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#[ Luigi's Mansion] This was one of his shortest LP's ever!
#[ Luigi's Mansion] This was one of his shortest LP's ever!
#[ Pikmin 2] Episode 45 of this LP marks the 1 year anniversary of Steve, August 24<sup>th</sup>!
#[ Pikmin 2] Episode 45 of this LP marks the 1 year anniversary of Steve, August 24<sup>th</sup>!
#[ The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask] He makes the game seem more fun than it was as a kid.
<center>Here's a video of his.</center>
<center>Here's a video of his.</center>
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#[ Mario Party 1]
#[ Mario Party 1]
#[ New Super Mario Bros. Wii] Due to a certain event in Mario Party (I won't spoil), Jon tries to murder Chugga throughout the whole thing! *Co-starring [ Josh Jepson!]
#[ New Super Mario Bros. Wii] Due to a certain event in Mario Party (I won't spoil), Jon tries to murder Chugga throughout the whole thing! *Co-starring [ Josh Jepson!]
#Super Smash Bros. Brawl: [ The Subspace Emissary] Back to the original 3, with them alternating playtime.
They also have uploads of [ random multiplayer games] for when they run out of material for the main LP.
They also have uploads of [ random multiplayer games] for when they run out of material for the main LP.
<center>Here's a video of the amazing trio!</center>
<center>Here's a video of the amazing trio!</center>

The Runaway Guys also do 100% playthroughs.
The Runaway Guys do not do 100% playthroughs, but get pretty close.

==Personal Trivia==
==Personal Trivia==

Revision as of 17:38, October 6, 2011

Welcome to my world! Now go home. XD

-Do a barrel roll! -I hope you know who

-When I'm being sad I stop being sad and be epic instead. True story. -Some random guy on the internet

IceMarioHack.jpg This user haz icie powaz!
Character info
Brawl mains Mario, Link
Other Brawl characters Fox, Snake
Personal and other info
Real name Sterling O.
Birth date (age 27)
Location Austin, Texas United States of America
Miscellaneous info
Skill Other noob with high-tiers, pro with low-tiers
I wait patiently for it like a lion waits patiently for it's prey to offer itself up; I don't. Not even a little.
Falcon Punch.png WARNING

This user haz movez and will show dem at any given tiem.

I love Yoshi, and Photoshop.

About Me

Hey, Wow, that sounded lame I'm 25timmy16, but most people call me 25T16 or just T16. As you can see (hopefully) my name ISN'T Timmy, or Tim, or Timothy, or Tom, Tommy, ect. It's a long story how I got stuck with this username to use for all internet-related stuff, and I mean the long story long story. Not the I-don't-want-to-talk-about-it long story. I believe there is only one place where I didn't use 25timmy16 or 25T16, and it was on, and that was a LONG time ago. Longer than my story. I was born in Australia, but (unfortunately for most people who know) I have lost my accent. At two years old, I spoke french better than english (ANOTHER long story), but can't speak it anymore (another dissapointment to my friends). And to top it all off, I was born with 34 food allergies and 30-something medicine allergies, all of which fatal. To this day, I am still anaphylaxic (which basically means I'll die if I eat it.) to dairy, beef, and pork. I know, all of the good stuff. Luckily, allergies like wheat, eggs, and nuts have gone away over the years. Moving along from my weird background, videogame wise, I'm just a guy who likes videogames and discovering their glitches. I don't play wifi very much, due to any basic brawl I get into becoming a taunt match. I don't play friend wifi brawls either, except with friends, although that's subject to change. I have three dogs and a cat that are all black and white, and two of my dogs constantly fight for dominance. I didn't want Geno in Brawl and don't want him in SSB4. I don't get what the hype is all about. I don't play very many games outside of Nintendo, and have actually never played COD.

Also please check out my User Boxes!

Weekly Rage

The box art.

Nintendo, you've outdone yourself this time. Another M&S @ Olympics? NOO! The first two were bad enough! Don't believe me? Well, in a poll on the Super Mario Wiki, the majority of visitors to the page responded to what is your opinion on the new Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games? with NO! Not another one! That just goes to show that Sega and Nintendo don't mix. Now, my reasoning behind hating the game isn't the game itself as much as it is the controls. A lot, and I mean A LOT of the controls are really weird, especially in the Wii version of the winter games. The WiiFit Motion Board-thing doesn't work AT ALL. The dream events aren't much better. In the DS version of the summer olympics, the dream table hockey was so incredibly stupid! For those who don't know, every time you hit the ball back, the points awarded to whomever wins that match goes up by 1! Once, a CPU Dr. Eggman won like 20 points! And don't even get me STARTED on bicycling! There's no way to win! If you practically touch the pedal button, your character instantly loses like half of their stamina! It's so ridiculous! Anyways, I hope Nintendo can redeem themselves. The series needs it.

Last Week's Rage

Star Fox 64 3D. A big rip-off. Now before you rage me, hear me out. Okay, ragers and SF64 fanboys, how's this? It's not what was expected. The grapics and multiplayer and extra features are nice and all, but the main game is really lacking, 64 gameplay, and remastered gameplay. The storyline is really boring, and the battles are really easy. You can just spam the fire and R button, and do barrel rolls to avoid all damage. And Andross? Give me a break. How did he even manage to beat Fox's dad? He's a frikin joke! I found Topmaniac from SMG to be harder! Well, maybe that's an exaggeration... Its a quick game, too. I've beat it 3 times, and I've only had it for a day! (As of this post) My advice, if you're a major fan, go nuts. But if you want a good, solid, 3DS game, just go play OoT 3D.

See my other rages.

Favorite Nintendo Games

  1. Super Smash Bros. Brawl (duh)
  2. Super Mario Sunshine
  3. New Super Mario Bros. Wii
  4. Super Mario Galaxy
  5. Super Mario Galaxy 2
  6. Pokemon Black/White
  7. Pokemon Platinum
  8. Super Mario World
  9. Super Mario 3D Land (I've never played it, but I still love it! XD)

Achievements in Videogames

  • Captured a Tabuu trophy in the SSE on Intense.
  • Obtained both Tabuu trophies.
  • Beaten all bosses in the SSE on Intense.
  • Beaten Boss Battles on Intense with only 2 heart containers.
  • 100% completed both New Super Mario Bros. multiple times.
  • Got 242 Stars in both Galaxy games.
    • Galaxy 1=121 as Mario, 121 as Luigi, for those who didn't know.
  • Beaten The Perfect Run in Galaxy 2 without the Co-Star Luma's help. Trust me, its harder than it sounds.
  • Beaten the Pokemon White Elite Four, Zekrom, N, and Ghetsis on my first try with level 43's. (And about 20,000 revives.)
  • Caught Zekrom in a great ball on my second shot when it's health bar was yellow after 1 earthquake from my Krookodile. No, it was not a Critical Capture.
  • Completed the National Pokedex in Pokemon White.
  • Collected all 120 Shines in Super Mario Sunshine.
  • Beaten NSMB Wii without using any powerups or checkpoints, and without dying. (Speedrun)
  • Caught all of the Legendary Pokemon in Pokemon White without using a Master Ball.
  • Own 5 legit Mews in Pokemon White. It used to be 8, but I gave some away at the 2011 Pokemon Tournament in Georgia.
  • I don't know if this is an accomplishment, but I was SO CLOSE to going to E3 2011.
  • Another unsure achievement: I have died via glitch three times in Super Mario Sunshine.
  • I have memorized the first 526 Pokemon in the National Pokedex. I'm still working on Gen V.
  • I was in Nintendo's 3DS Ambassador Program!*

*Have I posted this somewhere else? I think I have, but I can't find it on my page. Sad huh?

Smash 64 Experience

I've only played it once when my friend brought the virtual console software on his SD card. I sucked. I am, however, trying to get it on my Wii, I just have to get some Wii Points.

Melee Experience

I first started playing Smash Bros. around halfway through the "lifespan" of Melee. I actually learned how to Wavedash by myself, despite being able to play it only at my cousin's, but did it only once, and thought it was a glitch, until my friend explained it to me after Brawl was released.

Brawl Experience

I mained Dr. Mario in Melee, so when I saw he was dropped for Brawl (A year after it came out, because I never noticed it's release), it sucked for me, to say the least. I'm good at Mario in Brawl, but I think I could have been better with the Doc. Mainly because he was stronger.

Speaking of Mario, I lost my first Brawl match as Mario because I was trying to use the rising tornado technique. Since that infamous moveset change MAJORLY hindered Mario's recovery, I've sent a death threat to Sakurai I've had to learn to cope with FLUDD.
What the Tier List Should Look Like
Plumber   God Ace Decent
1   2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Where's FLUDD's Hover Nozel?   The Archer of the century What an original name The assassin PAWNCH!!! So happy! The king of second bananas I'm too cheap! Victory is my destiny, and my destiny is god tier Up the butt, Charizard! The Ninja HIIIIII!!!! Hands of my bread! Pikaaaa.... I have no friends.
Pretty Bad   Really Bad   Unplayable
16 17 18   19 20 21 22 23   24 25 26 27 28 29
THE BIG GAY DANCE! I keep a sword in my butt. PK TRRRROOOOLLLLLLIIIIIINNNNNGGG!!!   The Princess that's stronger than the hero. I can't KO until I'm about to be KO'd Lol, Link was pretty confused! You keep a golf club, cooking pan, tennis racket, and small mushroom man with you at all times too?!? Lol, I'm so evil, now let me just set down this bridge collapse switch...   Can't...Look...Away... Did I grow younger since 2001? The one thing I have in common with Peach, my butt is my most powerful weapon. What gender AM I? My logic says that wooden cups + banana paste = evil tiki force. Oh look at my armor it's so shiny!
Joke   ????   Fail
30 31 32 33   34   35 36 37 38
Can't let you do that StarWolf! Oh wait, I'm StarWolf... WHAT? We fight in this game? NOW IT MAKES SENSE!!! Steve! Leave that Firey Blowhog alone! PK...FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!   What's funny is, they can't CLIMB the ICEburg that the create in their final smash.   BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP This guy needs to die. Now. HE CAN'T EVEN FLY!!! Admit it. You never heard of this guy until Brawl. Someone shoot this monkey. MAKE HIM SUFFER.

Thoughts on SSB4


Ideas For SSB4

  • Buffs on characters that were nerfed in Melee. (Which means about all of them)
  • The 3DS SSB4 better not be like the games that are awesome on the Wii or PS3, but suck on the PSP or DS.
  • Customizable color schemes. (So you could make outfits like Ice Mario or Mr. L)
  • Reduce the "floatiness" that Brawl has as compared to Melee.
  • Bring back Mewtwo, or at least replace Lucario with Zoroark.
  • Change the Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon to the Gen V Starters. Snivy, Dewott, and Emboar.
  • Daisy should have her own set of outfits. Not her own character, but something like Zelda/Sheik or Biker/Classic Wario.
  • Do something about FLUDD. I mean seriously.
  • Allow characters to use different final smashes, depending on the color of the Smash Ball.
  • Make different songs easier to unlock. (Seriously? Target test in 15 seconds? I can't do it in 30!) Ironically, I went and unlocked all of the songs right after typing this up. Yes, I got the trophy that comes with.
    • Songs could also be imported from an SD card, like some hacks have allowed people to do.
  • The Pikmin's AI needs to be improved. Seriously, it's worse than in Pikmin.
  • Yoshi's Double Jump Super Armor needs to be absolute. Not a "#### mph resistance" type thing.
  • Include a random character choice thing, like the stage select option.
  • Choose what type of match is the default, so you don't have to go up to the menu to switch to a stock match every time the Wii (Or in this case, Wii U) is turned on.
  • Names should be able to set default character colors. (For instance, my name, 25T16, would automatically select Fire Mario when scrolling over Mario)
  • Replay time should be increased to 10 minutes.
  • No shield stabbing.
  • More freedom with camera angles.
  • Custom taunts in standard battles.
  • If Mario keeps FLUDD, he should be able to use the hover nozzle, sort of like Peaches "floating thing."
    • It could also be used like the Mario/Luigi/Dr. Tornado to aid Mario's recovery, because I understand that Nintendo did this to make Mario and Luigi less than SemiClones, but this would be a win-win. Mario goes up on the tier list, and the M Bros. aren't clones!
  • Nerf Kirby's Stone attack. Invincibility+High KO power=broken move and a lot of wifi frustration.
  • Give Metaknight 3 midair jumps like Pit, instead of 5.
  • In SSB4 3DS, bring back the cloaking device. That way, you can see yourself when battling other people (seperate screens), which is why it was removed after Melee.
  • Lower the chance of the Hammer losing it's head. Seriously, it happens ALL THE TIME.
  • Balance the characters more, to make tiers less pronounced.


I don't know if any of his 300,000+ fans use this site, so if it doesn't break any rules, I'll talk about him.

Chugga A. Conroy is probably the most famous video game LPer on youtube. He has done 15 LP's, and is resting before his 16th. Chugga, as fans call him, tends to do two LP's at once, alternating between them in his daily updates. For instance, Luigi's Mansion and his current LP were started at the same time, but Luigi's Mansion finished first.

Emile (his real name) has actually been recognized by Nintendo due to his popularity. Now you may think, "Why would Miyamoto care?" Well, due to Chugga sparking interest in a game for 300,000 youtubers and several thousand people who don't have accounts, Nintendo actually benefits from the popularity Conroy gives their games. For example, Okami, a Capcon game that was considered a failure, received an extreme boost in popularity when Emile did a walkthrough on it, and it's successor, Okamiden, has been considered a success.

In order to keep fans up to date and not confuse anyone who does not watch his videos as he uploads them (by talking about what happened in his videos), Emile has created a Facebook and Twitter page.


  1. Earthbound
  2. Mother
  3. Paper Mario
  4. Super Mario RPG
  5. Mother 3
  6. Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
  7. Pokemon Firered/Leafgreen
  8. Super Mario Sunshine My personal favorite!
  9. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
  10. Pokemon Crystal (With tips for Heartgold/Soulsilver)
  11. Super Luigi Galaxy It's Super Mario Galaxy, but he plays as Luigi, therefore calling it "Luigi Galaxy."
  12. Pikmin If you've ever heard of the red Pikmin named "Steve," this is where the meme came from.
  13. Okami It's a Capcon game, but it is INCREDIBLE!
  14. Luigi's Mansion This was one of his shortest LP's ever!
  15. Pikmin 2 Episode 45 of this LP marks the 1 year anniversary of Steve, August 24th!
  16. The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask He makes the game seem more fun than it was as a kid.
Here's a video of his.

It is important to know that all of Chuggaaconroy's LP's are 100% playthroughs.

The Runaway Guys

The Runaway Guys is a youtube account run by 3 well known LPers. Chuggaaconroy, Nintendo Capri Sun, and Proton Jon. They do walkthroughs for multiplayer games, like Mario Party, but it's more for entertainment than informative purposes. However, due to Chugga and NCS living in different states and Jon living in Canada, they can't meet up often and when they do, it's normally at events like PAX. Luckily, Chugga is able to make whatever footage they have last a long time.

The Runaway Guys have a Facebook page, too.


  1. Mario Party 1
  2. New Super Mario Bros. Wii Due to a certain event in Mario Party (I won't spoil), Jon tries to murder Chugga throughout the whole thing! *Co-starring Josh Jepson!
  3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl: The Subspace Emissary Back to the original 3, with them alternating playtime.

They also have uploads of random multiplayer games for when they run out of material for the main LP.

Here's a video of the amazing trio!

The Runaway Guys do not do 100% playthroughs, but get pretty close.

Personal Trivia

  • I can beat anyone I know personally with Mario. That's mainly because they all treat the tier list like the instruction book to Brawl.
  • I own a DS light, a DSi (although I'm trying to find a Gamestop that will take it without a stylus) (Sold to my friend), a 3DS, a Wii, a PS3, and a Gameboy Advance SP.
  • 7 Years ago, I got a shiny Charmander in my FireRed. At the time, I had no idea that anything was different about it, I just thought that my game had glitched. To this day, that shiny Charizard is the strongest Pokemon on my team. (Despite not being EV trained.)
  • Somehow, I'm actually BAD at using Metaknight. I just can't use his virtually nonexistant KO moves effectively.
  • My favorite color Yoshi is Cyan.
  • I think Daisy is better than Peach, and that Mario would be better with her. My reasoning:They're both more adventurous, and Mario MUST be sick of saving Peach by now. Go on, start flaming me. XD
  • Once I get Sony Vegas on my new computer, I plan to make SSB Youtube videos under the username of "CosmicSawtooth" with the help of the guy who bought my DSi, Boneman465.
  • Despite how much I play video games, I'm top of my class. Boneman, who I know visits my page, you know its true.
  • I lived on four different CONTINENTS before I was 6 MONTHS old!
  • I lost in the 2011 Pokemon Tournament because of two reasons. I didn't realize that my Unfezant was actually my Zoroark, resulting in me killing it with Landorus' earthquake, and when my REAL Unfezant was out, I didn't know that Roost allowed the user to get hit by ground type moves, causing another friendly earthquake kill.
  • Anytime I try to start a conversation, the first thing that comes to mind is always "You know, they're making a sequel to..." And then I think "To what? Where did that come from?" No idea why. No matter who I am talking to, that's always what I think of.
  • I can play the French Horn.
  • I find the phrase "I before E except after C" to be a load of it. Don't believe me? Check THIS out! Its WEIRD!
  • I absolutely hate the idea of Mario RPG's. Paper Mario was okay, the sequel was meh, and Super Paper Mario was kind of... different. In terms of Mario & Luigi, all I have to say is, WHAT. THE. SHIZ.
  • I like the levels SMG1 more than SMG2, mainly because Galaxy 2 wasn't based around gravity platforming as much as the prequel. It was more like SM64. Plus, the Red Star was taken out.
  • I've literally bored someone to sleep by talking about the theoried nature of a black hole. What can I say, I'm a science geek.

Something I would like to say...

Ya know, I have a bad feeling about the Wii U. Don't get me wrong, I think it looks awesome, but its the timing of it's release that I'm worried about. Its being released right when the PS4 and the XBox 720 (Yes, its real) are going to be released. Out of all of my friends that actually have a Wii, 9 out of 10 of them said that they would buy the Wii U last out of the 3, which means it will be overshadowed by Microsoft and Sony. Now, this may not seem so bad, but if you know your videogame history, Sega actually went out of business in hardware for the same reason. Ever heard of the Sega Dreamcast? It was released right when the PS1 was released, and the lack of income from purchases of the system sent Sega on the verge of closing down, and they had to resort to simply making games only, and hoping Sony or Nintendo would give them a platform, similar to how Capcon operates. Many people worry that the Wii U might have a similar outcome for Nintendo. Now, it wouldn't push them on the verge of bankruptcy, not even close, but the below-expected income would stall any games that Nintendo might have plans to release, Wii U and other. Now, a price drop or a new model might draw gamers' attention back and save the company, but it they would still lose a lot of money. REMEMBER this is only a theory, the Wii U might do just fine, and we might have nothing to worry about.

Oh yeah! Before I forget:
BayonettaSymbol.svg LADIES & GENTS! Come to the Smash Arena and vote on Round 132: Bayonetta vs. Sora! KingdomHeartsSymbol.svg

And did you know...

Who's online: Alex the weeb, HyperFalcon, SuperOreoCookie, PSIguy, SoScaryNyanNyan, Ebrahim, Jimk2000, Cloudhead, Raffina H.-207

Now you guys need to go to your page and make it look like mine, since I'm awesome.


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