All rules of SW:TALK apply so...
- If you want to contact me about a new topic, leave a new message by clicking "new section" next to "edit this page" at the top of this page. Please give your thread a subject, or be sure to use a ==Header== at the top of your post.
- When replying, please respect threading guidelines and indent your messages appropriately with colons (:). Please keep threads on this page on-topic and to the point.
- Always and please sign your comments (place 4 tildes (~~~~) at the end of your comment).
- Please check back after you leave your message. I will leave my response on this page. You can respond to me in the same thread. (If I have left a message on your talk page, and you are responding to it, please respond to me there rather than creating a new thread here.)
- I'm willing to take constructive criticism so post it here if you would like. However, do not use personal attacks, harsh language, and insults.
Thank you, and have a very safe and productive day.