Super Smash Bros. Melee

Team:Ship of Fools

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The Ship of Fools is a crew based in Indiana.


Former Members[edit]

  • Daniel Kish, KishCubed (passed away from heart failures)

Tournament Activity[edit]

The first tournament appearance for Joshu and Iggy was at Snexus 1, where they took second in teams and 3rd and 4th in singles. KishSquared and KishCubed took 1st and 2nd place in their first appearance at a St. Louis tournament, and KishPrime took 5th in singles and 3rd in teams in his first appearance at Snexus 2.

The Ship of Fools derives its name from Snexus 2, where Joshu entered himself and Ignatius as "Joshu and the Ship of Fools." The name was expanded to cover the group as a whole.

In 2004, The Ship of Fools hosted MELEE-FC, and every incarnation of this tournament series has broken records for tournament attendance, with MELEE-FC6 drawing in 206 entrants for singles.

The Ship of Fools are responsible for the advent of many tournament staples, most notably the crew battle. The MLG ruleset was based upon the ruleset of MELEE-FC. The avatar match (a match where the loser is not allowed to change their avatar on Smashboards) was first held by a Ship member, as well as the legendary no-avatar match, which few dare to attempt.

In January of 2005, Daniel Kish died from complications in heart surgery after much suffering. In his last Smash Brothers tournament, he won every match 2-0 and took first even against such competition as Drephen, DSF, and Eddie.

In early Summer of 2005, Vidjogamer and Darkrain were willingly annexed into the Ship, along with Klaptrap. To this day the Ship claims their achievements as its own.

After the annexing, Joshu retired from Smash and the crew.

At MELEE-FC6, The Ship of Fools won 3rd place at the crew battle tournament.. Prior to the Midwest Circuit championship, all 3 active Ship members are in the Top 7 in points.