MediaWiki:Gadget-DarkMode.css: Difference between revisions

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(5 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 6: Line 6:
.ve-init-mw-welcomeDialog { display: none !important; }
.ve-init-mw-welcomeDialog { display: none !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallery.whitebg div.thumb { background: #000 !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallerybox:has(.whitebg) div.thumb { background: #000 !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallery.blackbg div.thumb { background: #fff !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallery.blackbg div.thumb { background: #fff !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallerybox:has(.blackbg) div.thumb { background: #fff !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallerybox:has(.blackbg) div.thumb { background: #fff !important; }
Line 15: Line 17:
img.whitebg, .gallery.whitebg img { background: #fff !important; }
img.whitebg, .gallery.whitebg img { background: #fff !important; }
.noinvert img.invert, .noinvert img.invert-dark, .noinvert img.invert-all, .noinvert img.invert-both {
.noinvert img.invert, .noinvert img.invert-dark { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg) !important; }
filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;
img.invert, img.invert-dark, img.mwe-math-fallback-image-inline, .noinvert img, .gallery.invert-light a.image {
img.invert, img.invert-dark, img.invert-all, img.invert-both,
img.mwe-math-fallback-image-inline, .noinvert img, .gallery.invert-light a.image {
filter: none !important;
filter: none !important;
Line 28: Line 27:
html, img, .noinvert, .gallery.invert a.image, .gallery.invert-dark a.image, canvas, audio, video, iframe, #wpTextbox0, #wpTextbox1, #p-logo,
html, img, .noinvert, .gallery.invert a.image, .gallery.invert-dark a.image, canvas, audio, video, iframe, #wpTextbox0, #wpTextbox1, #p-logo,, .mw-tmh-play-icon, .mw-tmh-label, .vjs-fill .vjs-control-bar,, .mw-tmh-play-icon, .mw-tmh-label, .vjs-fill .vjs-control-bar,
.mw-mmv-overlay, .mw-mmv-pre-image, .media-viewer, .image-details, .results .list-thumb, .ext-related-articles-card-thumb {
.mw-mmv-overlay, .mw-mmv-pre-image, .media-viewer, .image-details, .results .list-thumb, .ext-related-articles-card-thumb,
.cdx-thumbnail__image {
filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
Line 65: Line 65:

/* Fixes */
/* Fixes */
.messagebox.invert td:first-of-type,
#sa-box, #sa-box a.image, .resize.invert-dark {
#sa-box, #sa-box a.image, .image-resize.invert {
filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
.messagebox.invert {
.messagebox[style*="background:rgba(191,191,191,0.125)"] {
background: #e6e6e6 !important;
background: #e6e6e6 !important;
Line 99: Line 98:
/* Diffs */
/* Diffs */
.diff-addedline {
.diff-addedline {
background: #eee !important;
border-color: lightskyblue !important;
border-color: lightskyblue !important;
Line 106: Line 104:
.diff-deletedline {
.diff-deletedline {
background: #eee !important;
border-color: pink !important;
border-color: pink !important;
Line 113: Line 110:
.diff-context {
.diff-context {
background: #ddd !important;
background: #ccc !important;
border-color: #ccc !important;
border-color: #aaa !important;
.mw-plusminus-pos {
.mw-plusminus-pos {

Latest revision as of 16:32, August 5, 2024

/* Apply a quick color-inverted night theme */

@-moz-document url-prefix() {
	html { background: #fff !important; }
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body.mediawiki .gallery.whitebg div.thumb { background: #000 !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallerybox:has(.whitebg) div.thumb { background: #000 !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallery.blackbg div.thumb { background: #fff !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallerybox:has(.blackbg) div.thumb { background: #fff !important; }
body.mediawiki .gallery.graybg div.thumb, body.mediawiki .gallery.greybg div.thumb {
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body.mediawiki .gallerybox:has(.graybg) div.thumb, body.mediawiki .gallerybox:has(.greybg) div.thumb {
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img.whitebg, .gallery.whitebg img { background: #fff !important; }
.noinvert img.invert, .noinvert img.invert-dark { filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg) !important; }
img.invert, img.invert-dark, img.mwe-math-fallback-image-inline, .noinvert img, .gallery.invert-light a.image {
	filter: none !important;
.gallerybox:has(.invert-light) a.image { filter: none !important; }
.gallerybox:has(.invert) a.image, .gallerybox:has(.invert-dark) a.image {
	filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
html, img, .noinvert, .gallery.invert a.image, .gallery.invert-dark a.image, canvas, audio, video, iframe, #wpTextbox0, #wpTextbox1, #p-logo,, .mw-tmh-play-icon, .mw-tmh-label, .vjs-fill .vjs-control-bar,
.mw-mmv-overlay, .mw-mmv-pre-image, .media-viewer, .image-details, .results .list-thumb, .ext-related-articles-card-thumb,
.cdx-thumbnail__image {
	filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
.mw-mmv-image img.blurred {
	filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg) url("#gaussian-blur") !important;
.mwe-popups .mwe-popups-extract { color: #000 !important; }
.mwe-popups-container footer, .mwe-popups-image-pointer::after {
	display: none !important;
} .mw-wiki-logo.timeless-logo img {
	filter: none !important;
.toc, .toccolours, #filetoc, pre, .catlinks, #content-bottom-stuff,
body:not(.skin-minerva) div.thumbinner, body.mediawiki .gallerybox div.thumb {
	background: #ccc !important;
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#file img, .filehistory a img {
	background: url( repeat !important;
html div.thumbimage { background-color: #000; } .thumbimage { border: 0 !important; }
html img.thumbimage { border-color: #2F3237 !important; }
@media all and (min-width: 851px) { .thumbimage { margin: 1px !important; }
#wpTextbox0 { background: #ddd !important; }
#wpTextbox0 + #wpTextbox1 { background: transparent !important; }
#wpTextbox1 { background: #ccc !important; color: #000 !important; }
.mw-highlight .nc, .mw-highlight .nf, .mw-highlight .nn { color: #66f !important; }
body:not(.skin-timeless) .mw-changeslist-legend { border-color: #ccc; background: none; }
code { border-color: #ccc !important; background: #aaa !important; }
.mw-special-ReplaceText textarea { background: #ccc !important; }
.toctitle, fieldset { border-color: #aaa !important; }

/* Fixes */
#sa-box, #sa-box a.image, .resize.invert-dark {
	filter: invert(1) hue-rotate(180deg);
.messagebox[style*="background:rgba(191,191,191,0.125)"] {
	background: #e6e6e6 !important;
} td[style*="background:#f7f7fb"] {
	background: #eee !important;
.special-moves .wikitable caption {
	background: #bbb !important;
body table.wikitable > * > tr > th {
	background-color: #bbb;
body table.wikitable > * > tr:not([bgcolor]) {
	background: #ccc;
div.noarticletext {
	background: #ddd;

/* TimedMediaHandler infobox */
.infobox .mw-tmh-play .mw-tmh-play-icon,
.infobox .video-js .vjs-control-bar, .infobox .video-js .vjs-volume-vertical {
	background-color: #1E232C;
.infobox .mw-tmh-play:hover .mw-tmh-play-icon {
	background-color: #24282E;

/* Diffs */
.diff-addedline {
	border-color: lightskyblue !important;
.diff-addedline .diffchange {
	background: lightskyblue !important;
.diff-deletedline {
	border-color: pink !important;
.diff-deletedline .diffchange {
	background: pink !important;
.diff-context {
	background: #ccc !important;
	border-color: #aaa !important;
.mw-plusminus-pos {
	color: #0d0 !important;
.mw-plusminus-neg {
	color: #f77 !important;

/* MonoBook */ .mw-footer {
	border-color: #aaa !important;
} #p-cactions li.selected {
	border-color: #888 !important;
} #p-personal li a, #p-personal li a:hover {
	color: #009CFF;
} #p-personal li a:hover {
	text-decoration: underline;

/* Links */, .new a,, .error, .unpatrolled {
	color: #f66 !important;
.vector-menu-portal .vector-menu-content li a {
	color: #009CFF !important;
body a, body .content a, body .vector-menu-tabs li a,
body .portal .body li a, html body.mediawiki #p-cactions li a, body a:hover,
body a:visited, body a:visited:hover, body .content a:visited, body .portal .body li a:visited,
body a:active, body .content a:active, .toctogglelabel,
.mw-special-CheckUser .mw-checkuser-paging-links {
	color: #009CFF;

/* Desktop skins */
.content, #content, #content h1, #content h2,
#content h3, #content h4, #content h5, #content h6 {
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body.mediawiki:not(.skin-timeless):not(.skin-vector-2022) #content, #mw-content,
#sidebar .pBody, .skin-monobook #footer, .skin-monobook #p-cactions li a, .mediawiki .mw-prefs-buttons,
.mediawiki .oo-ui-tabSelectWidget-framed .oo-ui-tabOptionWidget.oo-ui-optionWidget-selected,
.dropdown, .sidebar-inner, #p-cactions-mobile li.selected a, #p-cactions-mobile li:hover a {
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@media all and (max-width: 550px) { #p-cactions li a {
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#personal .dropdown::after, .sidebar-inner::before, .sidebar-inner::after,
.sidebar-chunk h2 span::before, .sidebar-chunk h2 span::after {
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body:not(.skin-vector-2022) .vector-menu-tabs .selected {
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/* Mobile skins */ .page-actions-menu {
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} .content .section-heading, .content .mw-parser-output > h2 {
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} .mw-history-compareselectedversions {
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.mw-ui-icon-mf-expand::before {
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} .tools-inline li.selected a {
	color: #000 !important;