Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/German: Difference between revisions

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(Native German speaker here, there were some egregious errors here : "Durst ist Eule, ist von Schwalben" ("Thirst is owl, is from swallows") changed to "Schluss mit Ulk, jetzt kommt Shulk" ("No more joking around, here comes Shulk), "Ike hast Tau" ("Ike have [sic] dew") changed to "Ike hat's drauf" ("Ike's got it"), changed "schaum" ("foam") to "schau" ("look"), corrected the spelling of Dark Pit's ("Finsterer Pit") and Young Link's ("Junger Link") German names)
(16 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
Line 13: Line 13:
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Alex}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Alex]]
|{{Head|Steve|g=SSBU|s=32px|cl=Alex}} [[Steve (SSBU)|Alex]]
|Ale - su! *claps 3 times*
|Ale - xu! *claps 3 times*
|[[File:Alex Cheer French PAL & German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Alex Cheer French PAL & German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 61: Line 61:
|{{CharHead|Dark Pit|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|{{CharHead|Dark Pit|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|Auf geht's, Finsterer Pit!
|[[File:Dark Pit Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Dark Pit Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 105: Line 105:
|Held! Held! Un - ser Held!
|[[File:Hero Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Hero Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 117: Line 117:
|Ike hat's drauf!
|[[File:Ike Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Ike Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|Fue-gro *grunt*
|[[File:Incineroar Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Incineroar Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 129: Line 129:
|Me - lin - da! *bark*
|[[File:Isabelle Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Isabelle Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 139: Line 139:
|Jok - er! *claps 3 times*
|Jok - er! *claps 3 times*
|[[File:Joker Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Joker Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|Ka - zu - ya! *drum beat 2 times*
|[[File:Kazuya Cheer French PAL & German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Ken Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Ken Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 149: Line 153:
|{{CharHead|King K. Rool|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|{{CharHead|King K. Rool|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|King K. Rooool *stomp* *clap* *stomps 2 times* *clap*
|King K. Rooool! *stomp* *clap* *stomps 2 times* *clap*
|[[File:King K. Rool Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:King K. Rool Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 169: Line 173:
|{{CharHead|Little Mac|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|{{CharHead|Little Mac|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|Auf geht's, Little Mac!
|[[File:Little Mac Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Little Mac Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 229: Line 233:
|Ness Ness Ness! Yaaaaa!
|Ness Ness Ness! Jaaaaa!
|[[File:Ness Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Ness Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 257: Line 261:
|{{CharHead|Piranha Plant|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|{{CharHead|Piranha Plant|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|Piranha Pflanze, schau schau schau!
|[[File:Piranha Plant Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Piranha Plant Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 277: Line 281:
|Richter! *grunt*
|[[File:Richter Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Richter Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 317: Line 321:
|Schluss mit Ulk, jetzt kommt Shulk!
|[[File:Shulk Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Shulk Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|Simon, jepp!
|[[File:Simon Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Simon Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 331: Line 335:
|Sooooooo - nic!
|Sooooooo - nic!
|[[File:Sonic Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Sonic Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|Soooo - ra!
|[[File:Sora Cheer French PAL & German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 365: Line 373:
|{{CharHead|Young Link|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|{{CharHead|Young Link|SSBU|hsize=32px}}
|Jon - ger Link!
|Jun - ger Link!
|[[File:Young Link Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Young Link Cheer German SSBU.ogg|center]]
Line 380: Line 388:
|[[File:Zombie Cheer German & Italian SSBU.ogg|center]]
|[[File:Zombie Cheer German & Italian SSBU.ogg|center]]
*The German crowd cheer for {{SSBU|King K. Rool}} is the only crowd cheer to have stomping.

==See also==
==See also==
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/English]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Japanese]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Japanese]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Italian]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Italian]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Dutch]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Dutch]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/French]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/French]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/German]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Spanish]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Spanish]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Russian]]
*[[List of crowd cheers (SSBU)/Russian]]

Latest revision as of 06:07, June 29, 2024

An icon for denoting incomplete things.

These are all the crowd cheers for the German version of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

  • "-" represents a slight pause in the cheer, such as between syllables in a single word.
  • "--" represents a longer pause in the cheer, such as between words.
  • Words that are inside two asterisks (*) describe noises made by the crowd, and they are not actual words in the cheer.
Name Description Cheer
Steve (SSBU) Alex Ale - xu! *claps 3 times*
Olimar (SSBU) Alph Pik - min! Alph!
Banjo & Kazooie (SSBU) Banjo & Kazooie Bannnn - jo! Kazoooo - ie!
Bayonetta (SSBU) Bayonetta Baaaaayo - ne - tta! *claps 6 times*
Bowser (SSBU) Bowser Bow - ser!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Bowser Jr. Bow - ser! Jun - ior!
Byleth (SSBU) Byleth By -- leth!
Captain Falcon (SSBU) Captain Falcon Captain! Falcon!
Chrom (SSBU) Chrom Chro - om!
Cloud (SSBU) Cloud Cloud! *claps 2 times*
Corrin (SSBU) Corrin Corr - in! *claps 3 times*
Daisy (SSBU) Daisy Dai - sy!
Dark Pit (SSBU) Dark Pit Auf geht's, Finsterer Pit!
Dark Samus (SSBU) Dark Samus Dun - k - le -- Sa - mus!
Diddy Kong (SSBU) Diddy Kong Diddy Kong!
Donkey Kong (SSBU) Donkey Kong Don - key Kong!
Dr. Mario (SSBU) Dr. Mario Dok - tor Mari - o!
Duck Hunt (SSBU) Duck Hunt Duck - Hunt - Duo!
Steve (SSBU) Enderman End - er - man!
Falco (SSBU) Falco Fal - co!
Fox (SSBU) Fox Fox! Fox! *claps 3 times*
Ganondorf (SSBU) Ganondorf Ga - non - dorf!
Greninja (SSBU) Greninja Quaaaaa - jutsu!
Hero (SSBU) Hero Held! Held! Un - ser Held!
Ice Climbers (SSBU) Ice Climbers Na - na! Pe - pe!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Iggy Ig - gy!
Ike (SSBU) Ike Ike hat's drauf!
Incineroar (SSBU) Incineroar Fue-gro *grunt*
Inkling (SSBU) Inkling Ink - ling!
Isabelle (SSBU) Isabelle Me - lin - da! *bark*
Jigglypuff (SSBU) Jigglypuff Pu - mme - luff!
Joker (SSBU) Joker Jok - er! *claps 3 times*
Kazuya (SSBU) Kazuya Ka - zu - ya! *drum beat 2 times*
Ken (SSBU) Ken Keeeen!
King Dedede (SSBU) King Dedede Köooooo - nig Dedede!
King K. Rool (SSBU) King K. Rool King K. Rooool! *stomp* *clap* *stomps 2 times* *clap*
Kirby (SSBU) Kirby Kir - by!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Larry Lar - ry!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Lemmy Lem - my!
Link (SSBU) Link/Toon Link (SSBU) Toon Link Link Link Link! *claps 3 times*
Little Mac (SSBU) Little Mac Auf geht's, Little Mac!
Lucario (SSBU) Lucario Lu - ca - rio!
Lucas (SSBU) Lucas Luuuuu - cas!
Lucina (SSBU) Lucina Lu - ci - na!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Ludwig Lud - wig! *claps 3 times*
Luigi (SSBU) Luigi Lui - gi!
Mario (SSBU) Mario Ma - ri - o!
Marth (SSBU) Marth Marth!
Mega Man (SSBU) Mega Man Me - ga - Man!
Meta Knight (SSBU) Meta Knight Me - ta - Knight!
Mewtwo (SSBU) Mewtwo Mewwww-two! *claps 3 times*
Mii Brawler (SSBU) Mii Swordfighter (SSBU) Mii Gunner (SSBU) Mii Fighters Mii Mii Mii!
Min Min (SSBU) Min Min Min Min! *claps 3 times*
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Morton Mor - ton!
Mr. Game & Watch (SSBU) Mr. Game & Watch Mis - ter -- Game and Watch!
Ness (SSBU) Ness Ness Ness Ness! Jaaaaa!
Olimar (SSBU) Olimar Pik - min! Oli - mar!
Pac-Man (SSBU) Pac-Man Goooo - Pac-Man!
Palutena (SSBU) Palutena Paaaaalu - te - na! *claps 6 times*
Peach (SSBU) Peach Peach!
Pichu (SSBU) Pichu Pi - chu! Pi - chu! Piiiiii!
Pikachu (SSBU) Pikachu Pi - ka Pi - ka Pi - ka Pika - chu!
Piranha Plant (SSBU) Piranha Plant Piranha Pflanze, schau schau schau!
Pit (SSBU) Pit Pit! *clap*
Pokémon Trainer (SSBU) Pokémon Trainer Po - ké - mon Trai - ner! (♂)
Po - ké - mon Trai - ner - in! (♀)

Pyra (SSBU) Pyra/Mythra (SSBU) Mythra Py - ra! -- Myth - ra!
R.O.B. (SSBU) R.O.B. R - O - B!
Richter (SSBU) Richter Richter! *grunt*
Ridley (SSBU) Ridley Rid - leeeey!
Robin (SSBU) Robin Ro - Ro - bin!
Rosalina & Luma (SSBU) Rosalina & Luma Rooooosa - li - na! Und! Lu - ma!
Roy (SSBU) Roy (Fire Emblem) Roy! *claps 2 times*
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Roy (Super Mario Bros.) Roy! Roy! Roy!
Ryu (SSBU) Ryu Ry - u!
Samus (SSBU) Samus Sa - mus!
Sephiroth (SSBU) Sephiroth Seph - i - roth!
Sheik (SSBU) Sheik Shiek!
Shulk (SSBU) Shulk Schluss mit Ulk, jetzt kommt Shulk!
Simon (SSBU) Simon Simon, jepp!
Snake (SSBU) Snake Snake! Snake! Snaaaake!
Sonic (SSBU) Sonic Sooooooo - nic!
Sora (SSBU) Sora Soooo - ra!
Steve (SSBU) Steve Ste - vu! *claps 3 times*
Terry (SSBU) Terry Ter - ry! *claps 3 times*
Villager (SSBU) Villager Be - woh - ner! (♂)
Be - woh - nerin! (♀)

Wario (SSBU) Wario Wa - ri - o! Cha - cha - cha!
Bowser Jr. (SSBU) Wendy Wen - dy!
Wii Fit Trainer (SSBU) Wii Fit Trainer Wii -- Fit -- Trainerin! (♀)
Wii -- Fit -- Trainer! (♂)

Wolf (SSBU) Wolf Wolf! Wolf! *howl*
Yoshi (SSBU) Yoshi Yo - shiiiiii!
Young Link (SSBU) Young Link Jun - ger Link!
Zelda (SSBU) Zelda Zel - da!
Zero Suit Samus (SSBU) Zero Suit Samus Ze - ro - Suit! Sa - mus!
Steve (SSBU) Zombie Zooommm - bie!


  • The German crowd cheer for King K. Rool is the only crowd cheer to have stomping.

See also[edit]