Super Smash Bros.

Team:V Clan

(Redirected from V Clan)

V, which stands for Roman numeral 5 and the number of original members, was a Super Smash Bros. crew, created in 2009. The better members of NBK created the clan after Shablivion let to many lesser players into the clan. Wanting a Pro clan, they created V clan. It was regarded by other smashers as the best online clan after MC disbanded and PPS became inactive. In May 2011, V was disbanded due to member inactivity, though V leaders decided to revive V in August 2011.



  • Zodiac: A semi pro smasher form Pennsylvania. Mains Pikachu.
  • YBOMBB: semi-professional smasher from Canada. Uses most characters, but he mains Jigglypuff.
  • Denken: semi-professional smasher who mains Ness and Jigglypuff. He is a former PPS and NBK member.
  • ZhinShin: A Semi-Professional smasher who mains Link. He is also the co-founder of the old "League of Extraordinary Smashers (LES)" Clan.
  • Kabal: Smasher who mains Samus and Pikachu.

Former membersEdit

  • Jbandrew - a Semi-professional American smasher who mains Fox and Luigi.
  • Legendary - a Semi-professional smasher from Indiana who mains Fox, Captain Falcon, and Pikachu. He was kicked out of the clan by YBOMBB for excessive trash talk.
  • th3kuzinator: Semi-professional American smasher who mains Fox and Yoshi.
  • dock: a semi-pro smasher who mains Pikachu and Fox
  • AFT: a Semi-professional smasher who mains Fox and Captain Falcon.
  • Sin: Semi-professional American smasher who mains Ness and Mario.


Players get in V by being voted in by the leaders.

External linksEdit