marth's playstyle revolves around effective [[spacing]], as in all of his other playable appearances, due to his aforementioned tipper mechanic; his sword attacks do the most damage and knockback near the tip of the sword. His frame data is overall above-average, with many attacks having low startup and wide range all-around, allowing him to space efficiently. Because of this, Marth aims to fight a step away from danger, without leaving himself too open to punishment.
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Marth's special moveset provides interesting options as well; his neutral special, [[Shield Breaker]], deals very high shield damage, even when uncharged, and is useful for covering rolls and landings. [[Dancing Blade]] is a four-hit combo that can be used to punish sidesteps and rolls, as well as effectively rack up damage. At higher percents, it can serve as an effective KOing option. [[Dolphin Slash]] has quick startup, provides slight intangibility during its startup frames, is relatively strong when it first comes out, and has high knockback scaling. These attributes make it an excellent out of shield option and combo-breaker. It is also Marth's primary method of recovery, as its speed can make it difficult to intercept, and it can stage spike reckless edgeguarders. Lastly, [[Counter]] provides him with the capability to reverse attacks with 1.2x the damage, KOing if the attack was strong enough; it can also be used against opponents with easily predictable recoveries.
Marth's special moveset provides interesting options as well; his neutral special, [[Shield Breaker]], deals very high shield damage, even when uncharged, and is useful for covering rolls and landings. [[Dancing Blade]] is a four-hit combo that can be used to punish sidesteps and rolls, as well as effectively rack up damage. At higher percents, it can serve as an effective KOing option. [[Dolphin Slash]] has quick startup, provides slight intangibility during its startup frames, is relatively strong when it first comes out, and has high knockback scaling. These attributes make it an excellent out of shield option and combo-breaker. It is also Marth's primary method of recovery, as its speed can make it difficult to intercept, and it can stage spike reckless edgeguarders. Lastly, [[Counter]] provides him with the capability to reverse attacks with 1.2x the damage, KOing if the attack was strong enough; it can also be used against opponents with easily predictable recoveries.

Despite his strengths, Marth has some notable weaknesses. One of which is his subpar close-range game, notably at higher percentages; The low shieldstun and hitstun generated by non-tippered moves make it possible for opponents to act out quicker than he can, causing Marth to struggle against shields if his aerials are improperly spaced, and Shield Breaker is highly punishable if predicted. His tipper mechanic can equally disadvantage him when attempting to KO, as his attacks don't generate much knockback if not spaced properly, making his KO potential very inconsistent without proper spacing (most notably with forward smash, forward tilt and aerials). Lastly, his edgeguarding ability, though strong, is flawed, due to the moderately high ending lag on his aerials. As a result, Marth is reliant on being in a certain distance for his moves to be safe while retaining the neutral, and to KO effectively without setups.
Despite his strengths, Marth has some notable weaknesses. Due to Marth possessing a sword, his moves generally have greater ending lag than characters who fight with physical attacks. Though his attacks have quick startup, many of them come with high ending lag, and also suffer from short hitbox durations, leaving him open for counterattacks during certain situations. As a solely sword-based character, Marth's neutral also suffers from a lack of a projectile, and he can struggle against projectile heavy characters and playstyles. This ties in with his vulnerability once he loses the neutral: despite having below average weight and only average falling speed, Marth is susceptible to combos, and his tall hurtbox provides an easy target. Dolphin Slash is his only reliable combo-breaker, but as it leaves him helpless, it can inadvertently put him in an even worse position. Also, while Counter can be used defensively, it leaves Marth extremely vulnerable to punishment should it whiff. Marth also has little defense against juggling, as his aerials are ineffective at relieving pressure; . His tipper mechanic can disadvantage him when attempting to KO, as his attacks don't generate much knockback if not spaced properly, making his KO potential relatively lackluster without proper spacing (most notably with forward smash, forward tilt and aerials).

Marth's weak throws tie into his inconsistent KO power. Except for up throw, they have low knockback scaling, preventing them from KOing at realistic percents, while up throw can only KO starting at 160%, if Marth has no rage. His throw game is poor as well; aside from having a fairly fast pummel, Marth's throws deal low damage and have high base knockback, making them poor for combos and damage-racking outside of very low percents, such as aerials at 0%. However, it should be noted that the high base knockback of his throws allow Marth to take advantage of his good edgeguarding capability, especially at the edge.
Marth's weak throws tie into his polarised KO power. Except for up throw, they have low knockback scaling, preventing them from KOing at realistic percents, while up throw can only KO starting at 160%, if Marth has no rage. His throw game is poor as well; aside from having a fairly fast pummel, Marth's throws deal low damage and have high base knockback, making them poor for combos and damage-racking outside of very low percents, such as aerials at 0%. However, it should be noted that the high base knockback of his throws allow Marth to take advantage of his good edgeguarding capability, especially at the edge.
As a solely sword-based character, Marth's neutral also suffers from a lack of a projectile, and he can struggle against projectile heavy characters and playstyles. This ties in with his vulnerability once he loses the neutral: despite having below average weight and only average falling speed, Marth is susceptible to combos, and his tall hurtbox provides an easy target. Dolphin Slash is his only reliable combo-breaker, but as it leaves him helpless, it can inadvertently put him in an even worse position. Also, while Counter can be used defensively, it leaves Marth extremely vulnerable to punishment should it whiff. Marth also has little defense against juggling, as his aerials are ineffective at relieving pressure; though his attacks have quick startup, many of them come with high ending lag, and also suffer from short hitbox durations.

Marth himself is somewhat vulnerable to edgeguarding, though he has options for mix-ups with his recovery. Dolphin Slash is his only reliable vertical recovery option, and while it is still a threat to edgeguarders due to its speed and high stage spike ability, its path is linear and its distance fixed, making it fairly predictable. Additionally since this move grants little horizontal distance, Marth is vulnerable to semi-spikes. While Shield Breaker can aid his horizontal recovery, it covers little distance without charging. Marth's also heavily reliant on his double jump for mix-ups in his recovery, and is in significant danger if offstage without it.
Marth himself is somewhat vulnerable to edgeguarding, though he has options for mix-ups with his recovery. Dolphin Slash is his only reliable vertical recovery option, and while it is still a threat to edgeguarders due to its speed and high stage spike ability, its path is linear and its distance fixed, making it fairly predictable. Additionally since this move grants little horizontal distance, Marth is vulnerable to semi-spikes. While Shield Breaker can aid his horizontal recovery, it covers little distance without charging. Marth's also heavily reliant on his double jump for mix-ups in his recovery, and is in significant danger if offstage without it.

Overall, Marth has many benefits; high overall mobility, long range, and above-average frame data; however, his spacing and overall safety is so overly centered on his tipper mechanic that it hinders him in many ways, making his punishes unreliable due to their inconsistency. At his purest, Marth is most rewarding for players with good fundamentals, with many playstyles applicable to him due to his flaws being easily worked around with careful play.
Overall, Marth is an effective character that has many benefits; high overall mobility, long range, and above-average frame data. However, his close range game is not ideal due to relatively high endlag on his moves, and his sour-spotted moves dealing a low amount of knockback. At his purest, Marth is most rewarding for players with good fundamentals, with many playstyles applicable to him due to his flaws being easily worked around with careful play.

==Changes from ''[[Super Smash Bros. 4]]''==
==Changes from ''[[Super Smash Bros. 4]]''==