Fox performing a frame-perfect dash-dance in Melee.
An icon for denoting incomplete things.

The dash-dance is an advanced technique in the Super Smash Bros. games. Performed by rapidly tapping the analog stick left and right while on the ground, it cancels out the character's initial dashing animation with another animation in the opposite direction, causing the character to quickly and repeatedly dash to the right and left in a short distance.

The time window in which a character can dash and then change directions by dash-dancing matches the amount of frames in their initial dash animation. After they complete their initial dashing animation, they'll transition to their standard dashing animation; at this point, tapping the analog stick in the opposite direction will cause the character to enter their turnaround animation, during which no attacks can be performed.

In competitive play

In Super Smash Bros.

In the original Super Smash Bros., dash-dancing takes longer to perform, because no matter how fast it is performed, there is a small turnaround animation (except for Captain Falcon), making the maneuver a bit less useful than in Melee. This does however make it a lot easier to Pivot than in Melee.

In Super Smash Bros. Melee

An application of dash-dancing in competitive Melee; S2J, as Captain Falcon, constantly uses dash-dances in order to quickly pursue Fox out of Falcon's throws, allowing for tech-chasing.

While dash-dancing can be performed in all four games, it sees most of its use in Melee. In Melee, dash-dancing is used primarily to play spacing mindgames with the opponent. By continuously switching directions, the player can confuse opponents in regards to their approach, as they can potentially either backtrack or approach while dash-dancing; in addition, it can also cause opponents to attempt an attack in the dash-forward animation, only for the player to dash backwards and quickly punish the end lag of such attacks by doubling-back. As players can also jump out of a dash-dance, it can allow players to quickly use SHFFLs and wavedashes. Dash-dancing can also be used in conjunction with low-knockback throws to perform tech-chases, as the action allows players to quickly run in either direction, allowing for quick pursuit of rolling opponents. Characters with long dashing animations, such as Fox, Marth, and Captain Falcon, make the most use of the technique, and proper use of dash-dancing is important in all of their respective metagames. Sheik has the shortest dash, making her dash-dance harder to perform, though this also gives her a faster crouch cancel out of her run in return.

In Super Smash Bros. Brawl

In Brawl, dash-dancing is more difficult to perform, as every character now has a short initial dash animation, and the window for reverse dashes ceases before the animation completes, making it problematic to do consistently. In addition, many throws have increased knockback, which, coupled with Brawl's hitstun cancelling, makes tech-chasing more difficult. Random tripping also interrupts dash-dancing, leaving the player vulnerable should it occur. As a result of these changes, dash-dancing is considerably less useful than it was in Melee and therefore sees little use in competitive play. The technique, however, is important in Sonic's metagame, as it heavily relies on mindgames and punishment to garner KOs.

In Super Smash Bros. 4

Pikachu performing an extended dash-dance in SSB4

In Super Smash Bros. 4, the removal of random tripping allows safer dash-dances than in Brawl. However, no changes have been made to the general length of initial dash animations or the reverse dash window; thus, dash-dances are still difficult to perform as in Brawl and the technique again sees very little use in competitive play.

Extended dash-dancing

To compensate for dash-dancing's continued ineffectiveness, a number of competitive players perform a similar technique known as extended dash-dancing. This maneuver combines fox-trotting and dash-dancing: the player inputs a dash and returns the control stick to a neutral position, and then inputs another dash in the same direction and quickly flicks the control stick in the opposite direction, which causes the character to change directions without going into their turn-around animation. The timing for this varies depending on each character's fox-trot window. In terms of appearance, extended dash-dancing is slower than dash-dancing in Melee; this makes it less versatile while being more difficult to perform due to more frequent inputs and tighter timings, but it is still a useful technique worth considering for players to make the most of their character's mobility. If one is adept with the inputs, mixing up between the two techniques is possible, potentially confusing opponents and pressuring them to approach or dodge.

Extended dash-dancing has varying degrees of usefulness on each character:

  • Several characters, such as Captain Falcon, Lucina/Marth, Little Mac, Roy, Shulk, and Wii Fit Trainer, greatly benefit from extended dash-dancing over alternating fox-trots, as their initial dash cannot be interrupted with another initial dash in the opposite direction, rendering the turn-around animation capable of triggering even at the end of the first initial dash's animation.
  • Some characters, such as Bayonetta, Corrin, Diddy Kong, Fox, Falco, Luigi, Mario, Sheik, and Zero Suit Samus, gain little benefit from extended dash-dancing without frame perfect inputs (which can be supplied by Bidou), as they can simply fox-trot in alternating directions for similar results without any extra effort, due to the lenient interruptibility window after their initial dash. Cloud and Lucario in particular do not gain any realistic benefit from extended dash-dancing over alternating fox-trots regardless of timing, as their dashes have the fastest interruptibility in the game, and the extra inputs required for extended dash-dancing would not be worth the trouble.

See also