Uploads by Aidanzapunk

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
16:26, December 18, 2014 MetalMarioWiiU.jpg (file) 87 KB {{fairuse}}
21:00, December 22, 2014 SuperMarioKartBoxArt.jpg (file) 108 KB {{fairuse}}
19:50, January 21, 2015 DistantPlanetGlitch1.jpg (file) 59 KB {{fairuse}}
19:50, January 21, 2015 DistantPlanetGlitch2.jpg (file) 59 KB {{fairuse}}
21:03, January 21, 2015 BonkersSmashRun.jpg (file) 40 KB {{fairuse}}
21:06, January 21, 2015 CryogonalSmashRun.jpg (file) 47 KB {{fairuse}}
21:08, January 21, 2015 GastlySmashRun.jpg (file) 49 KB {{fairuse}}
21:10, January 21, 2015 DaphneSmashRun.jpg (file) 61 KB {{fairuse}}
11:35, January 23, 2015 MeshedPikmin.jpg (file) 31 KB {{fairuse}} A rare model meshing glitch that can happen to Pikmin.
10:38, February 15, 2015 RaymanLeakUnlockScreen.jpg (file) 73 KB Rayman's supposed unlock screen. {{fairuse}}
12:19, February 18, 2015 PunchOutNESBoxart.PNG (file) 343 KB ''Punch-Out!!'''s original box artwork {{fairuse}}
18:43, March 19, 2015 MiniCrazyHand.jpg (file) 31 KB Crazy Hand, as seen after being defeated in Classic Mode. {{fairuse}}
11:35, March 23, 2015 Aidanzapunksignature.png (file) 5 KB Changing the head icon used. No biggie. {{fairuse}} Category:User images
08:37, May 14, 2015 DragoonLeakSSB4.PNG (file) 828 KB The leaked Dragoon piece in the SSB4 Direct. Taken on mobile YouTube. {{fairuse}}
20:00, July 12, 2015 SatoruIwata.jpg (file) 83 KB This'll be up on my userpage for about a week or so, in honor of him. {{fairuse}}
13:51, July 30, 2015 Jigglypuff Dream Land glitch.jpg (file) 14 KB {{fairuse}}
13:31, October 5, 2015 Super Mario Maker transition.JPG (file) 62 KB From SMB3 to NSMBU on 3DS. {{fairuse}}
16:11, October 10, 2015 NoGlowingEyesKirby.JPG (file) 215 KB Updated to Wii U version
16:12, October 10, 2015 GlowingEyesKirby.JPG (file) 204 KB Updated to Wii U version. Yes, it's the same character as before. I wanted consistency.
08:38, October 12, 2015 INoMedssig.png (file) 5 KB For User:INoMed. Category:User images
09:02, October 13, 2015 Dekzeksig-Oct.png (file) 4 KB The user wanted it in higher quality.
09:46, October 13, 2015 Wife SSB.png (file) 417 KB Wife as seen in ''The Smash Brothers''
07:49, October 20, 2015 Literal Critical Hit.JPG (file) 162 KB {{fairuse}}
18:38, October 25, 2015 What are hitboxes.jpg (file) 112 KB Really tho {{fairuse}} Category:User images
08:54, October 30, 2015 AidanzapunkSig2.png (file) 6 KB Two of two new sig images. Category:User images
15:30, November 2, 2015 Balloon Fight Variation 1.JPG (file) 50 KB The first variation of Balloon Fight. {{fairuse}}
15:31, November 2, 2015 Balloon Fight Variation 2.JPG (file) 39 KB The second variation of Balloon Fight. ...Kinda reminds you of fall, doesn't it? {{fairuse}}
15:32, November 2, 2015 Balloon Fight Variation 3.JPG (file) 46 KB The third variation of Balloon Fight. {{fairuse}}
10:54, November 18, 2015 Cloud trailer.png (file) 1.45 MB A screenshot from Cloud's trailer. {{fairuse}}
11:40, November 19, 2015 What are hitboxes 2.jpg (file) 61 KB The questioning continues. {{license-screenshot}}
17:52, December 9, 2015 TvC Chun-Li.png (file) 118 KB Hopefully, the user won't mind...
08:55, December 14, 2015 John3637881OptimusPrime.png (file) 57 KB transparency
10:49, December 15, 2015 Critical Hit Origin.png (file) 201 KB About damn time I uploaded something to the mainspace. {{license-screenshot}}
10:24, December 25, 2015 Mii Brawler Uppercut Glitch.jpg (file) 49 KB In the spirit of Christmas... {{license-screenshot}}
08:45, January 8, 2016 Zero MMX6.png (file) 790 KB Here, Dots, let me do you a favor. Category:User images
16:35, January 8, 2016 AidanzapunkFairyTailLogo.png (file) 84 KB Went ahead and grabbed the one from the Fairy Tail Wiki.
09:16, January 20, 2016 AidanzapunkPokkenLucario.png (file) 620 KB Category:User images
09:16, January 20, 2016 AidanzapunkSonicColors.png (file) 1.23 MB Category:User images
11:42, January 20, 2016 KirbyGlitchDownTaunt.jpg (file) 62 KB You know how complicated it is to get this at school? I gotta use my phone's personal hotspot, connect to Miiverse on the 3DS, and then save it onto there. {{license-screenshot}}
11:42, January 20, 2016 KirbyGlitchSmall.jpg (file) 67 KB *whistling X-Files theme* {{license-screenshot}}
11:43, January 20, 2016 KirbyGlitchYoshi.jpg (file) 101 KB ...this one is self-explanatory. {{license-screenshot}}
19:55, January 27, 2016 Swampy SSBD.png (file) 121 KB I hope you don't mind, but I made it transparent.
14:07, January 31, 2016 LimitBreakBladeBeamSSB4.jpg (file) 173 KB Updated to Wii U
14:09, January 31, 2016 LimitBreakCrossSlashSSB4.jpg (file) 135 KB Updated to Wii U. For the sake of consistency, I decided to use the exact same character.
11:28, February 1, 2016 Swagman-Sig.png (file) 563 bytes  
13:11, February 5, 2016 AidanzapunkSig1.png (file) 7 KB Step two: upload the images
13:12, February 5, 2016 AidanzapunkChristmasSig.png (file) 8 KB She looks cute :3 (also she has elf ears)
20:53, February 5, 2016 BayonettaIdlePose1SSB4.jpg (file) 219 KB Upgraded to Wii U. Dat ASS
21:01, February 5, 2016 CorrinIdlePose1SSB4.jpg (file) 195 KB Reverted to version as of 02:00, 6 February 2016 shit
21:01, February 5, 2016 CorrinIdlePose2SSB4.jpg (file) 175 KB Upgraded to Wii U
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