Forum:Get rid of all competitive navigation templates?

Forums: Index Watercooler Get rid of all competitive navigation templates?

This is something that has been mentioned before, but was never decided upon. Competitive nav templates (such as Template:Ccsc) serve very little purpose and their grouping is usually loosely based on location of the tournament, crew, etc. We have already decided that individual smashers don't belong on these, but I would like to be rid of them completely. Serpent SKSig.png King 20:18, 27 February 2016 (EST)


  1. I obviously support. Serpent   King 20:18, 27 February 2016 (EST)
  2. I'd be fine with dropping most of them, but I think we could/should keep the ones for various tourney series. (ex. here or here) BaconMaster  20:29, 27 February 2016 (EST)
  3. drop every one except for tournament ones.  Poultry (talk) the Pumpkin Pie 20:49, 27 February 2016 (EST)
  4. Do this asap Those templates annoy me to no end. Disaster Flare   (talk) 20:55, 27 February 2016 (EST)
  5. I don't have a stance on this, but support per everyone else. Ganonmew, The Lovingly Evil Clone 21:34, 27 February 2016 (EST)



For me it depends on one basic question: if you're trying to navigate between competitive Smash topics, how is the most practical way to do it? Let's say someone wanted to look at, say, a) SoCal Smasher pages, b) SoCal tournament pages, and c) SoCal Power Rankings. Right now, the best way to do that is to use multiple categories, which is workable but not necessarily as intuitive as a nav template. On the other hand, as I mentioned in the linked discussion in the OP, the issue becomes deciding notability requirements for a nav template and making sure it doesn't get filled with bloat. It's a tricky call. Miles (talk) 20:46, 27 February 2016 (EST)

Would you at least call it reasonable to drop crews out of the templates? Serpent   King 20:53, 27 February 2016 (EST)
I suppose. That's kind of not my area of concern here. Miles (talk) 21:35, 27 February 2016 (EST)