Me and my li'l brother own some amiibos as well (he's 11 years old, his skill is above average for a casual, he mains Sonic and Luigi).
amiibo I own
Of course, my favorite girl comes first on the list. So they said "But you want to be a competitive player! And she is s*** in competitive play! Who would like this amiibo that wasn't an amiibo collector or a pervert?" And I told them: "ME BECAUSE SHE'S MY WAIFU AND MY MAIN, YOU GAUDY BIGMOUTHED..." ah well. Her name is "Best Waifu".
amiibo my bro owns
amiibo I want
As much as I hate Kirby, not only my bro likes him (and as such this is his most wanted amiibo), I like his games and I want to buy Kirby: Planet Robobot, just so I can use Smash's copy ability. Though well... I would name him "TimeSweepr".
"I don't need it..." (would name it "GiveErTheD", in reference to Big D)
"I definitely don't need it..." (would name it "Batman")
Although Mega Man is not a character I would use, I love his games. This song also explains my levels of wanting this amiibo. Would name him "Goldie".