Super Smash Bros. series

Dash attack

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Fox's dash attack in Super Smash Bros. 4

A dash attack (ダッシュ攻撃) is an attack performed by pressing the attack button while dashing. Most dash attacks come out quickly and function as a character's primary burst option and approaching attack, but have noticeable ending lag and contain other properties that make them highly committal, making them very easy for wary opponents to punish (particularly using a shield grab).

Prior to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, many dash attacks could be used for cross-ups due to a large amount of momentum inherited from the prior dash. Although Ultimate's reworking of jostle mechanics makes most grounded moves either more difficult or impossible to cross-up, there are still multiple dash attacks with this property.

If the grab button or either of the shield buttons are pressed repeatedly right after attempting a dash attack, the attack will be canceled and turned into a boost grab. Similarly, in Brawl, many dash attacks can be interrupted by performing an up smash in a technique labeled the dash attack canceled up smash (DACUS) to provide a large boost of momentum. Certain dash attacks are fast enough to hit before the up smash comes out, allowing for a Gatling Combo.

List of dash attacks[edit]

Character Description
Banjo & Kazooie Banjo rolls forward to strike with his entire body.
Bayonetta Lunges forward with her gun extended for a pistol whip.
Bowser Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Lunges forward horns-first.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs a running kick.
Bowser Jr. Leans back while deploying and attacking with a buzzsaw from the Junior Clown Car's mouth.
Byleth Performs an outward running slash.
Captain Falcon Performs a running shoulder tackle.
Charizard Performs a running kick.
Chrom Performs a running inward slash.
Cloud Holds the Buster Sword diagonally and thrusts its edge forward with both hands for a running slash.
Corrin Jumps forwards and spins in a missile-like fashion while twirling Omega Yato for multiple hits.
Daisy Shoves her hands forwards, then separates them for a second hit.
Dark Pit Performs a running inward slash with his bow.
Dark Samus Floats while performing a running shoulder tackle.
Diddy Kong Performs a cartwheel leading into a downward double-handed slap.
Donkey Kong Super Smash Bros.Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Performs a running kick.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Rolls forwards to strike with his entire body.
Dr. Mario Performs a low sliding kick.
Duck Hunt The dog lowers his body and slides along the ground while the duck lunges forward with its beak.
Falco Performs a running kick.
Fox Performs a running kick.
Ganondorf Performs a running shoulder tackle.
Greninja Performs a low spinning kick out of its run.
Hero Leaps up with his sword raised and then forcefully slashes down to the ground as he lands.
Ice Climbers Swipe upward with their hammers.
Ike Brings Ragnell behind him and then slashes it in front of himself into a forwards-pointing position.
Incineroar Performs a leaping knee strike.
Inkling Throws a lunging elbow bash.
Isabelle Trips and drops a small pot, throwing it forward.
Ivysaur Super Smash Bros. Brawl Falls prone on the ground into a sliding headbutt.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs a running shoulder tackle.
Jigglypuff Falls forward out of its run to strike with its head.
Joker Throws an upwards kick, then transitions it into reverse back kick.
Kazuya Performs a leaping sidekick.
Ken Performs a running kick.
King Dedede Dramatically trips, then proceeds to slam his entire body onto the ground in front of himself.
King K. Rool Leaps forward belly-first, attacking with his armor.
Kirby Super Smash Bros. Falls forward out of his run to strike with his head.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. Ultimate Engulfs his body in a fireball and launches himself forward.
Super Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4 Performs a sliding headspin.
Link Super Smash Bros. Performs a sliding stab.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Slashes downward and outward.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Leaps up with his sword raised and then forcefully slashes down to the ground as he lands.
Little Mac Throws a downwards punch with a very wide arc.
Lucario Performs a running kick.
Lucas Briefly rears back, then thrusts a single palm thrust forwards with a PSI spark emanating from his hand.
Lucina Performs a running outward slash.
Luigi Throws a panicked series of punches in front of himself.
Mario Performs a low sliding kick.
Marth Performs a running outward slash.
Mega Man Uses Top Man's Top Spin power, to spin around several times while forming a bladed tornado around himself.
Meta Knight Performs a running kick.
Mewtwo Thrusts its palms forwards with dark energy emanating from them.
Mii Brawler Performs a running kick.
Mii Gunner Leans far forwards and performs a leaning arm cannon punch accompanied by a burst of flame from it.
Mii Swordfighter Super Smash Bros. 4 Leans forwards and stabs straight ahead.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs an outward slash.
Min Min Performs a running kick.
Mr. Game & Watch Equips a helmet, then performs a tackling headbutt with it.
Mythra Performs a running inwards slash.
Ness Super Smash Bros. Performs a forward double palm thrust.
Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Thrusts his hands forwards and releases three back-to-back PSI sparks from them.
Olimar Performs a cartwheel, attacking with his whole body.
Pac-Man Transforms into his wedge form and performs a set of bites while moving forwards.
Palutena Bashes her shield forward.
Peach Super Smash Bros. Melee Thrusts her hands forward.
Super Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Shoves her hands forward, then separates them for a second hit.
Pichu Throws out a jumping headbutt.
Pikachu Throws out a jumping headbutt.
Piranha Plant Tackles forward with its pot.
Pit Performs a running inward slash with his bow.
Pyra Performs a running inwards slash.
R.O.B. Swings his arms downwards in front of himself.
Richter Twirls the Vampire Killer in a ring around his body while sliding forwards.
Ridley Performs a lunging bite.
Robin Brace the Bronze Sword close to their body for a rigid forwards stab.
Rosalina & Luma Rosalina: Thrusts her body forwards, then swings herself upwards in a floaty fashion.
Luma: Performs an upward-swinging tackle.
Roy Super Smash Bros. Melee Performs a running outward slash.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs an inward horizontal slash.
Ryu Performs a running kick.
Samus Performs a running shoulder tackle.
Sephiroth Thrusts his palm forward with dark energy emanating from it.
Sheik Performs a simultaneous outwards knifehand swipe with both arms.
Shulk Slashes inwards with the Monado.
Simon Twirls the Vampire Killer in a ring around his body while sliding forwards.
Snake Performs a jumping-forwards somersault.
Sonic Super Smash Bros. Brawl Lunges forwards while curling into a ball.
Super Smash Bros. 4 Lunges forwards while curling into a ball, then performs a flying kick for a final hit.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs a running kick.
Sora Slides forward and hits the opponent with his right foot.
Squirtle Super Smash Bros. Brawl Performs a jumping shell tackle.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Uses its water wave to propel itself forward while kicking with both feet.
Steve Performs a running pickaxe swing.
Terry Performs Power Charge, a running shoulder tackle attack that appears in his home series as one of his special moves.
Toon Link Slashes downwards and outwards.
Villager Trips and drops a small potted plant, throwing it forward.
Wario Super Smash Bros. BrawlSuper Smash Bros. 4 Holds his arms up and trips forwards, striking with his fingers and head.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs his iconic running shoulder tackle attack from his home series.
Wii Fit Trainer Assumes the Gate pose to perform a sliding arm strike.
Wolf Super Smash Bros. Brawl Performs a sudden backflipping kick.
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Throws a wide-angled forwards straight kick.
Yoshi Super Smash Bros.Super Smash Bros. MeleeSuper Smash Bros. Brawl Headbutts forwards out of his run.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs a running kick.
Young Link Slashes downwards and outwards.
Zelda Thrusts both of her palms forward with magic emitting from them.
Zero Suit Samus Super Smash Bros. Brawl Performs a running kick.
Super Smash Bros. 4Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Performs a jet-propelled flying knee strike.

Notable dash attacks[edit]

Roy's dash attack in Melee, showcasing its infamous hitbox.
  • Roy's dash attack in Melee is infamous for not hitting properly because the hitboxes are active for the same amount of frames as Marth while being much slower. As a result, the move barely covers half of its swing animation, with most of the frames being active before Roy swings his sword. Roy gained a new dash attack in Smash 4 onwards, fixing this issue and making its sweetspot significantly more powerful, at the cost of higher ending lag.
  • Kirby's dash attack, exclusively in Melee, will carry him off of platforms during its use. All other dash attacks do not allow their users to leave the platform they are standing on, including the same attack in Ultimate.
  • Snake's dash attack in Ultimate is one of the best dash attacks in the game due to its fast startup, arm intangibility, high knockback, and ability to setup edgeguarding opportunities. It can KO opponents near the ledge at high percents and can easily launch opponents away from Snake even at low percents due to its high base knockback, giving Snake one of the best burst options in the game.
  • Luigi's dash attack has been infamously inconsistent throughout most of the series' lifespan. In 64 and Melee, a developer oversight unintentionally left it without a stronger finishing hit, making it extremely unsafe on hit. While this hitbox was fixed in Brawl, it remained unsafe through the rest of the games due to its low shieldstun and high ending lag. Ultimate drastically buffed the move by considerably decreasing its ending lag, making its multihits connect much more reliably, and increasing its damage and knockback, granting it utility as a surprise finisher and making it significantly harder to punish on whiff.
  • Wolf's dash attack in Brawl is the only one in the series to bring all the momentum from the dash to an instantaneous halt.
  • Diddy Kong's dash attack in Brawl has its interruptibility come out immediately when the last hitbox ceases, giving it literally no ending lag and making it very difficult to punish. It can also be used to pick up banana peels, and possesses strong combo potential at a variety of percentages. All of this combined makes it one of Diddy Kong's best moves in Brawl.
  • While several attacks throughout the series grant brief intangibility, Palutena's dash attack is one of the very few attacks in the series (and the only dash attack) to grant outright invincibility, protecting her extended arm due to the use of her shield.
  • Like many of his other attacks, King K. Rool's dash attack utilizes his characteristic Belly Super Armor – in its case, for the entire duration his stomach is extended.
  • Prior to Smash 4, Peach, Zelda, Pit, and Mewtwo had unique dash attacks while holding battering items, which allowed them to hit twice in the case of the former three, while Mewtwo's hits several times.
  • The dash attacks of Villager and Isabelle are the only ones that are projectiles.
  • King Dedede's dash attack is the strongest dash attack from Brawl onwards, being able to KO most characters at 75% from the center of Final Destination and being stronger than some of the cast's smash attacks. However, it comes out on frame 26 and has 62 frames of ending lag, which makes it the slowest dash attack in the series and effectively reserves it for hard reads and ledge-trapping scenarios.
  • Sephiroth and Sora are the only sword-users that do not use a sword for their dash attacks.
