Super Smash Bros. Melee
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Super Smash Bros. 4


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Character info
Melee mains Fox, Falco, Marth, Ice Climbers
Other Melee characters Jigglypuff, Peach, Young Link, Ness, Roy, Donkey Kong, Bowser, Dr. Mario, Luigi, Mario, Donkey Kong
Brawl mains Toon Link, Ice Climbers
Other Brawl characters Meta Knight, Marth, Falco, Fox, Ike
Smash 4 mains Toon Link, Ike, Ness
Other Smash 4 characters Fox, Marth, Lucina, Robin, Mario, Bowser Jr.
Personal and other info
Location United States United States
Miscellaneous info
Skill Super Smash Bros. Melee Casual
Super Smash Bros. Brawl Casual
Super Smash Bros. 4 Casual

This user has made 177 edits.

Hello people, I'm Thunder1738! My real name is Dane Allen, but I go by Thunder1738 in the smash community. I love smash so if you would like to learn about my history read the information on my page.

My History of the Smash Bros. Series

  I have been watching melee since 2012 despite my young age. I got brawl in 2014 for my birthday, smash 4 for Christmas 2015, and I bought melee in march 2016. I have unlocked every stage and character in melee within my first month (which I am very proud of). I have a tutorial for people who want to unlock Kongo Jungle 64. Go into 15-minute melee and choose a floaty character such as Yoshi, Kirby, Peach, and Jigglypuff (I chose Yoshi). When you start, don't think about fighting the enemies, just repeatedly jump over from platform to platform over the enemies for 15 minutes (I know it is as boring as heck to do).
  I am a very technical player in general meaning that I do moves mainly cause of what I think my opponent is going to do and moving my hands very fast. I also play aggressive in bad matchups to show that can dominate my opponent no matter what matchup it is.
 In melee I actually only main Ice Climbers because of wobbling (I know I'm so troll) in which i use the D-tilt method.
 My edgegaurding in melee is different for each character. For Fox I will most of the time go down and shine-spike my opponent (Jumping right after you shine, that only works with Fox considering that Falco's shine pops you up). For Falco I will run off the stage and back-air or I will wait for my opponent to recover and short-hop down-air to punish their recovery. For Marth I will sometimes do the exact same thing I do with Falco with the short-hop down-air or I will Ken Combo them, or rarely I will back-air them. With Ice Climbers I will mainly short hop, let them recover onstage and then wobble, but when they adapt to my techniques, I will either jump off stage and back-air, jump off stage and forward-air, or I will go for the hard read down-smash.