Boomerang cancel: Difference between revisions

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''Cancel landing lag or special fall of a move by catching a boomerang. You must be in the landing animation for 1 frame before you can catch the boomerang.''
This technique consists in timing the catch of the boomerang to cancel [[landing lag]] or [[special fall]]. To catch the boomerang [[Link]] or [[Young Link]] must be in the landing or [[special fall]] animation for at least 1 frame.

Some useful applications of this technique could be as a way to extend the recovery options and distance of [[Link]] or [[Young Link]], reduce the lag after recovering to the stage, reducing the lag after a [[wavedash]] and extending the distance traveled using a [[Vududash]].
* Cancel special fall after up-b
** Stationary double jump, smash boomerang down, up-b and drift away then towards
** Steals your jump due to YL losing his jump from up-b
* Catch during special fall after an air dodge
* Catch during hookshot animation in 1.00 and 1.01
* You can cancel your jump by catching a boomerang during jump-squat
* Cancel wavedash lag early, reducing lag from 10 frames to 2
** Allows for longest distance Vududash

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[[Category:Young Link]]
[[Category:Young Link]]
